23 research outputs found

    Edificio de oficinas, en Madrid

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    This office building was designed according to a module of 1.60 X 1.60 m, to allow for maximum flexibility in its distribution and optimum adaptation to possible future changes in the internal organisation. The structure is metallic; the external walls are in brick or glass, depending on the zone, and both the internal and external treatment have been wisely chosen in order to follow the two basic principles of functionality and comfort. This building, besides containing the main offices of the Spanish Society of Touring Cars in Madrid, also provides room for a lecture hall, an automobile exhibition hall and a department of electronic computing.<br><br>Este edificio para oficinas fue proyectado según un módulo de 1,60 x 1,60 m, de tal manera que admitiese la máxima flexibilidad en su distribución y se adaptase a todos los cambios de organización que pudieran presentarse en el futuro. La estructura es metálica; los cerramientos, de ladrillo visto y cristal, según conviene a cada zona; y en su composición y tratamientos exterior e interior se han aunado sabiamente los dos principios básicos de representatividad y confort exigidos. Además de alojar las oficinas centrales de la Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo en Madrid, como elementos singulares dispone de: salón de actos, exposición de automóviles y servicio de ordenador electrónico

    Streamlined computational pipeline for genetic background characterization of genetically engineered mice based on next generation sequencing data

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    Abstract Background Genetically engineered mice (GEM) are essential tools for understanding gene function and disease modeling. Historically, gene targeting was first done in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derived from the 129 family of inbred strains, leading to a mixed background or congenic mice when crossed with C57BL/6 mice. Depending on the number of backcrosses and breeding strategies, genomic segments from 129-derived ESCs can be introgressed into the C57BL/6 genome, establishing a unique genetic makeup that needs characterization in order to obtain valid conclusions from experiments using GEM lines. Currently, SNP genotyping is used to detect the extent of 129-derived ESC genome introgression into C57BL/6 recipients; however, it fails to detect novel/rare variants. Results Here, we present a computational pipeline implemented in the Galaxy platform and in BASH/R script to determine genetic introgression of GEM using next generation sequencing data (NGS), such as whole genome sequencing (WGS), whole exome sequencing (WES) and RNA-Seq. The pipeline includes strategies to uncover variants linked to a targeted locus, genome-wide variant visualization, and the identification of potential modifier genes. Although these methods apply to congenic mice, they can also be used to describe variants fixed by genetic drift. As a proof of principle, we analyzed publicly available RNA-Seq data from five congenic knockout (KO) lines and our own RNA-Seq data from the Sall2 KO line. Additionally, we performed target validation using several genetics approaches. Conclusions We revealed the impact of the 129-derived ESC genome introgression on gene expression, predicted potential modifier genes, and identified potential phenotypic interference in KO lines. Our results demonstrate that our new approach is an effective method to determine genetic introgression of GEM

    Biodiversidad de la sierra de La Macarena, Meta, Colombia. Parte I. Ríos Guayabero medio, bajo Losada y bajo Duda

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    Resultados parciales de los Convenios de Cooperación suscritos entre el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt y la Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Área de Manejo Especial de La Macarena-Cormacarena (N° 18-096 y 17-194 Instituto Humboldt) y PE.GDE. del 2018 y PE.GDE. del 2017 Cormacarena), correspondientes a la “Evaluación de la biodiversidad acuática del río Guayabero, sierra de La Macarena, Meta. Fases I y II”