430 research outputs found

    Avaliação sensorial de doce em massa do fruto do imbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa, Arruda).

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo produzir e testar a aceitação de dois tipos de doces em massa, preparados com os frutos do imbuzeiro

    Relative expression of CRy10 in GM cotton lines resistant to boll weevil.

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    Boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) is a serious pest of cotton crop in several parts of world. The control is done by synthetic pesticides that increase the management costs. Embrapa coordinates an important research involving development of GM cotton resistant to boll weevil, by genetic transformation. Seven line (T0-8H) containing a Btcry 10 have been identified by feeding bioassays and ELISA, which showed reasonable toxicity against adult boll weevils. In this work, these lines were used in order to estimate the presence and relative expression of cry 10 by PCR and RT-qPCR, respectively, from young buds of 50d-plants. RT-qPCR assays were performed, by using Syber Green Rox Plus Master Mix 2X (LGC). Three endogenous cotton gene (GhACT, GhUBQ14 and GhPP2A) were used as a standard control. At first, 95°C/15 min and 40 cycles of 95°C/ 20 sec, 60°C/ 20 sec and 72°C/ 20 sec. Then, a curve of denaturation (melting curve) was performed after conclusion of amplification, at 95°C/15 sec, 60°C/15 sec, rising 2°/min until reaching 95°C. All reactions were carried out with experimental and biological replications. The threshold cycle (Ct) and PCR efficiency was estimated by Real-time PCR Miner program. The analyses were performed by using qBASEPlus program. Graphics, Cqs and Melt curve were automatically generated, based on the normalization method with a reference gene, ??Cq. Varied levels of expression were found in GM lines, too low in 8H-269 and 8H-357, mid in 8H-282 and 8H-346 and high in 8H- 336 (14x). These data agreed with previous results obtained by ELISA assays. Eleven lines derivate from 8H-336 (T1) were analyzed by PCR assays with genomic DNA, using 2 primer combinations. More than 50% showed amplicons confirming the presence of gene in selected lines. Taking in account that a reasonable level of resistance should overcoming 2 ug of protein/g tissue, we suggested that 8H-366 is the best genotype for control the cotton boll weevil. This material will be further advanced for entomological assays with larvae and adults of boll weevil

    Caracterização morfológica dos solos do centro de treinamento do Instituto Regional da Pequena Agropecuária Apropriada - IRPAA.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial dos solos do centro de treinamento do Instituto Regional da Pequena Agropecuária Apropriada - IRPA, em Juazeiro, na Bahia, tomando-se como base a caracterização morfológica dos mesmos.Resumo 855

    Histochemical Evaluation of Human Prostatic Tissues with Cratylia mollis Seed Lectin

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    Lectins, proteins which selectively recognize carbohydrates, have been used in histochemistry for the evaluation of changes in glycosylation in processes of cellular differentiation and/or dedifferentiation. Cratylia mollis seed lectins (Cramoll 1,4 and Cramoll 3), conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, were used as histochemical probes in human prostate tissues: normal (NP), hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate carcinoma (PCa). The staining pattern of Con-A and Cramoll 1,4 in BPH was more intense than in NP. These lectins also showed staining differences between BPH and PCa; the latter showing decreased staining intensity with an increased degree of malignancy. PNA and Cramoll 3 stained epithelial cells similarly in all diagnoses although they did present intense staining of PCa glands lumen. Corpora amylacea were not differentially recognized by any of the lectins. Cramoll 1,4 and Cramoll 3 seed lectins present themselves as candidates for histochemical probes for prostate pathologies when compared to commercial lectins such as Con-A and PNA

    Environmental characteristics, nutritional and executive functions in children of 6 to 7 years.

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    This study aimed to analyze the socio-environmental characteristics, executive and nutritional functions in children aged 6 to 7 years, from public schools in Alagoas, Brazil. A quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed involving 64 children of the mentioned age group, from public schools located in Alagoas: Maceió, on the coast; Major Isidoro, in the hinterland and Palmeira dos Índios, in the country. Such analyzes were made through the application of neuropsychological tests and anthropometric assessment with children and food and socio-environmental surveys with their parents. As for the type of housing, 100% were made of masonry, with a bathroom present in 98.4%. All children reported with the habit of bathing in the river / lagoon, presented some pathology. There was no significant difference between cities in terms of the sociodemographic characteristics evaluated, with the same result occurring with the factors associated with the occurrence of diseases in children. The subtests of WISC-IV, were below the average in all municipalities, and the TAC and SCC were classified within the average. However, even though the ranking were divided between below average and average, it is possible to identify from the subtests of WISC-IV, that the general IQ showed a cognitive level below the average. There was also no significant difference in the anthropometric assessment (weight, height, BMI and IMCI) between the evaluated students. The average weight was 23.3 kg to 25 kg, the height between 1.23 m to 1.24 m, the BMI between 16.4 to 17; the IMCI from 2.8 to 3.0. Children were classified within the average. Regarding micronutrients (Ca, Fe, K, Mg and Na, and vitamins A, C, D, B1, B9 and B12) and calories, there was also no significant difference between the cities evaluated. The same occurred with macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids). This study showed that in general there was no difference between the students of the three municipalities. Probably, even though they are all public schools and from different cities, children have similar social conditions