539 research outputs found

    The Role of Nutrition Education and Active Choice to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Second Grade Students During Lunchtime

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    Fruit and vegetable intake within the United States is considerably lower than the standards set by the United States Department of Agriculture. With this information, there is no surprise that these rates are especially low for school aged children. Although many studies have tried to incorporate programs that would effectively increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables among youngsters, many have fallen short with being able to sustain consumption over time. This study provided a way to increase fruit and vegetable consumption during lunchtime for second grade students by using a dual module of the Social Cognitive Theory and active choice principles. A total of 90 participants (ages 7 and 8) were used in this study; 47 made up the experimental group while 43 made up the control group. During this nine-week study, the experimental group received four lessons based on nutrition education while the control group did not receive any nutrition education lessons. Both groups received an active choice component where they were able to choose between two fruits and two vegetables. A hypothesis was made that the role of nutrition education would increase consumption of fruits and vegetables compared to the group that did not receive any lessons. Intervention days were divided into two sessions to determine effectiveness of the program. Although some results revealed significant relationships, the hypothesis had limited validity. Future research is still needed to ensure the effectiveness of this design. It is important to recognize that although the nutritional lessons did not cause the experimental group to consume more fruits and vegetables than the control group, both groups actively participated in intervention days and increased their overall fruit and vegetable consumption

    Generalized Dielectric Breakdown Model

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    We propose a generalized version of the Dielectric Breakdown Model (DBM) for generic breakdown processes. It interpolates between the standard DBM and its analog with quenched disorder, as a temperature like parameter is varied. The physics of other well known fractal growth phenomena as Invasion Percolation and the Eden model are also recovered for some particular parameter values. The competition between different growing mechanisms leads to new non-trivial effects and allows us to better describe real growth phenomena. Detailed numerical and theoretical analysis are performed to study the interplay between the elementary mechanisms. In particular, we observe a continuously changing fractal dimension as temperature is varied, and report an evidence of a novel phase transition at zero temperature in absence of an external driving field; the temperature acts as a relevant parameter for the ``self-organized'' invasion percolation fixed point. This permits us to obtain new insight into the connections between self-organization and standard phase transitions.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Laplacian Fractal Growth in Media with Quenched Disorder

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    We analyze the combined effect of a Laplacian field and quenched disorder for the generation of fractal structures with a study, both numerical and theoretical, of the quenched dielectric breakdown model (QDBM). The growth dynamics is shown to evolve from the avalanches of invasion percolation (IP) to the smooth growth of Laplacian fractals, i. e. diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) and the dielectric breakdown model (DBM). The fractal dimension is strongly reduced with respect to both DBM and IP, due to the combined effect of memory and field screening. This implies a specific relation between the fractal dimension of the breakdown structures (dielectric or mechanical) and the microscopic properties of disordered materials.Comment: 11 pages Latex (revtex), 3 postscript figures included. Submitted to PR

    Theory of Boundary Effects in Invasion Percolation

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    We study the boundary effects in invasion percolation with and without trapping. We find that the presence of boundaries introduces a new set of surface critical exponents, as in the case of standard percolation. Numerical simulations show a fractal dimension, for the region of the percolating cluster near the boundary, remarkably different from the bulk one. We find a logarithmic cross-over from surface to bulk fractal properties, as one would expect from the finite-size theory of critical systems. The distribution of the quenched variables on the growing interface near the boundary self-organises into an asymptotic shape characterized by a discontinuity at a value xc=0.5x_c=0.5, which coincides with the bulk critical threshold. The exponent τsur\tau^{sur} of the boundary avalanche distribution for IP without trapping is τsur=1.56±0.05\tau^{sur}=1.56\pm0.05; this value is very near to the bulk one. Then we conclude that only the geometrical properties (fractal dimension) of the model are affected by the presence of a boundary, while other statistical and dynamical properties are unchanged. Furthermore, we are able to present a theoretical computation of the relevant critical exponents near the boundary. This analysis combines two recently introduced theoretical tools, the Fixed Scale Transformation (FST) and the Run Time Statistics (RTS), which are particularly suited for the study of irreversible self-organised growth models with quenched disorder. Our theoretical results are in rather good agreement with numerical data.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, revte

    A perturbative approach to the Bak-Sneppen Model

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    We study the Bak-Sneppen model in the probabilistic framework of the Run Time Statistics (RTS). This model has attracted a large interest for its simplicity being a prototype for the whole class of models showing Self-Organized Criticality. The dynamics is characterized by a self-organization of almost all the species fitnesses above a non-trivial threshold value, and by a lack of spatial and temporal characteristic scales. This results in {\em avalanches} of activity power law distributed. In this letter we use the RTS approach to compute the value of xcx_c, the value of the avalanche exponent τ\tau and the asymptotic distribution of minimal fitnesses.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published on Physical Review Letter

    Dynamics of Fractures in Quenched Disordered Media

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    We introduce a model for fractures in quenched disordered media. This model has a deterministic extremal dynamics, driven by the energy function of a network of springs (Born Hamiltonian). The breakdown is the result of the cooperation between the external field and the quenched disorder. This model can be considered as describing the low temperature limit for crack propagation in solids. To describe the memory effects in this dynamics, and then to study the resistance properties of the system we realized some numerical simulations of the model. The model exhibits interesting geometric and dynamical properties, with a strong reduction of the fractal dimension of the clusters and of their backbone, with respect to the case in which thermal fluctuations dominate. This result can be explained by a recently introduced theoretical tool as a screening enhancement due to memory effects induced by the quenched disorder.Comment: 7 pages, 9 Postscript figures, uses revtex psfig.sty, to be published on Phys. Rev.

    Theory of Self-organized Criticality for Problems with Extremal Dynamics

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    We introduce a general theoretical scheme for a class of phenomena characterized by an extremal dynamics and quenched disorder. The approach is based on a transformation of the quenched dynamics into a stochastic one with cognitive memory and on other concepts which permit a mathematical characterization of the self-organized nature of the avalanche type dynamics. In addition it is possible to compute the relevant critical exponents directly from the microscopic model. A specific application to Invasion Percolation is presented but the approach can be easily extended to various other problems.Comment: 11 pages Latex (revtex), 3 postscript figures included. Submitted to Europhys. Let

    Invasion Percolation with Temperature and the Nature of SOC in Real Systems

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    We show that the introduction of thermal noise in Invasion Percolation (IP) brings the system outside the critical point. This result suggests a possible definition of SOC systems as ordinary critical systems where the critical point correspond to set to 0 one of the parameters. We recover both IP and EDEN model, for T0T \to 0, and TT \to \infty respectively. For small TT we find a dynamical second order transition with correlation length diverging when T0T \to 0.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Phase separation in systems with absorbing states

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    We study the problem of phase separation in systems with a positive definite order parameter, and in particular, in systems with absorbing states. Owing to the presence of a single minimum in the free energy driving the relaxation kinetics, there are some basic properties differing from standard phase separation. We study analytically and numerically this class of systems; in particular we determine the phase diagram, the growth laws in one and two dimensions and the presence of scale invariance. Some applications are also discussed.Comment: Submitted to Europhysics Let