4 research outputs found
A partially-open inward-facing intermediate conformation of LeuT is associated with Na+ release and substrate transport
- Author
- A Penmatsa
- A Sohail
- A Yamashita
- AM Razavi
- B Webb
- CB Billesbolle
- CB Billesbolle
- CJ Loland
- F Qin
- G Haran
- G Khelashvili
- GE Torres
- H Krishnamurthy
- H Krishnamurthy
- I Smirnova
- JA Coleman
- JW Meent van de
- K Kazmier
- K Kazmier
- L Iversen
- L Malinauskaite
- L Shi
- LR Forrest
- M Gur
- M Quick
- MA Cuendet
- MF Juette
- MF Juette
- MH Cheng
- ML Nasr
- MV LeVine
- N Akyuz
- O Jardetzky
- QS Zheng
- R Roy
- S Adhikary
- S Lata
- S Mondal
- S Stolzenberg
- S Stolzenberg
- S Tavoulari
- SA Shaikh
- SG Amara
- SK Singh
- Y Zhao
- Y Zhao
- Y Zhao
- YG Shi
- Z Freyberg
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
X-ray structure of LeuT in an inward-facing occluded conformation reveals mechanism of substrate release
- Author
- A Penmatsa
- A Penmatsa
- A Penmatsa
- A Penmatsa
- A Sali
- A Sohail
- A Yamashita
- AJ McCoy
- AK Nielsen
- AM Razavi
- AM Razavi
- AS Kristensen
- C Zhao
- CB Billesbolle
- CB Billesbolle
- CJ Loland
- DS Terry
- E Hellsberg
- E Zomot
- F Qin
- F Qin
- G Khelashvili
- G Khelashvili
- G Perez-Hernandez
- GE Torres
- GG Gregorio
- H Krishnamurthy
- IR Moller
- J Foadi
- JA Coleman
- JA Coleman
- JC Phillips
- K Kazmier
- K Kazmier
- L Malinauskaite
- L Malinauskaite
- L Shi
- LR Forrest
- M Quick
- M Quick
- MD Winn
- MF Juette
- MH Cheng
- MH Cheng
- MH Olsson
- MH Saier Jr.
- MJ Harvey
- MV LeVine
- MV LeVine
- MV LeVine
- NA Baker
- O Jardetzky
- P Emsley
- PD Adams
- PS Merkle
- RT Kidmose
- S Adhikary
- S Broer
- S Lata
- S Tavoulari
- SA Shaikh
- SK Singh
- T Sorkina
- U Essmann
- U Gether
- W Humphrey
- W Kabsch
- Y Zhao
- Y Zhao
- YW Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Transition metal ion FRET uncovers K+ regulation of a neurotransmitter/sodium symporter
- Author
- A Penmatsa
- A Penmatsa
- A Yamashita
- AS Kristensen
- BM Stinson
- CB Billesbolle
- CJ Loland
- CJ Loland
- CJ Loland
- CL Piscitelli
- DJ Wyllie
- DP Claxton
- DP Claxton
- E Zomot
- ER Geertsma
- G Hertting
- G Rudnick
- H Krishnamurthy
- H Wang
- J Kniazeff
- J Kniazeff
- JA Coleman
- JW Taraska
- JW Taraska
- K Kazmier
- K Kazmier
- K Schicker
- KH Wang
- L Malinauskaite
- L Shi
- LD Simmler
- LR Forrest
- LR Forrest
- MC Puljung
- MH Saier Jr
- P Mitchell
- PJ Hamilton
- PJ Nelson
- PJ Nelson
- S Stolzenberg
- S Tavoulari
- SG Amara
- SR Keyes
- T Beuming
- U Gether
- X Yu
- Y Zhao
- Y Zhao
- Y Zhao
- Y Zhao
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Environment Shapes the Inner Vestibule of LeuT
- Author
- A Penmatsa
- A Penmatsa
- A Yamashita
- AM Jorgensen
- AS Kristensen
- Avner Schlessinger
- Azmat Sohail
- B Hess
- B Roux
- BA Merchant
- BM Kroncke
- C Trotschel
- C Zhao
- CB Billesbolle
- CL Piscitelli
- CL Piscitelli
- Claus J. Loland
- CS Patlak
- DA Caplan
- DP Claxton
- E Zomot
- F Amat-Guerri
- G Bussi
- G Khelashvili
- GA Kaminski
- H Jerabek
- H Krishnamurthy
- H Yu
- Harald H. Sitte
- HJC Berendsen
- J Grouleff
- J Grouleff
- J Simonin
- JR Thomas
- K Kazmier
- Kamil Gotfryd
- KH Wang
- Klaus T. Wanner
- Kumaresan Jayaraman
- L Celik
- L Shi
- L Shi
- M Gur
- MA Marti-Renom
- Markus Daerr
- MH Cheng
- MH Cheng
- Michael Freissmuth
- MY Shen
- O Berger
- O Jardetzky
- PC Gedeon
- PR Selvin
- PR Selvin
- RS Cantor
- RS Cantor
- S Kumar
- S Miyamoto
- S Mondal
- S Pronk
- S Tavoulari
- S Tavoulari
- SA Shaikh
- Santhoshkannan Venkatesan
- SK Singh
- SM Islam
- SY Noskov
- SY Noskov
- T Darden
- T Stockner
- Thomas Stockner
- Ulrik Gether
- W Sandtner
- Walter Sandtner
- Y Zhao
- Y Zhao
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study