53 research outputs found

    Kapacitet izmjene plinova graha (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) u uvjetima nedostatka hranjiva

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    The lack of plant nutrients is a major problem for agriculture. Because of their essential role in the most important metabolic processes of plants, their deficiency depresses photosynthesis and disrupts the efficient operation of the photosynthetic apparatus. In this study, we investigated the gas exchange of common beans bean under the N, P, K, Mg, and Fe deficiency. The experiment was set up as a hydroponic, fully aerated, floating system in 6 hydroponic tubs. Each hydroponic tub contained 10 plants and was filled with a modified Hoagland nutrient solution. One group of plants was grown in a complete nutrient solution (control), while the other treatments lacked one of the following nutrients: N, P, K, Mg and Fe. During the experiment, gas exchange parameters: net photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were measured. At the end of the experiment, the nutrient content of the plant tissue was determined. Nutrient deficiency significantly affected all measured photosynthetic parameters and visual symptoms indicated that a lack of different nutrients affected the photosynthetic machinery at different points. Potassium deficiency lower stomatal conductance and increased mesophyll resistance to CO2 diffusion and/or RubisCO activity. Nitrogen and Mg deficiency affected chlorophyll synthesis and accelerated leaf senescence. Phosphorus deficiency caused less damage to gas exchange parameters probably due to protective mechanisms of reduced leaf area. Seed Fe content was surplus to sustain photosynthetic machinery during the early developmental phase.Nedostatak biljnih hranjiva je veliki problem za poljoprivredu. Zbog njihove bitne uloge u ključnim metaboličkim procesima biljaka, nedostatak hranjiva smanjuje fotosintezu i remeti učinkoviti rad fotosintetskog sustava. U ovome radu smo mjerili izmjenu plinova kod graha u uvjetima nedostatka N, P, K, Mg i Fe. Pokus je bio postavljen kao hidropon, plutajući sistem u 6 hidroponskih kada. Svaka hidroponska kada sadržavala je 10 biljaka, te je bila ispunjena modificiranom Hoaglandovom hranjivom otopinom. Jedna grupa biljaka je uzgajana u kompletnoj hranjivoj otopini (kontrola), dok je kod drugih tretmana nedostajalo neko određeno hranjivo: N, P, K, Mg ili Fe. Tijekom pokusa mjereni su parametri izmjene plinova: stopa fotosinteze (A), stopa transpiracije (E), provodljivost puči za H2O (gs), te intercelularna koncentracija CO2 (Ci). Pri zavrÅ”etku pokusa određen je sadržaj hranjiva u biljnome materijalu. Nedostatak hranjiva statistički je značajno utjecao na sve izmjerene fotosintetske parametre, a vizualni simptomi ukazuju da nedostatak različitih hranjiva različito utječe na fotosinetski sustav. Nedostatak K smanjuje provodljivost puči i povećava otpor mezofila za difuziju CO2 i/ili RubisCO aktivnost. Nedostatak N i Mg je utjecao na sintezu klorofila i ubrzavao starenje listova. Nedostatak P manje je naÅ”tetio parametrima izmjene plinova vjerojatno zbog zaÅ”titnog mehanizma smanjene povrÅ”ine lista. Sadržaj Fe u sjemenu bio je dovoljan za održavanje fotosintetskog sustava tijekom rane faze razvoja

    Utilization of essential oils in protection of stored grains

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    UskladiÅ”teno sjeme predstavlja jedinstveni ekosustav čije je pozna-vanje od izuzetne važnosti kako bi se sačuvala klijavost i životna sposobnost do ponovne sjetve. Sjeme može biti napadnuto od različitih Å”tetnika i mikroorganizama koji se vrlo često pojavljuju u skladiÅ”tima i negativno utječu na kvalitativna i kvantitativna svojstva. Njihovo suzbijanje danas predstavlja vrlo veliki izazov s obzirom da se sve viÅ”e nastoje koristiti prirodni pripravci poput botaničkih pesticida, umjesto sintetičkih insekticida, koji su već dugi niz godina u upotrebi, a za koje je poznato da negativno djeluju na ljudsko zdravlje i okoliÅ”. Eterična ulja predstavljaju jednu od opcija zaÅ”tite usjeva i alternativu u programima suzbijanja različitih Å”tetočinja uskladiÅ”tenog sjemena, stoga u novije vrijeme dobivaju sve veću važnost. NajviÅ”e su istraživana eterična ulja vrsta iz porodica: Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae, Asteraceae, Rutaceae, Apiaceae i Laureaceae, za koja je dokazano da posjeduju izrazit insekticidni potencijal. Osim insekticidnog djelovanja dokazano je i njihovo virucidno, baktericidno, fungicidno, kao i larvicidno i ovicidno djelovanje. U ovom su radu detaljno opisana eterična ulja, njihove aktivne sastavnice te primjena u zaÅ”titi uskladiÅ”tenog sjemena.Stored grain represents unique ecosystem and preservation of its quality until sowing time is of great importance. It can be damaged by different harmful insects and microorganisms which are very common in storage facilities and have a negative impact on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the seed. Reduction of their populations is a challenge since nowadays there is a great need to use natural components, such as botanical pesticides, instead of synthetic pesticides, which show numerous negative impacts on human health and environment. In recent years essential oils are gaining much attention as an alternative for stored grain pest control. The most investigated essential oils are those isolated from plant families: Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae, Asteraceae, Rutaceae, Apiaceae and Laureaceae, which are known for their significant insecticidal potential. Except insecticidal, they exhibit virucidal, bactericidal, antifungal, as well as larvicidal and ovicidal effects. In this review, essential oils, their active components and possible use in stored grains protection are described in details

    Utilization of essential oils in protection of stored grains

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    UskladiÅ”teno sjeme predstavlja jedinstveni ekosustav čije je pozna-vanje od izuzetne važnosti kako bi se sačuvala klijavost i životna sposobnost do ponovne sjetve. Sjeme može biti napadnuto od različitih Å”tetnika i mikroorganizama koji se vrlo često pojavljuju u skladiÅ”tima i negativno utječu na kvalitativna i kvantitativna svojstva. Njihovo suzbijanje danas predstavlja vrlo veliki izazov s obzirom da se sve viÅ”e nastoje koristiti prirodni pripravci poput botaničkih pesticida, umjesto sintetičkih insekticida, koji su već dugi niz godina u upotrebi, a za koje je poznato da negativno djeluju na ljudsko zdravlje i okoliÅ”. Eterična ulja predstavljaju jednu od opcija zaÅ”tite usjeva i alternativu u programima suzbijanja različitih Å”tetočinja uskladiÅ”tenog sjemena, stoga u novije vrijeme dobivaju sve veću važnost. NajviÅ”e su istraživana eterična ulja vrsta iz porodica: Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae, Asteraceae, Rutaceae, Apiaceae i Laureaceae, za koja je dokazano da posjeduju izrazit insekticidni potencijal. Osim insekticidnog djelovanja dokazano je i njihovo virucidno, baktericidno, fungicidno, kao i larvicidno i ovicidno djelovanje. U ovom su radu detaljno opisana eterična ulja, njihove aktivne sastavnice te primjena u zaÅ”titi uskladiÅ”tenog sjemena.Stored grain represents unique ecosystem and preservation of its quality until sowing time is of great importance. It can be damaged by different harmful insects and microorganisms which are very common in storage facilities and have a negative impact on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the seed. Reduction of their populations is a challenge since nowadays there is a great need to use natural components, such as botanical pesticides, instead of synthetic pesticides, which show numerous negative impacts on human health and environment. In recent years essential oils are gaining much attention as an alternative for stored grain pest control. The most investigated essential oils are those isolated from plant families: Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae, Asteraceae, Rutaceae, Apiaceae and Laureaceae, which are known for their significant insecticidal potential. Except insecticidal, they exhibit virucidal, bactericidal, antifungal, as well as larvicidal and ovicidal effects. In this review, essential oils, their active components and possible use in stored grains protection are described in details

    Synergistic Effects of Combining Morphological and Molecular Data in Resolving the Intraspecific Classification in O. basilicum L.

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    High levels of both morphological and chemical variability exist within the O. basilicum L. species. Long-term traditional uses and wide distribution throughout the world, as well as traditional selection and breeding efforts, have contributed to variability within the species. Morphological traits according to UPOV descriptor list and AFLP markers were utilized to define the extent of existing variation in the species analyzing 24 accessions. Phenotypic dissimilarities between pairs of accessions were calculated and the UPGMA dendrogram was constructed. A number of clearly defined clusters have been detected, giving a good representation of traditional taxonomic relationships. Genetic relationships were determined by Neighbour-Joining cluster analysis based on Diceā€™s distance matrix between accessions. Generally, morphologically similar accessions grouped together and a high congruence between trees was observed. Our analyses revealed a certain degree of correspondence between morphological and molecular data among O. basilicum L. accessions. Both AFLP markers and morphological descriptors can contribute in resolving existing problems concerning intraspecific classification in O. basilicum


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    In this study, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predict the contents of essential macro- and microelements in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions of most widespread Croatian landraces. Total of 175 samples were used for the model development by modified partial least square (MPLS), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square (PLS) techniques. Based on the coefļ¬cients of determination (R2), standard error of calibration (SEC) and error of prediction (SEP) the models developed were (i) nearly applicable for nitrogen (N) (0.89, 0.12 and 0.45 respectively), (ii) poor for iron (Fe), cinc (Zn), potassium oxide (K2O) and potassium (K), (iii) usable for phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), phosphorus (P), phytic acid (PA) and manganese (Mn). The MPLS regression statistics suggested the most accurate models developed comparing with PLS and PCR. It was concluded that a wider set of common bean samples needs to be used for macro- and microelements prediction by NIRS.U ovome je istraživanju koriÅ”tena spektroskopija u bliskome infracrvenom području (NIRS) za procjenu količine esencijalnih makro- i mikroelemenata u uzorcima najčeŔće uzgajanih kultivara graha (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ukupno 175 uzoraka graha koriÅ”teno je za razvoj kalibracije uporabom modificirane metode najmanjih kvadrata (MPLS), metode regresije osnovne komponente (PCR) i metode najmanjih kvadrata (PLS). S obzirom na koeficijent korelacije (R2), standardnu greÅ”ku kalibracije (SEC) i standardnu greÅ”ku procjene (SEP), razvijeni kalibracijski modeli su (i) gotovo primjenjivi za procjenu duÅ”ika (N) (0,89; 0,12 i 0,45), (ii) slabo primjenjivi za procjenu željeza (Fe), cinka (Zn), kalijevog oksida (K2O) i kalija (K) te (iii) upotrebljivi za fosfor pentoksid (P2O5), fosfor (P), fitinsku kiselinu (PA) i mangan (Mn). Najpouzdaniji kalibracijski modeli razvijeni su koriÅ”tenjem regresijskoga modela MPLS u usporedbi s kalibracijskim modelima dobivenim koriÅ”tenjem PLS-a i modelima PCR-a. Zaključeno je da je za procjenu makro- i mikroelemenata spektroskopijom u bliskome infracrvenom području (NIRS) potrebno prikupiti veći broj uzoraka graha Å”irih varijacija istraživanih makro- i mikroelemenata


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    Neven (Calendula officinalis L.) je poznat po svojim ljekovitim svojstvima kao i primjeni u medicinskoj, kemijskoj, kozmetičkoj i prehrambenoj industriji. Prilagođen je umjerenoj klimi te mu je optimalna temperatura klijanja 20 Ā°C. Klijanje sjemena i rani rast sadnica su najosjetljiviji stadiji na abiotske stresove, kao Å”to su nepovoljna temperatura i suÅ”a, a predsjetveni tretmani sjemena pozitivno utječu na svojstva klijavosti ili kvalitetu sjemena i sadnica u stresnim uvjetima. S obzirom da se sjetva nevena obavlja čim se uspostave minimalni uvjeti, a tada temperature i količine oborina mogu biti znatno niže od optimalnih, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj predtretmana na svojstva klijavosti sjemena nevena u uvjetima niskih temperatura i suÅ”e (-0,8 MPa PEG 6000). Laboratorijskim pokusom istražen je utjecaj temperature (14 Ā°C, 18 Ā°C i 22 Ā°C) na klijavost sjemena nevena uz predtretmane dH2O i GA3 (250 ppm) u trajanju od 24 h. Netretirano sjeme je predstavljalo kontrolu. Utvrđeno je da sjeme nevena ne klije u uvjetima suÅ”e bez obzira na predsjetveni tretman i na temperaturu pri kojoj je klijalo. Ni temperatura niti predtretman sjemena ne utječu značajno na broj proklijalih sjemenki nevena, ali utječu na brzinu klijanja.Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) is known for its medicinal properties and is used in the medical, chemical, cosmetic, and food industries. It is adapted to a temperate climate and its optimum germination temperature is 20 Ā°C. Seed germination and early seed ling growth are the most sensitive to abiotic stresses such as unfavourable temperatures and drought, while seed priming has a positive effect on germination properties of seed and seed ling quality under stressful conditions. Since sowing of marigolds is done as soon as the minimum conditions are established, when temperature sand precipitation canbes ignificantly lower than optimal, the aim of this study was to determine the impact of seed priming on the germination properties of marigold seeds under low temperature and drought (-0.8 MPa PEG 6000). The effect of temperature (14 Ā°C, 18 Ā°C, and 22 Ā°C) on germination of marigold seeds with treatments containing dH2O and GA3 (250 ppm) for 24 h was studied under laboratory conditions. Untreated seed represented control. Marigold seeds did not germinate under drought conditions, regard less of seed priming treatments and temperatures. It was also found that neither temperature nor seed priming significantly affected the number of germinated marigold seeds, but did affect the germination rate


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    Mahunarke su glavni izvor biljnih bjelančevina u svijetu stoga zauzimaju važnu ulogu u prehrani ljudi i hranidbi životinja. U Hrvatskoj se zrnate mahunarke pretežno uzgajaju na obiteljskim gospodarstvima na malim povrÅ”inama. Za ljudsku prehranu najviÅ”e se uzgajaju grah (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), graÅ”ak (Pisum sativum L.) i soja (Glycine max L. Merr.), a u manjoj mjeri bob (Vicia faba L.), slanutak (Cicer arietinum L.), leća (Lens culinaris Medik.), sjekirica (Lathyrus sativus L.), lupina (Lupinus spp.) i crnookica (Vigna unguiculata L.). Najvažnije krmne mahunarke su lucerna (Medicago sativa L.) i crvena djetelina (Trifolium pratense L.). Klijanje i dormantnost su složeni procesi sjemena biljaka koji su pod utjecajem gena, biljnih hormona i okoliÅ”nih čimbenika. Klijanje je osnovna karakteristika svakog zdravog sjemena i ono počinje kada su zadovoljeni određeni uvjeti (voda, temperatura, kisik, svjetlost i dr.) te je savladana dormantnost. Mahunarkama je svojstvena fizikalna dormantnost koja je uzrokovana tvrdom, nepropusnom sjemenom ljuskom, koja onemogućuje usvajanje vode i plinova. Kod modernih kultivara zrnatih mahunarki ovo je svojstvo izgubljeno tijekom procesa udomaćenja i oplemenjivanja. Danas je dormantnost tipična za divlje tipove zrnatih mahunarki i za krmne mahunarke, kod kojih je potrebno primijeniti metode skarifikacije ili stratifikacije kako bi se prekinula dormantnost te potaknulo i poboljÅ”alo klijanje.Legumes are of great importance in human nutrition and animal feed as they are a major source of vegetable proteins. In Croatia, grain legumes are mainly grown on family farms in low-system production. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) are the most widely grown while broad bean (Vicia faba L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), lupin (Lupinus spp.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) are grown to a lesser extent. The most common forage legumes in Croatia are alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Germination and dormancy are complex seed characteristics influenced by many genes, hormones and environmental factors. Germination of the healthy seed starts when all the environmental factors are satisfied (water, temperature, oxygen, light, etc.), and it has overcome primary dormancy. Physical dormancy is widespread in legume family and is caused by an impermeable seed coat for water and gases, but has been lost through domestication and breeding. Today, physical dormancy is typical for wild types of grain legumes and for forage legumes. Stratification and scarification methods are useful tools to break down dormancy and improve germination


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    Mahunarke su glavni izvor biljnih bjelančevina u svijetu stoga zauzimaju važnu ulogu u prehrani ljudi i hranidbi životinja. U Hrvatskoj se zrnate mahunarke pretežno uzgajaju na obiteljskim gospodarstvima na malim povrÅ”inama. Za ljudsku prehranu najviÅ”e se uzgajaju grah (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), graÅ”ak (Pisum sativum L.) i soja (Glycine max L. Merr.), a u manjoj mjeri bob (Vicia faba L.), slanutak (Cicer arietinum L.), leća (Lens culinaris Medik.), sjekirica (Lathyrus sativus L.), lupina (Lupinus spp.) i crnookica (Vigna unguiculata L.). Najvažnije krmne mahunarke su lucerna (Medicago sativa L.) i crvena djetelina (Trifolium pratense L.). Klijanje i dormantnost su složeni procesi sjemena biljaka koji su pod utjecajem gena, biljnih hormona i okoliÅ”nih čimbenika. Klijanje je osnovna karakteristika svakog zdravog sjemena i ono počinje kada su zadovoljeni određeni uvjeti (voda, temperatura, kisik, svjetlost i dr.) te je savladana dormantnost. Mahunarkama je svojstvena fizikalna dormantnost koja je uzrokovana tvrdom, nepropusnom sjemenom ljuskom, koja onemogućuje usvajanje vode i plinova. Kod modernih kultivara zrnatih mahunarki ovo je svojstvo izgubljeno tijekom procesa udomaćenja i oplemenjivanja. Danas je dormantnost tipična za divlje tipove zrnatih mahunarki i za krmne mahunarke, kod kojih je potrebno primijeniti metode skarifikacije ili stratifikacije kako bi se prekinula dormantnost te potaknulo i poboljÅ”alo klijanje.Legumes are of great importance in human nutrition and animal feed as they are a major source of vegetable proteins. In Croatia, grain legumes are mainly grown on family farms in low-system production. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) are the most widely grown while broad bean (Vicia faba L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), lupin (Lupinus spp.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) are grown to a lesser extent. The most common forage legumes in Croatia are alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Germination and dormancy are complex seed characteristics influenced by many genes, hormones and environmental factors. Germination of the healthy seed starts when all the environmental factors are satisfied (water, temperature, oxygen, light, etc.), and it has overcome primary dormancy. Physical dormancy is widespread in legume family and is caused by an impermeable seed coat for water and gases, but has been lost through domestication and breeding. Today, physical dormancy is typical for wild types of grain legumes and for forage legumes. Stratification and scarification methods are useful tools to break down dormancy and improve germination

    Phenotypic Diversity among Croatian Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Landraces

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    Phenotypic diversity among Croatian common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces was assessed by analysing 12 qualitative and six quantitative traits in 338 accessions collected from all production areas in Croatia. Out of 12 qualitative morphological traits, seed coat colour was the most polymorphic among accessions having the highest Shannonā€™s information index and discriminating power. Out of six quantitative traits, the highest coefficient of variation was detected in duration of flowering. A weak correlation was found between distance matrices among accessions based on qualitative and quantitative traits

    New Age of Common Bean

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    Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a plant with high nutritional value that occupies an important place in human nutrition worldwide. Its yields vary widely and are often below the genetic potential of the species, given the diversity of cropping systems and climatic changes. Common bean landraces are a source of great genetic variability and provide excellent material for the selection and improvement of numerous agronomic traits and the creation of modern cultivars. It is also important to use high quality seed of high-yielding cultivars in production, because in common bean, in addition to yield and resistance to abiotic and biotic stress factors, traits such as nutritional value and digestibility are also the focus of interest. The success of common bean production depends to a large extent on the quality of the seed, the production approach and new breeding programs
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