29 research outputs found

    Dynamic modulation of activity in cerebellar nuclei neurons during pavlovian eyeblink conditioning in mice

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    While research on the cerebellar cortex is crystallizing our understanding of its function in learning behavior, many questions surrounding its downstream targets remain. Here, we evaluate the dynamics of cerebellar interpositus nucleus (IpN) neurons over the course of Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning. A diverse range of learning-induced neuronal responses was observed, including increases and decreases in activity during the generation of conditioned blinks. Trial-bytrial correlational analysis and optogenetic manipulation demonstrate that facilitation in the IpN drives the eyelid movements. Adaptive facilitatory responses are often preceded by acquired transient inhibition of IpN activity that, based on latency and effect, appear to be driven by complex spikes in cerebellar cortical Purkinje cells. Likewise, during reflexive blinks to periocular stimulation, IpN cells show excitation-suppression patterns that suggest a contribution of climbing fibers and their collaterals. These findings highlight the integrative properties of subcortical neurons at the cerebellar output stage mediating conditioned behavior

    Isolamento de Arcobacter butzleri de mĂșsculos de carcaças de suĂ­nos de terminação e de matrizes descartadas abatidos em um matadouro no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Isolation of Arcobacter butzleri from muscles of the carcasses of fattening pigs and culled sows slaughtered in abattoir in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Foram colhidos fragmentos de mĂșsculos da carcaça de 74 suĂ­nos de abate e de 150 porcas descartadas de granjas de ciclo completo, abatidos em frigorĂ­fico no Rio Grande do Sul. Os materiais foram inoculados em meio EMJH (Ellinghausen, MacCullough, Johnson & Harris), incubados a 30ÂșC e o cultivo foi passado a placas de agar sangue atravĂ©s de membrana de 0,45”m. Foram obtidas 69 amostras de Arcobacter sp, classificadas por PCR como A. butzleri, respectivamente de suĂ­nos de abate (21 isolamentos, 29,3%) e matrizes descartadas (48 isolamentos, 32%).<br>Portions of muscle from carcasses of 74 fattening pigs and 150 culled sows were collected from abattoir in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The samples were inoculated into EMJH (Ellinghausen, MacCullough, Johnson & Harris) medium and the culture filtered through 0.45”m membrane on blood agar. Arcobacter sp were isolated, 69 isolates, typed by PCR as Arcobater butzleri, respectively from fattening pigs (21 isolates, 29.3%) and culled sows (48 isolates, 32%)