15,933 research outputs found

    Predicting species' tolerance to salinity and alkalinity using distribution data and geochemical modelling: a case study using Australian grasses

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Salt tolerance has evolved many times independently in different plant groups. One possible explanation for this pattern is that it builds upon a general suite of stress-tolerance traits. If this is the case, then we might expect a correlation between salt tolerance and other tolerances to different environmental stresses. This association has been hypothesized for salt and alkalinity tolerance. However, a major limitation in investigating large-scale patterns of these tolerances is that lists of known tolerant species are incomplete. This study explores whether species' salt and alkalinity tolerance can be predicted using geochemical modelling for Australian grasses. The correlation between taxa found in conditions of high predicted salinity and alkalinity is then assessed. METHODS: Extensive occurrence data for Australian grasses is used together with geochemical modelling to predict values of pH and electrical conductivity to which species are exposed in their natural distributions. Using parametric and phylogeny-corrected tests, the geochemical predictions are evaluated using a list of known halophytes as a control, and it is determined whether taxa that occur in conditions of high predicted salinity are also found in conditions of high predicted alkalinity. KEY RESULTS: It is shown that genera containing known halophytes have higher predicted salinity conditions than those not containing known halophytes. Additionally, taxa occurring in high predicted salinity tend to also occur in high predicted alkalinity. CONCLUSIONS: Geochemical modelling using species' occurrence data is a potentially useful approach to predict species' relative natural tolerance to challenging environmental conditions. The findings also demonstrate a correlation between salinity tolerance and alkalinity tolerance. Further investigations can consider the phylogenetic distribution of specific traits involved in these ecophysiological strategies, ideally by incorporating more complete, finer-scale geochemical information, as well as laboratory experiments.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council

    Resolving SNR 0540-6944 from LMC X-1 with Chandra

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    We examine the supernova remnant (SNR) 0540-697 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using data from the Chandra ACIS. The X-ray emission from this SNR had previously been hidden in the bright emission of nearby X-ray binary LMC X-1; however, new observations with Chandra can finally reveal the SNR's structure and spectrum. We find the SNR to be a thick-shelled structure about 19 pc in diameter, with a brightened northeast region. Spectral results suggest a temperature of 0.31 keV and an X-ray luminosity (0.3-3.0 keV) of 8.4 x 10^33 erg/s. We estimate an age of 12,000-20,000 yr for this SNR, but note that this estimate does not take into account the possibility of cavity expansion or other environmental effects.Comment: 8 pages, 2 GIF figures. Submitted to ApJL. Replaced with minor revisions from referee comment

    Improving the security of quantum direct communication with authentication

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    Two protocols of quantum direct communication with authentication [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 73}, 042305 (2006)] are recently proposed by Lee, Lim and Yang. In this paper we will show that in the two protocols the authenticator Trent should be prevented from knowing the secret message of communication. The first protocol can be eavesdropped by Trent using the the intercept-measure-resend attack, while the second protocol can be eavesdropped by Trent using single-qubit measurement. To fix these leaks, I revise the original versions of the protocols by using the Pauli-Z operation σz\sigma_z instead of the original bit-flip operation XX. As a consequence, the protocol securities are improved.Comment: Any suggestion,comment or help is welcome

    Abelian link invariants and homology

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    We consider the link invariants defined by the quantum Chern-Simons field theory with compact gauge group U(1) in a closed oriented 3-manifold M. The relation of the abelian link invariants with the homology group of the complement of the links is discussed. We prove that, when M is a homology sphere or when a link -in a generic manifold M- is homologically trivial, the associated observables coincide with the observables of the sphere S^3. Finally we show that the U(1) Reshetikhin-Turaev surgery invariant of the manifold M is not a function of the homology group only, nor a function of the homotopy type of M alone.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    A Critical Examination of Hypernova Remnant Candidates in M101. II. NGC 5471B

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    NGC 5471B has been suggested to contain a hypernova remnant because of its extraordinarily bright X-ray emission. To assess its true nature, we have obtained high-resolution images in continuum bands and nebular lines with the Hubble Space Telescope, and high-dispersion long-slit spectra with the Kitt Peak National Observatory 4-m echelle spectrograph. The images reveal three supernova remnant (SNR) candidates in the giant HII region NGC 5471, with the brightest one being the 77x60 pc shell in NGC 5471B. The Ha velocity profile of NGC 5471B can be decomposed into a narrow component (FWHM = 41 km/s) from the background HII region and a broad component (FWHM = 148 km/s) from the SNR shell. Using the brightness ratio of the broad to narrow components and the Ha flux measured from the WFPC2 Ha image, we derive an Ha luminosity of (1.4+-0.1)x10^39 ergs/s for the SNR shell. The [SII]6716,6731 doublet ratio of the broad velocity component is used to derive an electron density of ~700 cm^-3 in the SNR shell. The mass of the SNR shell is thus 4600+-500 Mo. With a \~330 km/s expansion velocity implied by the extreme velocity extent of the broad component, the kinetic energy of the SNR shell is determined to be 5x10^51 ergs. This requires an explosion energy greater than 10^52 ergs, which can be provided by one hypernova or multiple supernovae. Comparing to SNRs in nearby active star formation regions, the SNR shell in NGC 5471B appears truly unique and energetic. We conclude that the optical observations support the existence of a hypernova remnant in NGC 5471B.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, to appear in May 2002 issue of The Astronomical Journa