275 research outputs found

    Su "L'economia politica in Italia dal Cinquecento ai nostri giorni" di Riccardo Faucci

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    This is a review-article on a book on the history of political economy in Italy from the 16th century up today, written by Riccardo Faucci, a known Italian historian of economic thought

    Neoliberalism Under Debate

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    The neoliberal economic and political practice is still worldwide present. But deregulation is no longer very popular. New rules are imposed. Easy consumer credit and excessive issues of financial liabilities are recognized as directly responsible for the crisis. Neoliberal policies ultimately failed to encourage investment, to strengthen productivity and to promote diversification. They did not induce higher economic growth and increased financial stability. They did not succeed in reducing poverty, exploitation and inequalities, in relieving public debt, in lowering the volatility of international capital flows and in sustaining the environment. Almost unbelievably, however, they were able to survive these misadventures. They simply changed their name, from conservatives to libertarians, which sounds much better, and carried on. During the global crisis, merchant banks, insurance companies and big corporations with financial difficulties asked everywhere for state support. And they got it. Bailouts became the norm, bankruptcies were reduced to sporadic exceptions

    Sullo statuto teorico dell'offerta di moneta: un dibattito con Augusto Graziani

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    In this article the debate between Prof. Augusto Graziani and the author on the monetary theory of production is carried further on. The main purpose of the paper is to delineate - along Keynesian lines and in opposition to the theory of the credit money circuit - a consistent and realistic view of the nature of the supply of money, general enough to embrace as limit-cases both a strictly endogenous and a strictly exogenous money supply. The interdependence of the supply and demand for money is explicitely recognized, as well as the central bank ability to control in the short term either the money supply or its supply price

    La teoria monetaria di Keynes e i teorici del circuito: a proposito di un libro di Augusto Graziani

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    In this article the Author reviews a recent book by Prof. Augusto Graziani on the monetary theory of production. It is maintained that, in spite of its Keynesian title, the book is not really Keynesian in character and provides a rather controversial picture of Keynes' views on the working of a monetary economy. The paper has a twofold purpose, as it is intended to be both a contribution to a critical assessment of the theories of the "monetary circuit" and an appraisal of Prof. Graziani's interpretation of the historical development of Keynes' monetary thought

    On the theory of capital in post-industrial societies

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    This is an analysis of the present unsatisfactory state of the theory of capital and a proposal to reformulate this theory in line with some neglected late-Marxian views on the subject and in the light of the passage of capitalism from the industrial to a post-industrial era characterized by the dominance of speculative finance. The author’s aim is to provide a better integration of the theory of capital with those of money and finance. Attention is focused on a Marxian price index, the monetary expression of labour value, MEV, which accounts for both explicit and implicit cost components and, differently from MELT, does not consider only the money value of living labour time

    On the closure of the monetary circuit

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    Il corporativismo nel pensiero economico italiano: una rilettura critica

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    The paper deals with the problem of the critical appraisal of the economic theory of fascist corporatism and of the place such doctrine should be allowed in the history of Italian economic thought. The ideological, political and economic beliefs of the various tendencies of corporatism are discussed and compared, in the light of both the historical conditions of the country and the theoretical knowledge of the Thirties. The direct link of continuity fascists claimed on ethical grounds between corporatism and an important part of the Italian tradition of economic thought is questioned and denied. But no attempt is made to represent corporatism as a purely extemporary and inconsistent historical project. One of the conclusions of the paper is that corporatism was neither a "historical error" (a simple parenthesis in the intellectual history of modern Italy) nor a "mystification" aiming at the unconfessed protection of vested interests. It was, rather, an attempt to reconcile an obsolete theoretical framework with the emergence of new social and political instances, made un

    Sul rapporto tra teoria e storia economica

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    This is an essay on the nature of political economy as a theoretical and historical subject, and on the refusal of the neoclassical myth of a 'pure' economic science, in Claudio Napoleoni's thought

    Sul rapporto tra teoria e storia economica

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    This is an essay on the nature of political economy as a theoretical and historical subject, and on the refusal of the neoclassical myth of a 'pure' economic science, in Claudio Napoleoni's thought
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