1,175 research outputs found

    Propiedades Físicas y Mecánicas de la Madera

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    Exciting polaritons with quantum light

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    We discuss the excitation of polaritons---strongly-coupled states of light and matter---by quantum light, instead of the usual laser or thermal excitation. As one illustration of the new horizons thus opened, we introduce Mollow spectroscopy, a theoretical concept for a spectroscopic technique that consists in scanning the output of resonance fluorescence onto an optical target, from which weak nonlinearities can be read with high precision even in strongly dissipative environments.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Somatic embryo germination and plant regeneration of three grapevine cvs: Effect of IAA, GA3 and embryo morphology

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    Plant regeneration was achieved using somatic embryos obtained from the Vitis vinifera cvs Sugraone, Crimson Seedless and Don Mariano. White somatic embryos, 1.5-3 mm in length, were cultured on embryo germination medium with or without IAA (10 μM) + GA3 (1 μM). Germinated embryos showed 5 different morphologies, (1) one cotyledon, (2) two cotyledons, (3) three cotyledons, (4) trumpet-like and (5) fused cotyledons before transfer to half strength MS medium to obtain plants. The conversion rate was higher when somatic embryos were germinated in culture medium with IAA and GA3. Embryo morphology also had an effect on plant regeneration, somatic embryos with developed cotyledons (one, two or three) showing a higher conversion rate (57.8-70.2 %) than those with abnormal or no cotyledons (36.2-36.3 %).

    Influence of Baseline Fluctuation Cancellation on Automatic Measurement of Motor Unit Action Potential Duration

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    The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of a method for baseline fluctuation (BLF) cancellation for electromyographic (EMG) signals on automatic methods for measurement of the motor unit action potential (MUAP) duration. These methods include four conventional automatic methods (CAMs) and a recently published wavelet transform method (WTM). A set of 182 MUAPs from 170 EMG recordings were studied. The CAMs and the WTM were applied to the MUAPs before and after applying BLF cancellation to the recordings. A gold standard of duration marker positions (GSP) ws manually established. The accuracy of each algorithm was estimated as the dfference between its positions and the GSP. Accuracies were compared for the 5 methods and for each method before and after BLF cancellation. A significant difference between accuracy pre- and post-BLF removal was found in two CAMs; markers were closer to the GSP after BLF removal. For all MUAPs, the differences between WTM markers and the GSP were the smallest, and significant differences were not found for the WTM before and after BLF cancellation. The management of BLF is an important issue in EMG signal processing and BLF removal must be considered in extraction and analyse of MUAP waveforms. The BLF removal method improved the performance of two CAMs for MUAP duration measurement. The WTM was the most accurate and was not affected by BLF.

    Local null controllability of the N-dimensional Navier-Stokes system with N-1 scalar controls in an arbitrary control domain

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    In this paper we deal with the local null controllability of the N-dimensional Navier-Stokes system with internal controls having one vanishing component. The novelty of this work is that no condition is imposed on the control domain

    Improvement and application of a methodology to perform the Global Energy Balance in internal combustion engines. Part 1: Global Energy Balance tool development and calibration

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    [EN] The increasingly stringent internal combustion engines emissions regulations, has led to the extended use of after-treatment systems, giving progressively more importance to the engine efficiency optimization. In this framework, the combined modelling and experimental methodologies to perform and analyse the energy balance are key to evaluate the potential of different engine strategies aimed at the consumption optimization and the identification of the improvement paths. This work has been divided into two parts, dealing separately with the development and application of a Global Energy Balance tool. This article corresponds to the first part, which comprises the description of the models required to perform a detailed energy balance and the calibration methodologies followed to achieve accurate energy terms estimation. The models are calibrated based on experimental information, thus, a thermodynamic analysis aimed at defining comparable quantities between experimental and modelled terms is performed. The uncertainty analysis of the tool shows a deviation in the determination of the heat transfer to the coolant and the oil of about ±2%, and in terms of fuel energy about ±1%.This work was partially funded by the Government of Spain through Project TRA2013-41348-R. In addition, the authors acknowledge that some equipment used in this work has been partially supported by FEDER project funds (FEDER-ICTS-2012-06), framed in the operational program of unique scientific and technical infrastructure of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain.López, JJ.; Payri, F.; Martín, J.; Carreño-Arango, R. (2018). Improvement and application of a methodology to perform the Global Energy Balance in internal combustion engines. Part 1: Global Energy Balance tool development and calibration. Energy. 152:666-681. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2018.03.118S66668115

    High embryogenic ability and plant regeneration of table grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) induced by activated charcoal

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    Somatic embryos and plants from immature anthers or ovaries were obtained from the Vitis vinifera cvs Sugraone, Crimson Seedless, Italia and Don Mariano. Explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (4, 7 or 10 μM) and 6-benzyladenine (0.7, 1 or 1.3 μM) for callus induction. Callus frequency depended on genotype, explant type and the culture medium used. Calli were transferred to half strength MS without growth regulators for embryo differentiation. The presence of activated charcoal (AC, 0.25 %) in this medium was essential to obtain somatic embryos in the case of Crimson Seedless, Italia and Don Mariano and to increase the frequency of embryogenic calli in Sugraone (from 5.8 % without AC to 99.5 % with AC). Ovaries and anthers showed different degrees of embryogenic competence. When somatic embryos were placed in a medium with indole-3-acetic acid (10 μM), gibberellic acid (1 μM) and 0.25 % AC, embryo germination was normal, i.e. embryos turned green, the hypocotyls and cotyledons started to grow and the apical root axis developed. The percentage of germinated embryos was 100 % for Sugraone and 27.5 %, 38.1 % and 54.5 % for Don Mariano, Italia and Crimson Seedless, respectively. When the germinated embryos were transferred to half strength MS medium in test tubes, 100 % of Crimson, Italia and Don Mariano and 68.3 % of Sugraone embryos developed into normal plants.

    RG Flows and Stability in Defect Field Theories

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    We investigate defects in scalar field theories in four and six dimensions in a double-scaling (semiclassical) limit, where bulk loops are suppressed and quantum effects come from the defect coupling. We compute β\beta -functions up to four loops and find that fixed points satisfy dimensional disentanglement -- i.e. their dependence on the space dimension is factorized from the coupling dependence -- and discuss some physical implications. We also give an alternative derivation of the β\beta functions by computing systematic logarithmic corrections to the Coulomb potential. In this natural scheme, β\beta functions turn out to be a gradient of a `Hamiltonian' function H{\cal H}. We also obtain closed formulas for the dimension of scalar operators and show that instabilities do not occur for potentials bounded from below. The same formulas are reproduced using Rigid Holography.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure; v2: added reference