18 research outputs found

    A Finitary Characterization of the Ewens Sampling Formula

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    As the Ewens sampling formula represents an equilibrium distribution satisfying detailed balance, some properties difficult to prove are derived in a simple way

    Generating representative views of landmarks via scenic theme detection

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    10.1007/978-3-642-17832-0_37Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)6523 LNCSPART 1392-40

    An Infinite Latent Generalized Linear Model

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    Online Video Segmentation by Bayesian Split-Merge Clustering

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    Identification of MCMC Samples for Clustering

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    Identifying rare cell populations in comparative flow cytometry

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    Abstract. Multi-channel, high throughput experimental methodologies for flow cytometry are transforming clinical immunology and hematology, and require the development of algorithms to analyze the highdimensional, large-scale data. We describe the development of two combinatorial algorithms to identify rare cell populations in data from mice with acute promyelocytic leukemia. The flow cytometry data is clustered, and then samples from the leukemic, pre-leukemic, and Wild Type mice are compared to identify clusters belonging to the diseased state. We describe three metrics on the clustered data that help in identifying rare populations. We formulate a generalized edge cover approach in a bipartite graph model to directly compare clusters in two samples to identify clusters belonging to one but not the other sample. For detecting rare populations common to many diseased samples but not to the Wild Type, we describe a clique-based branch and bound algorithm. We provide statistical justification of the significance of the rare populations