24 research outputs found

    Multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli in diarrhoeagenic foals: Pulsotyping, phylotyping, serotyping, antibiotic resistance and virulence profiling

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    Extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) possess the ability to cause extraintestinal infections such as urinary tract infections, neonatal meningitis and sepsis. While information is readily available describing pathogenic E. coli populations in food-producing animals, studies in companion/sports animals such as horses are limited. In addition, many antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of equine infections are also utilised in human medicine, potentially contributing to the spread of antibiotic resistance determinants among pathogenic strains. The aim of this study was to phenotypically and genotypically characterise the multidrug resistance and virulence associated with 83 equine E. coli isolates recovered from foals with diarrhoeal disease. Serotyping was performed by both PCR and sequencing. Antibiotic resistance was assessed by disc diffusion. Phylogenetic groups, virulence genes, antibiotic resistance genes and integrons were determined by PCR. Thirty-nine (46%) of the isolates were classified as ExPEC and hence considered to be potentially pathogenic to humans and animals. Identified serogroups O1, O19a, O40, O101 and O153 are among previously reported human clinical ExPEC isolates. Over a quarter of the E. coli were assigned to pathogenic phylogroups B2 (6%) and D (23%). Class 1 and class 2 integrons were detected in 85% of E. coli, revealing their potential to transfer MDR to other pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. With 65% of potentially pathogenic isolates harbouring one or more TEM, SHV and CTX-M-2 group β-lactamases, in addition to the high levels of resistance to fluoroquinolones observed, our findings signal the need for increased attention to companion/sport animal reservoirs as public health threats

    Sagittarius II, Draco II and Laevens 3: Three New Milky Way Satellites Discovered in the Pan-STARRS 1 3 Survey

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    We present the discovery of three new Milky Way satellites from our search for compact stellar overdensities in the photometric catalog of the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System 1 (Pan-STARRS 1, or PS1) 3π survey. The first satellite, Laevens 3, is located at a heliocentric distance of d = 67 ± 3 kpc. With a total magnitude of MV = −4.4 ± 0.3 and a half-light radius of rh = 7 ± 2 pc, its properties resemble those of outer halo globular clusters. The second system, Draco II/Laevens 4, is a closer and fainter satellite (d ~ 20 kpc, MV = −2.9 ± 0.8), whose uncertain size (rh=196+8  pc{r}_{h}={19}_{-6}^{+8}\;\mathrm{pc}) renders its classification difficult without kinematic information; it could either be a faint and extended globular cluster or a faint and compact dwarf galaxy. The third satellite, Sagittarius II/Laevens 5 (Sgr II), has an ambiguous nature, as it is either the most compact dwarf galaxy or the most extended globular cluster in its luminosity range (rh=378+9  pc{r}_{h}={37}_{-8}^{+9}\;\mathrm{pc} and MV = −5.2 ± 0.4). At a heliocentric distance of 67 ± 5 kpc, this satellite lies intriguingly close to the expected location of the trailing arm of the Sagittarius stellar stream behind the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr dSph). If confirmed through spectroscopic follow up, this connection would locate this part of the trailing arm of the Sagittarius stellar stream that has so far gone undetected. It would further suggest that Sgr II was brought into the Milky Way halo as a satellite of the Sgr dSph

    Introduction: Shakespeare's public spheres

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    Habermas’ sense of a “cultural Public Sphere” is a notoriously complex term and, when applied to Early Modern cultures, needs careful definition. This essay both introduces the variety of methods by which we might approach playtexts with a view to their public – auditory – impact and contributes to a debate about an audience's understanding of Shakespeare's plays. By selecting two words and their spread of use in one play, Twelfth Night, we might appreciate the potential for meaningful ambiguity latent in how we hear the language of live performance. If we search for how certain terms (in this case, the cluster of semes derived from repetitions of “fancy” and “play”), we might find at times incompatible senses, yet we get near to appreciating the range of Early Modern dramatic language

    Behaviour Change Techniques in Computerized Cognitive Training for Cognitively Healthy Older Adults: A Systematic Review.

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    We aimed to describe behaviour change techniques (BCT) used in trials evaluating computerised cognitive training (CCT) in cognitively healthy older adults, and explore whether BCTs are associated with improved adherence and efficacy. The 90 papers included in a recent meta-analysis were reviewed for information about adherence and use of BCTs in accordance with the Behaviour Change Taxonomy. Studies using a specific BCT were compared with studies not using that BCT on efficacy (difference in Hedges' g [Δg]) using three level meta-regression models and on median adherence using the Wilcoxon test. The median number of BCTs per study was 3 (interquartile range [IQR] = 2-5). 'Feedback on behaviour' (if provided by a person; Δg = -0.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] = -0.31;-0.07) and 'non-specific reward' (Δg = -0.19, CI = -0.34;-0.05) were associated with lower efficacy. Certain BCTs that involve personal contact may be beneficial, although none were statistically significantly associated with greater efficacy. The median percentage of adherence was 90% (IQR = 81-95). Adherence was higher in studies using the BCT 'self-monitoring of behaviour' and lower in studies using the BCT 'graded tasks' than studies not using these BCTs (p < 0.001). These findings provide first evidence that BCTs can influence both adherence to and efficacy of CCT programs in cognitively healthy older adults

    Dynamic Microstructural Evolution of Graphite under Displacing Irradiation

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    Graphitic materials and graphite composites experience dimensional change when exposed to radiation-induced atomic displacements. This has major implications for current and future technological ranging from nuclear fission reactors to the processing of graphene-silicon hybrid devices. Dimensional change in nuclear graphites is a complex problem involving the filler, binder, porosity, cracks and atomic-level effects all interacting within the polygranular structure. An improved understanding of the atomistic mechanisms which drive dimensional change within individual graphitic crystals is required to feed into the multiscale modelling of this system. In this study, micromechanically exfoliated samples of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite have been ion irradiated and studied in situ using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in order to gain insights into the response of single graphitic crystals to displacing radiation. Under continuous ion bombardment, a complex dynamic sequence of deformation evolves featuring several distinct stages from the inducement of strain, the creation of dislocations leading to dislocation arrays, the formation of kink band networks and localised doming of the sample. Observing these ion irradiation-induced processes using in situ TEM reveals previously unknown details of the sequence of microstructural developments and physics driving these phenomena. A mechanistic model consistent with the microstructural changes observed is presented

    Management of invasive bladder cancer in patients who are not candidates for or decline cystectomy

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    Bladder cancer is a common malignancy seen in older adults with coexisting medical illnesses. The management of patients with muscle invasive disease includes perioperative chemotherapy and radical cystectomy; however, patients may decline surgery and older patients with comorbid conditions may not be candidates for surgery and thus alternative treatment strategies are needed. Trimodality bladder preservation protocols for muscle invasive bladder cancer have generally included only those patients who are candidates for a salvage cystectomy. In this review, we discuss the current status of bladder preservation treatment options for patients with muscle-invasive disease who are not candidates for cystectomy or who decline surgery and highlight the need for clinical trials investigating novel treatment approaches in this older patient population

    Characterisation of nitride thin films by EBSD

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    Thin films incorporating GaN, InGaN and AlGaN are presently arousing considerable excitement because of their suitability for UV and visible light-emitting diodes and laser diodes. However, because of the lattice mismatch between presently used substrates and epitaxial nitride thin films, the films are of variable quality. In this paper we describe our preliminary studies of nitride thin films using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). We show that the EBSD technique may be used to reveal the relative orientation of an epitaxial thin film with respect to its substrate (a 90° rotation between a GaN epitaxial thin film and its sapphire substrate is observed) and to determine its tilt (a GaN thin film was found to be tilted by 13±1° towards [10 0]GaN), where the tilt is due to the inclination of the sapphire substrate(cut off-axis by 10° from (0001)sapphire towards (10 0)sapphire). We compare EBSD patterns obtained from As-doped GaN films grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE) with low and high As 4 flux, respectively. Higher As 4 flux results in sharper, better defined patterns, this observation is consistent with the improved surface morphology observed in AFM studies. Finally, we show that more detail can be discerned in EBSD patterns from GaN thin films when samples are cooled

    A New Distant Milky Way Globular Cluster in the Pan-STARRS1 3π Survey

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    We present a new satellite in the outer halo of the Galaxy, the first Milky Way satellite found in the stacked photometric catalog of the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System 1 (Pan-STARRS1) Survey. From follow-up photometry obtained with WFI on the MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope, we argue that the object, located at a heliocentric distance of 145 ± 17 kpc, is the most distant Milky Way globular cluster yet known. With a total magnitude of MV = –4.3 ± 0.2 and a half-light radius of 20 ± 2 pc, it shares the properties of extended globular clusters found in the outer halo of our Galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy. The discovery of this distant cluster shows that the full spatial extent of the Milky Way globular cluster system has not yet been fully explored