1,257 research outputs found
Indirect Methods for Robot Skill Learning
Robot learning algorithms are appealing alternatives for acquiring rational robotic behaviors from data collected during the execution of tasks. Furthermore, most robot learning techniques are stated as isolated stages and focused on directly obtaining rational policies as a result of optimizing only performance measures of single tasks. However, formulating robotic skill acquisition processes in such a way have some disadvantages. For example, if the same skill has to be learned by different robots, independent learning processes should be carried out for acquiring exclusive policies for each robot. Similarly, if a robot has to learn diverse skills, the robot should acquire the policy for each task in separate learning processes, in a sequential order and commonly starting from scratch. In the same way, formulating the learning process in terms of only the performance measure, makes robots to unintentionally avoid situations that should not be repeated, but without any mechanism that captures the necessity of not repeating those wrong behaviors. In contrast, humans and other animals exploit their experience not only for improving the performance of the task they are currently executing, but for constructing indirectly multiple models to help them with that particular task and to generalize to new problems. Accordingly, the models and algorithms proposed in this thesis seek to be more data efficient and extract more information from the interaction data that is collected either from expert\u2019s demonstrations or the robot\u2019s own experience. The first approach encodes robotic skills with shared latent variable models, obtaining latent representations that can be transferred from one robot to others, therefore avoiding to learn the same task from scratch. The second approach learns complex rational policies by representing them as hierarchical models that can perform multiple concurrent tasks, and whose components are learned in the same learning process, instead of separate processes. Finally, the third approach uses the interaction data for learning two alternative and antagonistic policies that capture what to and not to do, and which influence the learning process in addition to the performance measure defined for the task
The Economy in Virtual World The Possibity of a Realization of Education in Virtual Word
Tato práce zkoumá virtuální svět Second Life, především pak jeho ekonomické prostředí. Popisuje a navrhuje možnosti podnikání ve virtuálním světě. Zkoumá a navrhuje také možnosti realizace výuky v tomto prostředí. Tyto návrhy obsahují také konkrétní výčet jednotlivých nákladů a jejich výši.The diploma thesis deals with the virtual world Second Life and in particular with its economic environment. The work describes and suggests business opportunities in the virtual world. It is concerned with education possibilities and proposes its realization. These suggestions also contain an actual enumeration of individual costs and their height.
The Proposal for Tax Administration Expenses in Company
Tato práce zkoumá nepřímé administrativní náklady zdanění. To jsou ty náklady, které je potřeba vynaložit v souvislosti s odevzdáním daně. Výčet těchto nákladů bude aplikován pro potřeby optimalizace v konkrétním podniku. Na základě jednotlivých výpočtů pak bude srovnávací metodou doporučeno firmě takové řešení, které by minimalizovalo náklady.The indirect administration costs of taxation are investigated in this study. They are such expences which must be spent in connection with handover of the taxation. The numeration of such expences will be applicated by the optimisation of adnministration taxation expences in a concrete company. On the basis of these calculations an optimal solution of costs minimalization will be recommended to the concrete company.
Cooperation of micro sources within small smart grid
Tato práce se zabývá návrhem mikro zdrojů a jejich implementací v systému Micro grid. V první části je práce zaměřena na definici sítí smart - grid, kde popisuje jejich výhody, nevýhody a nutné změny ve stávajících sítích pro implementaci těchto systémů. Dále se zabývá podrobnějším popisem Micro grid, uspořádáním sítí tohoto typu, jejich otázkami v implementaci a možnostmi poskytování podpůrných služeb. Práce taktéž okrajově popisuje virtuální elektrárny, uvádí jejich definici, komponenty a typy virtuálních elektráren. V závěrečné kapitole je popsána tvorba jednotlivých mikro zdrojů v programu System modeler a následné testování pokrytí spotřeby elektrické energie pro provoz v ostrovním režimu.This thesis concerns with design of micro sources and their implementation in Micro grid system. In the first part the work is aimed at definition of smart - grid, where describes their advantages, disadvantages and necessary changes, which has to be made in current distribution network for implementation this system. Further on the thesis concerns with detailed description of Micro grid, configuration of this kind of network, the issues in implementation and possibilities to provide ancillary services. The work also describes marginally virtual power plants, presents definition, components and types of virtual power plants. The final chapter describes the creation of micro sources in System modeler and subsequent testing of consumption cover to operate in island mode.
The Influence of Jewish Culture on Economy of the Town of Holešov
Import 04/11/2015Diplomová práce je zaměřena na vliv každoročně pořádaného festivalu Týden židovské kultury na ekonomiku města Holešov. Samotný vliv na ekonomiku města byl zkoumán prostřednictvím výpočtu lokálního multiplikátoru. Holešov patří mezi města v České republice, ve kterých se nacházela početná židovská menšina. Od roku 2001 se v Holešově pořádá festival Týden židovské kultury, který má za cíl přiblížit židovství a život židů ostatním obyvatelům.
Protože se jedná o festival kulturně velice přínosný, zabývá se tato práce také jeho ekonomickým přínosem. Ekonomický vliv byl měřen pomocí metody výpočtu lokálního multiplikátoru. Podkladem pro výpočet bylo využito výsledků z dotazníkového šetření. Dotazníky byly ve městě Holešov distribuovány mezi nejvýznamnější podniky, u kterých bylo předpokládáno, že by na ně mohl mít festival největší pozitivní vliv. Metoda výpočtu lokálního multiplikátoru ukazuje, jaká část utracené 1 Kč zůstává ve městě Holešov a dále se multiplikuje a kolik z 1 Kč odtéká z města Holešov do jiných lokací.This thesis is focused on the influence of the annual festival Week of Jewish Culture on the economy of the city Holešov. The actual impact on the economy of the city was find out by calculating the local multiplier. Holešov belong the cities in the Czech Republic, were was located a large Jewish minority. Since 2001 is in organized festival Week of Jewish Culture, which aims to bring Judaism and Jewish life to other people.
Because it is a festival culturally very beneficial, this thesis deals with economic influence of festival. The economic impact was measured by using the method of calcuating local multiplier. The calculation was used by the results of the survey. Questionnaires were distributed in Holešov to the most important enterprises in which it was assumed that they could have the greatest positive impact of festival. Method of calculating local multiplier indicates the spent of CZK 1 which remains in Holešov and then multiplies and how much of CZK 1 flows from the Holešov to other locations.118 - Katedra regionální a environmentální ekonomikyvelmi dobř
Obestatin accelerates the recovery in the course of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis in rats
ObjectiveSeveral previous studies have shown that obestatin exhibits protective and regenerative effects in some organs including the stomach, kidney, and the brain. In the pancreas, pretreatment with obestatin inhibits the development of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis, and promotes survival of pancreatic beta cells and human islets. However, no studies investigated the effect of obestatin administration following the onset of experimental acute pancreatitis.AimThe aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of obestatin therapy in the course of ischemia/reperfusion-induced pancreatitis. Moreover, we tested the influence of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis and administration of obestatin on daily food intake and pancreatic exocrine secretion.MethodsAcute pancreatitis was induced by pancreatic ischemia followed by reperfusion of the pancreas. Obestatin (8 nmol/kg/dose) was administered intraperitoneally twice a day, starting 24 hours after the beginning of reperfusion. The effect of obestatin in the course of necrotizing pancreatitis was assessed between 2 and 14 days, and included histological, functional, and biochemical analyses. Secretory studies were performed on the third day after sham-operation or induction of acute pancreatitis in conscious rats equipped with chronic pancreatic fistula.ResultsTreatment with obestatin ameliorated morphological signs of pancreatic damage including edema, vacuolization of acinar cells, hemorrhages, acinar necrosis, and leukocyte infiltration of the gland, and led to earlier pancreatic regeneration. Structural changes were accompanied by biochemical and functional improvements manifested by accelerated normalization of interleukin-1β level and activity of myeloperoxidase and lipase, attenuation of the decrease in pancreatic DNA synthesis, and by an improvement of pancreatic blood flow. Induction of acute pancreatitis by pancreatic ischemia followed by reperfusion significantly decreased daily food intake and pancreatic exocrine secretion. Administration of obestatin at doses used was without significant effect with regard to daily food intake or pancreatic exocrine secretion in sham-operated rats, as well as in rats with acute pancreatitis. On the other hand, obestatin abolished a statistical significance of difference in food intake between animals with AP and control animals without pancreatic fistula and induction of AP.ConclusionTreatment with the exogenous obestatin reduces severity of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis and accelerates recovery in this disease. The involved mechanisms are likely to be multifactorial, and are mediated, at least in part, by anti-inflammatory properties of obestatin
Pretreatment with warfarin attenuates the development of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis in rats
In acute pancreatitis (AP), pancreatic damage leads to local vascular injury, manifesting as endothelial damage and activation, increased vascular permeability, leukocyte rolling, sticking and transmigration to pancreatic tissue as well as activation of coagulation. Previous studies have shown that pretreatment with heparin or acenocoumarol inhibits the development of AP. The aim of the present study was to check the impact of pretreatment with warfarin, an oral vitamin K antagonist, on the development of ischemia/reperfusion-induced AP in rats. AP was induced by pancreatic ischemia followed by reperfusion of the gland. Warfarin (90, 180 or 270 µg/kg/dose) or vehicle were administered intragastrically once a day for 7 days before induction of AP. The effect of warfarin on the severity of AP was assessed 6 h after pancreatic reperfusion. The assessment included histological, functional, and biochemical analyses. Pretreatment with warfarin given at a dose of 90 or 180 µg/kg/dose increased the international normalized ratio and reduced morphological signs of pancreatic damage such as pancreatic edema, vacuolization of acinar cells, necrosis and the number of hemorrhages. These effects were accompanied by an improvement of pancreatic blood flow and a decrease in serum level amylase, lipase, pro-inflammatory interleukin-1β and plasma level of D-dimer. In contrast, pretreatment with warfarin given at a dose of 270 µg/kg/dose led to an increase in severity of pancreatic damage and biochemical indicators of AP. In addition, this dose of warfarin resulted in deaths in some animals. Pretreatment with low doses of warfarin inhibits the development of AP induced by pancreatic ischemia followed by reperfusion
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