14 research outputs found

    Internally Typed Second-Order Term Graphs

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    . Wepresent a typingconcept for second-order term graphsthat doesno

    Free Σ-Monoids: A Higher-Order Syntax with Metavariables

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    Abstract. The notion of Σ-monoids is proposed by Fiore, Plotkin and Turi, to give abstract algebraic model of languages with variable binding and substitutions. In this paper, we give a free construction of Σ-monoids. The free Σ-monoid over a given presheaf serves a well-structured term language involving binding and substitutions. Moreover, the free Σ-monoid naturally contains interesting syntactic objects which can be viewed as “metavariables ” and “environments”. We analyse the term language of the free Σ-monoid by relating it with several concrete systems, especially the λ-calculus extended with contexts.

    Ensuring comprehensive assessment of urinary problems in prostate cancer through patient-physician concordance

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    Objectives: To examine the concordance between clinicians and men diagnosed with prostate cancer on a clinician-derived pathophysiological classification of the following self-reported urinary complications: storage (irritative), voiding (obstructive), and leakage/incontinence. Materials and methods: Fourteen urology experts classified 37 urinary function questionnaire items into 3 primary conceptual dimensions (e.g., storage [irritative], voiding [obstructive] and urinary leakage/incontinence) that would best reflect each item's content. In addition, 218 patient participants provided responses to the 37 items. Using classifications by experts to develop the conceptual framework, the structure was tested using confirmatory factor analyses with patient data. Results: Expert consensus was achieved in the classification of 31 out of 37 items. Using the 3-factor conceptual framework and patient data, the fit indices for the overall correlated factor model suggested an acceptable overall model fit. The analyses of the separate domains showed acceptable fit for the storage/irritative domain and the leaking/incontinence domain. The dimensionality of the voiding/obstructive domain was too difficult to estimate. Conclusions: Our analysis found items that conceptually and psychometrically support 2 constructs (leaking/incontinence and storage/irritative). The consistency of this support between the groups suggests a clinical relevance that is useful in treating patients. We have conceptual support for a third hypothesis (voiding/obstructive), although there were too few items to assess this psychometrically. Relative motivating factors of bother and urinary complaints were not addressed and remain an unmet need in this field

    The κ-lattice: Decidability boundaries for qualitative analysis in biological languages

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    The κ-calculus is a formalism for modelling molecular biology where molecules are terms with internal state and sites, bonds are represented by shared names labelling sites, and reactions are represented by rewriting rules. Depending on the shape of the rewriting rules, a lattice of dialects of κ can be obtained. We analyze the expressive power of some of these dialects by focusing on the thin boundary between decidability and undecidability for problems like reachability and coverability

    How to implement a theory of correctness in the area of business processes and services

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    During the previous years, we presented several results concerned with various issues related to the correctness of models for business processes and services (i. e., interorganizational business processes). For most of the results, we presented tools and experimental evidence for the computational capabilities of our approaches. Over the time, the implementations grew to a consistent and interoperable family of tools, which we call service-technology.org. This paper aims at presenting this tool family service-technology.org as a whole. We briefly sketch the underlying formalisms and covered problem settings and describe the functionality of the participating tools. Furthermore, we discuss several lessons that we learned from the development and use of this tool family. We believe that the lessons are interesting for other academic tool development