711 research outputs found

    Eight American Daughters of Charity and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in Jiangxi Province, 1928–1930

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    This article chronicles the lives of American Daughters of Charity in the Jiangxi Province of China. Some worked in a country mission in Taiwo and some worked in the city of Ganzhou. Sometimes using the sisters’ own words, the article describes their journey to their mission in Taiwo, their medical and spiritual ministry to the sick poor, and their flights from the communists in March and August 1930. During one of two sieges of Ganzhou, the sisters there continued to nurse the sick. The Daughters worked in Shanghai and elsewhere after leaving Taiwo and Ganzhou, but they ultimately had to leave China. Five eventually returned, serving until their second and final exile in the 1950s

    Quantum Mechanics of the Doubled Torus

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    We investigate the quantum mechanics of the doubled torus system, introduced by Hull [1] to describe T-folds in a more geometric way. Classically, this system consists of a world-sheet Lagrangian together with some constraints, which reduce the number of degrees of freedom to the correct physical number. We consider this system from the point of view of constrained Hamiltonian dynamics. In this case the constraints are second class, and we can quantize on the constrained surface using Dirac brackets. We perform the quantization for a simple T-fold background and compare to results for the conventional non-doubled torus system. Finally, we formulate a consistent supersymmetric version of the doubled torus system, including supersymmetric constraints.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added, minor corrections to final sectio

    Flux Compactifications of M-Theory on Twisted Tori

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    We find the bosonic sector of the gauged supergravities that are obtained from 11-dimensional supergravity by Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction with flux to any dimension D. We show that, if certain obstructions are absent, the Scherk-Schwarz ansatz for a finite set of D-dimensional fields can be extended to a full compactification of M-theory, including an infinite tower of Kaluza-Klein fields. The internal space is obtained from a group manifold (which may be non-compact) by a discrete identification. We discuss the symmetry algebra and the symmetry breaking patterns and illustrate these with particular examples. We discuss the action of U-duality on these theories in terms of symmetries of the D-dimensional supergravity, and argue that in general it will take geometric flux compactifications to M-theory on non-geometric backgrounds, such as U-folds with U-duality transition functions.Comment: Latex, 47 page

    Superstring partition functions in the doubled formalism

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    Computation of superstring partition function for the non-linear sigma model on the product of a two-torus and its dual within the scope of the doubled formalism is presented. We verify that it reproduces the partition functions of the toroidally compactified type--IIA and type--IIB theories for appropriate choices of the GSO projection.Comment: 15 page

    Generalised Geometry for M-Theory

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    Generalised geometry studies structures on a d-dimensional manifold with a metric and 2-form gauge field on which there is a natural action of the group SO(d,d). This is generalised to d-dimensional manifolds with a metric and 3-form gauge field on which there is a natural action of the group EdE_{d}. This provides a framework for the discussion of M-theory solutions with flux. A different generalisation is to d-dimensional manifolds with a metric, 2-form gauge field and a set of p-forms for pp either odd or even on which there is a natural action of the group Ed+1E_{d+1}. This is useful for type IIA or IIB string solutions with flux. Further generalisations give extended tangent bundles and extended spin bundles relevant for non-geometric backgrounds. Special structures that arise for supersymmetric backgrounds are discussed.Comment: 31 page

    Assessing Time-Resolved fNIRS for Brain-Computer Interface Applications of Mental Communication

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    © 2020 Abdalmalak, Milej, Yip, Khan, Diop, Owen and St. Lawrence. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are becoming increasingly popular as a tool to improve the quality of life of patients with disabilities. Recently, time-resolved functional near-infrared spectroscopy (TR-fNIRS) based BCIs are gaining traction because of their enhanced depth sensitivity leading to lower signal contamination from the extracerebral layers. This study presents the first account of TR-fNIRS based BCI for “mental communication” on healthy participants. Twenty-one (21) participants were recruited and were repeatedly asked a series of questions where they were instructed to imagine playing tennis for “yes” and to stay relaxed for “no.” The change in the mean time-of-flight of photons was used to calculate the change in concentrations of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin since it provides a good compromise between depth sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio. Features were extracted from the average oxyhemoglobin signals to classify them as “yes” or “no” responses. Linear-discriminant analysis (LDA) and support vector machine (SVM) classifiers were used to classify the responses using the leave-one-out cross-validation method. The overall accuracies achieved for all participants were 75% and 76%, using LDA and SVM, respectively. The results also reveal that there is no significant difference in accuracy between questions. In addition, physiological parameters [heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP)] were recorded on seven of the 21 participants during motor imagery (MI) and rest to investigate changes in these parameters between conditions. No significant difference in these parameters was found between conditions. These findings suggest that TR-fNIRS could be suitable as a BCI for patients with brain injuries

    Toroidal Orientifolds in IIA with General NS-NS Fluxes

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    Type IIA toroidal orientifolds offer a promising toolkit for model builders, especially when one includes not only the usual fluxes from NS-NS and R-R field strengths, but also fluxes that are T-dual to the NS-NS three-form flux. These new ingredients are known as metric fluxes and non-geometric fluxes, and can help stabilize moduli or can lead to other new features. In this paper we study two approaches to these constructions, by effective field theory or by toroidal fibers twisted over a toroidal base. Each approach leads us to important observations, in particular the presence of D-terms in the four-dimensional effective potential in some cases, and a more subtle treatment of the quantization of the general NS-NS fluxes. Though our methods are general, we illustrate each approach on the example of an orientifold of T^6/Z_4.Comment: 59 pages, references adde

    D-branes in Nongeometric Backgrounds

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    "T-fold" backgrounds are generically-nongeometric compactifications of string theory, described by T^n fibrations over a base N with transition functions in the perturbative T-duality group. We review Hull's doubled torus formalism, which geometrizes these backgrounds, and use the formalism to constrain the D-brane spectrum (to leading order in g_s and alpha') on T^n fibrations over S^1 with O(n,n;Z) monodromy. We also discuss the (approximate) moduli space of such branes and argue that it is always geometric. For a D-brane located at a point on the base N, the classical ``D-geometry'' is a T^n fibration over a multiple cover of N.Comment: 29 pages; uses harvmac.tex; v2: substantial revision throughou

    Towards Minkowski Vacua in Type II String Compactifications

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    We study the vacuum structure of compactifications of type II string theories on orientifolds with SU(3)xSU(3) structure. We argue that generalised geometry enables us to treat these non-geometric compactifications using a supergravity analysis in a way very similar to geometric compactifications. We find supersymmetric Minkowski vacua with all the moduli stabilised at weak string coupling and all the tadpole conditions satisfied. Generically the value of the moduli fields in the vacuum is parametrically controlled and can be taken to arbitrarily large values.Comment: 33 pages; v2 minor corrections, references added, version to appear in JHE
