5 research outputs found

    Surface plasmon resonance under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency

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    A scheme for a surface plasmon resonance system under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is proposed. The system is composed of three layers: a prism, a thin metal film, and a hybrid dielectric consisting of EIT atoms and a background substance. A probe and a coupling laser beam are input. Corresponding analytical formulas are derived for the cases when one or both of the laser beams excite surface plasmon polaritons at the metal/dielectric interface. Under resonance conditions, an extremely sharp dip appears in the reflectivity-frequency spectrum of the probe field, revealing new properties of two-dimensional EIT. The reflectivity is extremely sensitive to shifts in the laser frequencies and atomic levels, and to variations of permittivity of the substrate. This EIT-SPR system may to be used for novel magnetometers and biosensors

    Quantum dynamics and spectra of vibrational Raman-resonance fluorescence in a two-mode cavity

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    We study the classically driven two-level system with its center-of-mass motion vibrating in a harmonic trap and coupled to the photons in a two-mode cavity. The first mode is resonant to the driving field and an electronic transition. The second mode is off-resonant, forming a vibrational-assisted Raman transition. Using an exact numerical method, we investigate the quantum dynamics of the light emitted by the atom and the cavity modes. We analyze and compare the corresponding atomic and intracavity photon spectra for a range of the driving laser field and the cavity coupling strengths. The results provide better understanding of the effects of the laser field and atom-cavity coupling strengths on quantum interference effects and photon blockade, particularly the Mollow's triplet and the Autler-Townes splitting in the good and bad cavity limits