13 research outputs found

    Magellanic-Cloud Like Satellites are Rare

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    To investigate hierarchical models of galaxy formation and evolution it is important to have large samples of true satellites, extending to the faintest possible luminosities. We have used Hα narrow-band imaging to search for star-forming satellite galaxies around 143 field spiral galaxies comparable to the Milky Way and found 63 candidate satellites associated with 47 host galaxies. A subset of 12 candidate satellites and their 11 host galaxies were spectroscopically observed to test if the candidates were true satellites and bound to their host. This confirmed that Hα imaging is a reliable method for searching for faint satellites. Within the overall sample of 63 satellites only ~6 could be considered analogous with the LMC and ~14 with the SMC

    Multistage Magnetic and Electrophoretic Extraction of Cells, Particles and Macromolecules

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    “Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Cylinder”: Transverse Aspect

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    C 10(3): The Ten Parameter Conformal Group as a Datum Transformation in Three-Dimensional Euclidean Space

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    Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Tangential Plane

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    “Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Cylinder”: Polar Aspect

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    Map Projections of Alternative Structures: Torus, Hyperboloid, Paraboloid, Onion Shape and Others

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    “Sphere to Cylinder”: Transverse Aspect

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    Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Sphere and from Sphere to Plane

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    “Sphere to Cylinder”: Pseudo-Cylindrical Projections

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