279 research outputs found

    Esforço concentrado.

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    Praga quarentenária, a traça da maçã (Cydia pomonella) é responsável por entraves comerciais que extrapolam os danos diretos à produtividade. Mesmo restrito a algumas áreas urbanas do Sul do Brasil, o inseto exige monitoramento rigoroso e sua erradicação é uma busca necessária para que o país possa manter e conquistar novos mercados na exportação de frutas.bitstream/item/200929/1/14208-2012-p.30-e-32.pd

    Monitoramento do nematoide-das-galhas em quivi no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Cydia pomonella, the first eradicated pest in Brazil.

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    Cydia pomonella is the most important apple and pear pest in the main producing areas of the world. In Brazil, C. pomonella was detected for the first time in 1991, and the specimen captured was identified by Dr. Vitor Becker. With the detection of this specimen in the urban area of Vacaria ? RS, Brazil, the monitoring was intensified in all the Brazilian temperate fruit producing region. The monitoring included urban and commercial areas in the producing region, as well as urban areas in the route of apple transport from Argentina and Chile into Brazil. Traps were also installed in the CEASAS of the Southern Region in Brazil. The first year of full monitoring was in the 1997/98 season, when around 22,500 males were captured in the urban areas of Bom Jesus, Caxias do Sul, and Vacaria, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and in Lages (Santa Catarina). Considering the severity of the infestation, a National Committee was created, composed of representatives from governmental agencies and grower associations, defining the population suppression program through the installation of panels with insecticide and sexual pheromones (i.e. attract-and-kill system). Due to the costs and delay in the registration of the attract-and-kill system, the suppression program was suspended. In July of 2002, the Committee decided for the eradication of the host plants in the infested urban areas, with the removal directed to the points of greater population density. During the eradication program, around 95,000 host plants were removed and replaced with non-host plants. With the removal of hosts, there was a decline in the captures, culminating with the capture of the last C. pomonella in Brazil in November of 2011. Based on the results of the program, on 5 May 2014, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply officially declared the eradication of C. pomonella in Brazil. This was registered through the Normative Instruction no. 10

    Pharmaceutical industry, drug quality and regulation: evidence from US and Italy

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    This paper examines the relationship between drug price and drug quality and how it varies across two of the most common regulatory regimes in the pharmaceu-tical market: Minimum Efficacy Standards (MES) and a mix of Minimum Efficacy Standards and Price Controls mechanisms (MES+PC). Through a simple model of adverse selection we model the interaction between firm heterogenous buyers and the regulator. Buyers ’ heterogeneity stems from differences in the willingness-to-pay for drug quality, measured through ex-post efficacy. The theoretical analysis provides two main results. First, MES regime provides higher incentive to produce high quality drugs. Second, the regulatory MES+PC mix reduces the difference in terms of high-low quality drug prices and that. The empirical analysis based on Italian and US data corroborates these results

    Cronología radiocarbónica en paleoambientes del Pleistoceno tardío y Holoceno de la Pampa Deprimida, provincia de Buenos Aires

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    En la Pampa Deprimida de la provincia de Buenos Aires, se pueden diferenciar dos regiones: la continental y la planicie marina costera. En ambas se observan rasgos geomorfológicos y secuencias sedimentarias que conservan evidencias de las condiciones climáticas bajo las cuales se han generado. En momentos de morfogénesis –en la llanura de inundación del río Salado- se depositaron unidades litoestratigráficas en forma de sedimentos fluvio-lacustres con edades radiocarbónicas entre 14 ka y 0,5 ka del Pleistoceno tardío y Holoceno. En la planicie marina costera se encuentran depósitos ingresivolitorales del pico máximo de la ingresión marina del MIS 1, del orden de los 6 ka, con un posterior y paulatino retiro del mar. En momentos de estabilidad ambiental se formaron suelos, de los cuales se han podido individualizar y datar los geosuelos Puesto Callejón Viejo y Puesto Berrondo en sus sitios tipo, con edades que los sitúan en el Holoceno tardío. Las edades en años C14 AP se determinaron sobre megamamíferos extinguidos, invertebrados marinos y dulceacuícolas y materia orgánica, provenientes de las unidades litoestratigráficas y pedoestratigráficas estudiadas. El clima durante el Pleistoceno tardío fue árido-semiárido. En el Holoceno con alternancias a cálido-húmedo. Este estudio aporta información referente a la factibilidad de ámbitos para los asentamientos humanos y para estudios que necesiten aportes de índole crono/litoestratigráfico.In the Depressed Pampa of Buenos Aires Province, two regions can be differentiated: the continental and the coastal marine plain environments. Geomorphological characteristics and sedimentary sequences of both sectors preserve evidences of the climatic conditions under which they were generated. In morphogenesis periods -in the foodplain of the Salado river- lithostratigraphic units were deposited in the form of fluvio-lacustrine sediments with radiocarbon ages between 14 ka and 0,5 ka in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. In the coastal marine plain there are deposits of the MIS 1 marine ingression of circa 6 ka, with a later and gradual retreat of the sea. In periods of environmental stability soils were formed. Among them the geosoils Puesto Callejón Viejo and Puesto Berrondo have been individualized and dated on their type sites with radiocarbon ages corresponding to the Late Holocene. The 14C ages in years BP were determined using bones of extinct megamammals, shells of marine and fresh water invertebrates and organic matter from the lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic units. The climate during the Late Pleistocene was arid-semiarid. In the Holocene there were alternations to warm-humid. This study provides information on the feasibility of areas for human settlements and for studies requiring contributions of a chrono/lithoestratigraphic nature

    Traça europeia dos cachos da videira Lobesia botrana: uma praga em expansão nas Américas.

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    Este Comunicado Técnico tem como objetivo apresentar informações sobre a bioecologia da espécie Lobesia botrana, orientando produtores e técnicos a adotar medidas com o objetivo de evitar a entrada de L. botrana no Brasil.bitstream/item/111285/1/Cot160.pdfFoto: Andrea Lucchi