455 research outputs found

    Spectral signatures of photosynthesis I: Review of Earth organisms

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    Why do plants reflect in the green and have a 'red edge' in the red, and should extrasolar photosynthesis be the same? We provide: 1) a brief review of how photosynthesis works; 2) an overview of the diversity of photosynthetic organisms, their light harvesting systems, and environmental ranges; 3) a synthesis of photosynthetic surface spectral signatures; 4) evolutionary rationales for photosynthetic surface reflectance spectra with regard to utilization of photon energy and the planetary light environment. Given the surface incident photon flux density spectrum and resonance transfer in light harvesting, we propose some rules with regard to where photosynthetic pigments will peak in absorbance: a) the wavelength of peak incident photon flux; b) the longest available wavelength for core antenna or reaction center pigments; and c) the shortest wavelengths within an atmospheric window for accessory pigments. That plants absorb less green light may not be an inefficient legacy of evolutionary history, but may actually satisfy the above criteria.Comment: 69 pages, 7 figures, forthcoming in Astrobiology March 200

    Time-domain dynamic opto-rheology study of polymer films using step-scan FTIR time-resolved spectroscopy (S[sup 2]FTIR TRS)

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    Step-scan Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in conjunction with impulse stress on polymer films has been used to monitor dynamic rheological responses in real time. A novel piezo-electrically-driven polymer microrheometer was employed to apply repetitive impulses to the polymer sample while time-domain spectra were recorded. Recent results include the study of both semi-crystalline polymers such as isotactic polypropylene (iPP) and elastomers such as Estane polyester/polyurethane copolymer and Kraton tri-block copolymer. The spectral changes of iPP are consistent with frequency-domain results. For iPP at room temperature, large differences in the response times of different absorption bands are not seen. However, the orientation response of the CH{sub 3} rocking mode is slightly slower than the responses of the backbone modes. To the authors` knowledge, this is the first reported successful step-scan FTIR time-domain dynamic polymer opto-rheology experiment. The advantages of the time-domain experiment over the frequency-domain experiment are also discussed briefly. This technique appears to be applicable to a variety of polymer samples, and examples from additional results are illustrated

    Conformations of closed DNA

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    We examine the conformations of a model for a short segment of closed DNA. The molecule is represented as a cylindrically symmetric elastic rod with a constraint corresponding to a specification of the linking number. We obtain analytic expressions leading to the spatial configuration of a family of solutions representing distortions that interpolate between the circular form of DNA and a figure-eight form that represents the onset of interwinding. We are also able to generate knotted loops. We suggest ways to use our approach to produce other configurations relevant to studies of DNA structure. The stability of the distorted configurations is assessed, along with the effects of fluctuations on the free energy of the various configurations.Comment: 39 pages in REVTEX with 14 eps figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. E. This manuscript updates, expands and revises, to a considerable extent, a previously posted manuscript, entitled "Conformations of Circular DNA," which appeared as cond-mat/970104

    Associations between reasons to attend and late high school dropout

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    This study addressed (1) whether there were unique profiles of student self-reported reasons for attending school among 10th graders, (2) whether these profiles were differentially associated with late high-school dropout, and (3) whether parent characteristics differed across profiles. Using data from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (N= 15,362), five latent classes were found. The first class (49%) reported intrinsic, identified/introjected, and external motivations for attending school. The second class (32%) attended for identified/introjected and external reasons, while the third class (11%) reported intrinsic and identified/introjected reasons. The final two classes reported only identified/introjected (5%) or external (4%) motivations. Individuals in the identified/introjected and external classes were at greatest risk of dropping out between 10th and 12th grade. A host of parenting characteristics differed across class, with students in the intrinsic-identified/introjected-external class displaying the most favorable pattern of results. Implications for dropout prevention and academic promotion programs are discussed

    Crumbs2 mediates ventricular layer remodelling to form the spinal cord central canal

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    In the spinal cord, the central canal forms through a poorly understood process termed dorsal collapse that involves attrition and remodelling of pseudostratified ventricular layer (VL) cells. Here, we use mouse and chick models to show that dorsal ventricular layer (dVL) cells adjacent to dorsal midline Nestin(+) radial glia (dmNes+RG) down-regulate apical polarity proteins, including Crumbs2 (CRB2) and delaminate in a stepwise manner; live imaging shows that as one cell delaminates, the next cell ratchets up, the dmNes+RG endfoot ratchets down, and the process repeats. We show that dmNes+RG secrete a factor that promotes loss of cell polarity and delamination. This activity is mimicked by a secreted variant of Crumbs2 (CRB2S) which is specifically expressed by dmNes+RG. In cultured MDCK cells, CRB2S associates with apical membranes and decreases cell cohesion. Analysis of Crb2F/F/Nestin-Cre+/− mice, and targeted reduction of Crb2/CRB2S in slice cultures reveal essential roles for transmembrane CRB2 (CRB2TM) and CRB2S on VL cells and dmNes+RG, respectively. We propose a model in which a CRB2S–CRB2TM interaction promotes the progressive attrition of the dVL without loss of overall VL integrity. This novel mechanism may operate more widely to promote orderly progenitor delamination

    Evidence for a large-magnitude Holocene eruption of Mount Rittmann (Antarctica): A volcanological reconstruction using the marine tephra record

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    In Antarctica, the near-source exposures of volcanic eruption deposits are often limited as they are not well preserved in the dynamic glacial environment, thus making volcanological reconstructions of explosive eruptions extremely challenging. Fortunately, pyroclastic deposits from explosive eruptions are preserved in Southern Ocean sediments surrounding Antarctica, and the tephrostratigraphy of these sequences offers crucial volcanological information including the timing and tempo of past eruptions, their magnitude, and eruption dynamics. Here we report the results of a tephrostratigraphy and tephrochronology study focused on four sediment cores recovered from the Wood Bay area in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica. In all these sedimentary sequences, we found a well-stratified primary tephra of considerable thickness, up to 80 cm, hereafter named the Aviator Tephra (AVT). According to the characteristics of the tephra deposit and its distribution, the AVT was associated with an eruption of considerable intensity, potentially representing one of the largest Holocene eruptions recorded in Antarctica. Based on the major and trace element geochemistry and the mineral assemblage of the tephra, Mount Rittmann was identified as the source of the AVT. A Holocene age of ∼11 ka was determined by radiocarbon dating organic material within the sediments and 40Ar-39Ar dating of alkali-feldspar crystals included in the tephra. Eruption dynamics were initially dominated by hydromagmatic magma fragmentation conditions producing a sustained, relatively wet and ash-rich eruptive cloud. The eruption then evolved into a highly energetic, relatively dry magmatic Plinian eruption. The last phase was characterized by renewed efficient magma-water interaction and/or collapse of the eruptive column producing pyroclastic density currents and associated co-ignimbritic plumes. The distal tephra deposits might be linked to the widespread lag breccia layer previously identified on the rim of the Mount Rittmann caldera which share the same geochemical composition. Diatoms found in the sediments surrounding the AVT and the primary characteristics of the tephra indicate that the Wood Bay area was open sea at the time of the eruption, which is much earlier than previously thought. AVT is also an excellent tephrostratigraphic marker for the Wood Bay area, in the Ross Sea, and a useful marker for future synchronization of continental ice and marine archives in the region

    Origin of Life

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    The evolution of life has been a big enigma despite rapid advancements in the fields of biochemistry, astrobiology, and astrophysics in recent years. The answer to this puzzle has been as mind-boggling as the riddle relating to evolution of Universe itself. Despite the fact that panspermia has gained considerable support as a viable explanation for origin of life on the Earth and elsewhere in the Universe, the issue remains far from a tangible solution. This paper examines the various prevailing hypotheses regarding origin of life like abiogenesis, RNA World, Iron-sulphur World, and panspermia; and concludes that delivery of life-bearing organic molecules by the comets in the early epoch of the Earth alone possibly was not responsible for kick-starting the process of evolution of life on our planet.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures,invited review article, minor additio
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