9,284 research outputs found

    Holographic three flavor baryon in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model with the D0-D4 background

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    With the construction of the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model in the D0-D4 background, we systematically investigate the holographic baryon spectrum in the case of three flavors. The background geometry in this model is holographically dual to U(Nc)U\left(N_{c}\right) Yang-Mills theory in large NcN_{c} limit involving an excited state with a nonzero θ\theta angle or glue condensate ⟨TrF∧F⟩=8π2Ncκ~\left\langle \mathrm{Tr}\mathcal{F}\wedge\mathcal{F}\right\rangle =8\pi^{2}N_{c}\tilde{\kappa}, which is proportional to the charge density of the smeared D0-branes through a parameter bb or κ~\tilde{\kappa}. The classical solution of baryon in this model can be modified by embedding the Belavin-Polyakov-Schwarz-Tyupkin (BPST) instanton and we carry out the quantization of the collective modes with this solution. Then we extend the analysis to include the heavy flavor and find that the heavy meson is always bound in the form of the zero mode of the flavor instanton in strong coupling limit. The mass spectrum of heavy-light baryons in the situation with single- and double-heavy baryon is derived by solving the eigen equation of the quantized collective Hamiltonian. Afterwards we obtain that the constraint of stable baryon states has to be 1<b<31<b<3 and the difference in the baryon spectrum becomes smaller as the D0 charge increases. It indicates that quarks or mesons can not form stable baryons if the θ\theta angle or glue condensate is sufficiently large. Our work is an extension of the previous study of this model and also agrees with those conclusions.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, this version includes the acknowledgement and some revision

    Effects of Neutron-Proton Short-Range Correlation on the Equation of State of Dense Neutron-Rich Nucleonic Matter

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    The strongly isospin-dependent tensor force leads to short-range correlations (SRC) between neutron-proton (deuteron-like) pairs much stronger than those between proton-proton and neutron-neutron pairs. As a result of the short-range correlations, the single-nucleon momentum distribution develops a high-momentum tail above the Fermi surface. Because of the strongly isospin-dependent short-range correlations, in neutron-rich matter a higher fraction of protons will be depleted from its Fermi sea and populate above the Fermi surface compared to neutrons. This isospin-dependent nucleon momentum distribution may have effects on: (1) nucleon spectroscopic factors of rare isotopes, (2) the equation of state especially the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy, (3) the coexistence of a proton-skin in momentum space and a neutron-skin in coordinate space (i.e., protons move much faster than neutrons near the surface of heavy nuclei). In this talk, we discuss these features and their possible experimental manifestations. As an example, SRC effects on the nuclear symmetry energy are discussed in detail using a modified Gogny-Hartree-Fock (GHF) energy density functional (EDF) encapsulating the SRC-induced high momentum tail (HMT) in the single-nucleon momentum distribution
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