24 research outputs found

    Time Budget in Two Desert Gerbils: is the Diet Important?

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    We studied time budgets and dietary intake in two desert gerbillids, Psammomys obesus, a diurnal herbivore, and Meriones crassus, a nocturnal granivore feeding three different types of diet (millet seeds together with leaves of Atriplex halimus for M. crassus, fresh leaves of A. halimus or fresh stems of Anabasis syriaca for P. obesus). M. crassus spent the lowest proportion of its time budget for feeding compared to P. obesus. Number of feeding sessions in M. crassus was approximately the same but each separate feeding session was almost three times shorter than those in P. obesus. No difference in temporal pattern of feeding was found between P. obesus fed different plants, in spite of sharp differences in chemical composition of food. P. obesus fed A. halimus was active significantly less time than M. crassus, whereas P. obesus fed A. syriaca stayed active the same time as M. crassus. Dry matter intake of P. obesus fed A. halimus was much higher than that of M. crassus and dry matter intake of P. obesus fed A. syriaca was lower than even that in M. crassus

    Changing legal systems: Abrogation and annulment. Part I: Revision of defeasible theories

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    In this paper we investigate how to model legal abrogation and annulment in Defeasible Logic. We examine some options that embed in this setting, and similar rule-based systems, ideas from belief and base revision. In both cases, our conclusion is negative, which suggests to adopt a different logical model

    Detecting Deontic Conflicts in Dynamic Settings

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    Regulations, through the use of obligations and permissions, are widely used in modern society to define acceptable behaviours. Thus it is indeed important that these regulations do not conflict with each other and contain contradicting obligations. In the present paper we focus on identifying conflicts between obligations in dynamic settings. We first show the need of an alternative semantics rather than the more classic modelled by standard deontic logic. Second we introduce a new semantics for the obligations capable of representing and reasoning about them in these dynamic settings, and lastly we use it to identify the necessary and sufficient conditions to identify conflicting obligations

    Efic谩cia das lactonas macroc铆clicas sist锚micas (ivermectina e moxidectina) na terapia da demodicidose canina generalizada Efficacy of systemics macrocyclic lactones (ivermectin and moxidectin) for the treatment of generalized canine demodicosis

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    Avaliou-se a efic谩cia de lactonas macroc铆clicas (ivermectina e moxidectina) sobre a eventual ocorr锚ncia de efeitos colaterais e acompanharam-se, ap贸s a alta parasitol贸gica, por 12 meses, os c茫es tratados, visando detectar a recidiva do quadro dermatop谩tico. Dos 63 animais, 59% eram f锚meas, 76% apresentavam precisa defini莽茫o racial e 67% tinham pelame curto. A ivermectina (0,6mg/kg/dia) foi administrada por via oral a 31 c茫es, e a moxidectina (0,5mg/kg/cada 72 horas), pela mesma via, a 32 animais. Os tempos m茅dios para a obten莽茫o da primeira negativa莽茫o do exame parasitol贸gico do raspado cut芒neo e para a consecu莽茫o da alta foram, respectivamente, de 90 e 130 dias para a ivermectina e de 108 e 147 dias para a moxidectina. A ivermectina acarretou menos (16,1%) efeitos colaterais em rela莽茫o 脿 moxidectina (37,5%) (P=0,03). As recidivas foram, respectivamente, 10,3% e 13% para ivermectina e moxidectina. N茫o houve diferen莽a entre os dois protocolos de terapia quanto aos percentuais de recidiva (P=0,67) e efic谩cia (P=0,61). Ambas as lactonas macroc铆clicas mostraram-se eficazes: ivermectina 89,7% e moxidectina 87%.<br>The efficacy of ivermectin and moxidectin for treatment of generalized canine demodicosis, was evaluated to detect the eventual occurrence of side effects caused by the use of these drugs, and to follow the treated dogs for 12 months after obtaining parasitologic cure. Of 63 dogs, 59% were females, 76% were defined as purebred and 67% had short hair. Ivermectin (0.6mg/kg/daily) was orally administered to 31 dogs and moxidectin (0.5mg/kg/every 72 hours) to 32 dogs. The average number of days to obtain the first negative skin scraping results and the parasitologic cure were, respectively, 90 and 130 days for ivermectin, and 108 and 147 days for moxidectin. Ivermectin caused fewer side effects (16.1%) than moxidectin (37.5%) (P<0.05). The percentages of relapse were, respectively, 10.3% and 13.0% when ivermectin and moxidectin were administered. No difference between protocols of therapy was found for percentage of relapse (P>0.67) and efficacy (P>0.61). Both drugs were effective and safe to treat generalized canine demodicosis: ivermectin 89.7% and moxidectin 87.0%