1 research outputs found
Effects of climate change on parasitic plants: the root hemiparasiticOrobanchaceae
- Author
- A. Fitter
- A. Makino
- B. Karakas
- B.G. Drake
- C. Parmesan
- C.C. Gibson
- C.C. Gibson
- C.E. Coviella
- C.K. Kelly
- D. Matthies
- D.H. Lewis
- D.J. Kriticos
- D.L. Frost
- D.M. Davies
- E. Källen
- E.-D. Schulze
- E.-D. Schulze
- E.W. Mead
- F.R. Stermitz
- G.K. Phoenix
- Gareth K. Phoenix
- H.H. Rogers
- H.J. Bouwmeester
- H.M. Quested
- H.M. Quested
- H.M. Quested
- I.K. Schmidt
- J.D. Graves
- J.K. Hwangbo
- J.L. Riopel
- J.R. Watling
- J.R. Watling
- J.R. Watling
- J.R. Watling
- J.S. Pate
- L.S. Adler
- M.A. Marvier
- M.C. Press
- M.C. Press
- M.C. Press
- M.C. Press
- M.D. Marko
- M.F. Ramlan
- M.J. Schneider
- M.P. Ayres
- Malcolm C. Press
- P. Adams
- R. Ceulemans
- R.L. Arslanian
- R.M. Callaway
- R.W. Sutherst
- S. Smith
- S.C. Pennings
- S.G. Pritchard
- S.J.E. Wand
- S.P. Long
- T.M. Bezemer
- T.O. Veteli
- U. Cubasch
- W.E. Seel
- W.E. Seel
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study