19,910 research outputs found

    Toward a test of angular momentum coherence in a twin-atom interferometer

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    We present a scheme well-suited to investigate quantitatively the angular momentum coherence of molecular fragments. Assuming that the dissociated molecule has a null total angular momentum, we investigate the propagation of the corresponding atomic fragments in the apparatus. We show that the envisioned interferometer enables one to distinguish unambiguously a spin-coherent from a spin-incoherent dissociation, as well as to estimate the purity of the angular momentum density matrix associated with the fragments. This setup, which may be seen as an atomic analogue of a twin-photon interferometer, can be used to investigate the suitability of molecule dissociation processes -- such as the metastable hydrogen atoms H(22S2^2 S)-H(22S2^2 S) dissociation - for coherent twin-atom optics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 Figures. Final version accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Efeito da exploração florestal de impacto reduzido sobre a regeneração natural em uma floresta densa de terra firme no município de Paragominas na Amazônia brasileira.

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    O estudo foi motivado pela escassez de informações sobre a sustentabilidade ecológica da exploração de florestas naturais, em áreas diretamente afetadas pela exploração. O objetivo foi verificar se há diferença florística entre a floresta não-explorada e áreas diretamente afetadas pela exploração, e entre anos pós-exploração, e averiguar a capacidade de recuperação natural da floresta, quanto à estrutura e composição florística anteriores à exploração. Avaliou-se a regeneração natural em três áreas exploradas em diferentes ocasiões (2000, 2003 e 2006), no período de sete anos, na Fazenda Rio Capim, no município de Paragominas, Pará. Os dados foram coletados em clareiras, ramais de arraste primário e secundário, pátio de estocagem e floresta remanescente da exploração, considerando indivíduos entre 2,5 e 10,0 cm de diâmetro. Calculou-se a abundância, índice de diversidade, equitabilidade, similaridade florística. No período de até sete anos após a exploração florestal de impacto reduzido, ocorreram marcantes alterações na composição florística e na abundância de indivíduos com DAP de 2,5-10,0 cm, principalmente nos ramais principais e pátios. Na floresta remanescente, a dinâmica, tanto de espécies quanto de indivíduos, ocorreu mais com espécies tolerantes à sombra, porém nas clareiras, ramais e pátios predominaram as espécies pioneiras. Nos pátios e nos ramais de arraste, o desenvolvimento das plantas foi muito baixo, não permitindo alta abundância de indivíduos com DAP maior que 2,5 cm. A regeneração natural nas áreas abertas pela exploração florestal, embora tenha sofrido influência da floresta remanescente, conta com poucas espécies de alto valor comercial. Portanto, sugere-se que devam ser aplicados tratamentos silviculturais pós-exploratórios para beneficiar mudas de regeneração natural (DAP = 2,5 cm) pré-existentes e sejam realizados enriquecimentos em clareiras para garantir estoque suficiente de espécies comerciais para futuras colheitas

    A combinatorial flow-based formulation for temporal bin packing problems

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    We consider two neighboring generalizations of the classical bin packing problem: the temporal bin packing problem (TBPP) and the temporal bin packing problem with fire-ups (TBPP-FU). In both cases, the task is to arrange a set of given jobs, characterized by a resource consumption and an activity window, on homogeneous servers of limited capacity. To keep operational costs but also energy consumption low, TBPP is concerned with minimizing the number of servers in use, whereas TBPP-FU additionally takes into account the switch-on processes required for their operation. Either way, challenging integer optimization problems are obtained, which can differ significantly from each other despite the seemingly only marginal variation of the problems. In the literature, a branch-and-price method enriched with many preprocessing steps (for TBPP) and compact formulations (for TBPP-FU), benefiting from numerous reduction methods, have emerged as, currently, the most promising solution methods. In this paper, we introduce, in a sense, a unified solution framework for both problems (and, in fact, a wide variety of further interval scheduling applications) based on graph theory. Any scientific contributions in this direction failed so far because of the exponential size of the associated networks. The approach we present in this article does not change the theoretical exponentiality itself, but it can make it controllable by clever construction of the resulting graphs. In particular, for the first time all classical benchmark instances (and even larger ones) for the two problems can be solved – in times that significantly improve those of the previous approaches

    Correlations around an interface

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    We compute one-loop correlation functions for the fluctuations of an interface using a field theory model. We obtain them from Feynman diagrams drawn with a propagator which is the inverse of the Hamiltonian of a Poschl-Teller problem. We derive an expression for the propagator in terms of elementary functions, show that it corresponds to the usual spectral sum, and use it to calculate quantities such as the surface tension and interface profile in two and three spatial dimensions. The three-dimensional quantities are rederived in a simple, unified manner, whereas those in two dimensions extend the existing literature, and are applicable to thin films. In addition, we compute the one-loop self-energy, which may be extracted from experiment, or from Monte Carlo simulations. Our results may be applied in various scenarios, which include fluctuations around topological defects in cosmology, supersymmetric domain walls, Z(N) bubbles in QCD, domain walls in magnetic systems, interfaces separating Bose-Einstein condensates, and interfaces in binary liquid mixtures.Comment: RevTeX, 13 pages, 6 figure

    Estrutura de uma floresta de terra firme na região de Marabá-PA: a posição do mogno em relação ás outras espécies da comunidade.

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