247 research outputs found

    Considerazioni critiche sulla nozione di integrazione dei migranti

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    Il tema dell'integrazione dei migranti e dei rifugiati rappresenta una rilevante emergenza sociale e formativa del nostro tempo. Tale questione impone una riflessione critica sulla nozione di integrazione sociale. Lo studio delle forme di inclusione dei migranti nella società impone, infatti, di "ribaltare" la questione dell'integrazione sociale, che viene solitamente declinata "a senso unico" in prospettiva assimilazionista come semplice inserimento, e rappresenta la cartina di tornasole per comprendere quale risposta si è in grado di offrire di fronte a quei processi globali che causano la dissoluzione, la disgregazione sociale e l'impoverimento di intere aree del pianeta

    Challenging Interculturalism: The Inclusion of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Italy

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    Albeit through contradictory policies, Italy has adopted an intercultural approach for the management of cultural diversity. The recent significant increase in the number of refugees arriving in Italy deeply challenges this paradigm. There are 93,000 people in Italy today who have been forced to leave their country of origin due to persecution, war or violations of human rights. Although many of them would prefer to get to northern Europe, under the current legislation they cannot choose the country in Europe in which to settle and they are often obliged to remain in a country they have not chosen as their final destination. Analysing some key elements of Italian intercultural policies, this paper highlights critical issues surrounding the inclusion of asylum seekers and refugees in the Italian context in which inadequate responses to the complex needs of this particularly vulnerable population have been shown. Finally, concluding implications include the issue of the inclusion of refugees for an intercultural approach able to offer opportunities of interaction and integration in the Italian context are presented

    Intercultural Mediation as a strategy to facilitate relations between the School and Immigrant Families

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    The contribution focuses on the role of intercultural mediator as a facilitator of relationships between the school and immigrant families.The perspective of interculturalism in schools represents the political and educational response to the challenges of the multicultural society. In this task, strategies of intercultural mediation have been adopted in the schools in order to develop links and promote effective relationships between people from different cultures.In particular, an intercultural mediator (also called a ‘community interpreter’ or a ‘cultural linguistic’ or ‘cross-cultural mediator’ in certain contexts) is an operator in charge of facilitating communication between individuals, families, and community as part of measures to promote and facilitate the social inclusion of immigrants. As a mediator between immigrants and the society of reception, he/she promotes the removal of cultural and language barriers, the development of a culture of openness, inclusion and the advocacy of rights, and observance of the duties of citizenship. Moreover he/she facilitates the expression of immigrants’ needs on the one hand, and the characteristics, resources, and constraints of the welfare system on the other.Finally some key results of quantitative research in Italy are presented with regard to biographical and professional experience of intercultural mediators active in the Italian school system

    Smart Homes Infrastructures and Interactions (SHII 2009)

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    La pedagogia della nonviolenza di Aldo Capitini

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    The article focuses on Aldo Capitini’s nonviolence pedagogical theory, highlighting that such a proposal does not involve the mere absence of violence; instead, it implies a form of struggle, a way and a commitment of transforming reality: a nonviolence from which it must necessarily rise a path of “liberation” from exclusion, marginality and violence.In this perspective, peace can’t be built up only by refusing of co-operating in war, but also day by day through education.As a result, dealing with the thought of Aldo Capitini – and with educative experiences he promoted – allows to find an idea that education is, above all, an activity of acquiring knowledge as “skill of changing”.L’articolo approfondisce la pedagogia della nonviolenza di Aldo Capitini, evidenziando come tale proposta non si traduca nella semplice assenza di violenza, ma implichi piuttosto una modalitàe un impegno trasformativo della realtà: una nonviolenza dalla quale deve necessariamente scaturire un percorso di “liberazione” dall’esclusione, dalla marginalità, dalla violenza.In questa prospettiva, la pace non si costruisce solo attraverso il rifiuto di cooperare alla preparazione e all’esecuzione della guerra, propugnando il disarmo e la resistenza nonviolenta, ma anche mediante fondamentali azioni educative.Confrontarsi con il pensiero di Aldo Capitini – e con le esperienze educative che egli ha promosso – consente allora di ritrovare un’idea di educazione che sia attività di acquisizione di un sapere inteso, soprattutto, come “competenza per il cambiamento”
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