76 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the electrical characteristics of metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodiodes based on gan grown on silicon.

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    High quality Gan films are usually produced at high growth temperatures (> 1OOO°C) with the use of substrates such as sapphire (Ah03) or silicon carbide (SiC).Therefore, for a low production cost purpose, there has been a growing interest in producing lower growth temperatures Gan films as well as Gan based devices with low cost substrates such as silicon

    Teori switching dan disain digital

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    Netters correlative imaging : neuroanatomy/ Edit.: Thomas C.Lee; Srinivasan Mukundan

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    xvii, 620 p.: ill.; 27 cm

    Netters correlative imaging : neuroanatomy/ Edit.: Thomas C.Lee; Srinivasan Mukundan

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    xvii, 620 p.: ill.; 27 cm

    Undertreatment of cancer pain

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    [[abstract]]Pain is a burdensome symptom that can commonly exist chronically along the cancer trajectory. Uncontrolled pain will impact on cancer patients' quality of life, even further negatively affect cancer survivors' employment. Based on systemic reviews of studies for past 10 years, the paper reported that although there is enormous advancement on the knowledge of cancer pain and pain management, studies still documented undertreatment of cancer pain globally. Additionally, pain distress a significant portion of cancer survivors. The pain in cancer survivors distinct from the pain related with cancer, instead emphasize on pain related with cancer treatment, such as neuropathic pain, muscular syndrome. Evidence-based pain management with common pain problems in cancer survivors is lacking. Further studies are needed to understand the pain in cancer survivors and to develop effective strategies in helping cancer survivors to manage their pain

    Telecomunications wiring 2 nd editions

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    xiv.304 : 24c

    Andragogy and Technology

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    Primate ecology and conservation

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    x,393 hal,;ill,;24 c

    [[alternative]]The Establishment of Swallowing Safety Process in Head and Neck Cancer Patients

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    [[abstract]]吞嚥為一連續動作,包含合併嘴、咽、喉及食道的活動。頭頸部癌症病人因腫瘤侵犯口腔組織或治療方式之合併症,進而直接影響病人的進食行為及營養功能,甚至增加吸入性肺炎的危險性。顯現頭頸癌病人的吞嚥問題形成複雜且症狀多元。本文藉文獻查證了解吞嚥測試儀器、吞嚥評估與吞嚥困難症狀,建立了照護流程,以提供臨床護理人員在照顧有吞嚥障礙病人時,早期篩選吞嚥問題,進一步使病人在吞嚥過程中能執行安全吞嚥,減少吸入性肺炎或上呼吸道感染之合併症。[[abstract]]Swallowing is a continuous motion, which includes actions related to the lip, pharynx, throat and esophageal. A tumor invasion or treatment complications impact eating behaviors, nutrition status, and increase the risk of aspiration pneumonia for head and neck cancer patients. These show that swallowing problems are complex and multi-dimensional. The purpose of this article is to introduce the tools, assessments, symptoms, and to establish the procedure that nurses can provide early screen for problems of swallowing process and make sure that the patients swallow safely in order to reduce aspiration pneumonia or upper respiratory tract infection