28 research outputs found

    The neuronal correlates of mirror illusion in children with spastic hemiparesis: a study with functional magnetic resonance imaging.

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    To investigate the neuronal activation pattern underlying the effects of mirror illusion in children/adolescents with normal motor development and in children/adolescents with hemiparesis and preserved contralateral corticospinal organisation. The type of cortical reorganisation was classified according to results of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Only subjects with congenital lesions and physiological contralateral cortical reorganisation were included. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was performed to investigate neuronal activation patterns with and without a mirror box. Each test consisted of a unimanual and a bimanual motor task. Seven children/adolescents with congenital hemiparesis (10-20 years old, three boys and four girls) and seven healthy subjects (8-17 years old, four boys and three girls) participated in this study. In the bimanual experiment, children with hemiparesis showed a significant effect of the mirror illusion (p<0.001 at voxel level, family-wise error corrected at cluster level) in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex of the affected and unaffected hemispheres, respectively. No significant effects of the mirror illusion were observed in unimanual experiments and in healthy participants. Mirror illusion in children/adolescents with hemiparesis leads to activation of brain areas involved in visual conflict detection and cognitive control to resolve this conflict. This effect is observed only in bimanual training. We consider that for mirror therapy in children and adolescents with hemiparesis a bimanual approach is more suitable than a unimanual approach

    The effect of a single dose of escitalopram on sensorimotor networks.

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    Serving as a pilot study of poststroke pharmacotherapy, the present investigation was intended to establish the effect of a single dose of escitalopram on motor task performance in normal volunteers. Ten healthy volunteers of median age 63 years including four females performed a well-studied tactile manipulation task in two fMRI sessions using a double-blind cross-over design. The sessions began approximately three hours after ingestion of 20 mg escitalopram or placebo presented in pseudorandom order. The fMRI image sequences were submitted to principal component analysis (PCA). Based on volume correlations of task-related principal components with the mean component images derived in our previous study, we established the reproducibility of two networks of sensorimotor activity proposed there. The network reflecting motor control (cerebral pattern I) appeared invariably in placebo and verum conditions. In contrast, the other network, attributed to diminished motor control due to distracting mental processing (cerebral pattern II), emerged less regularly and exhibited more variability. Second-level PCAs of both conditions confirmed the findings of the initial analysis. Specifically, it validated the dominant and invariable expression of cerebral pattern I after application of a single dose of escitalopram. Dynamic causal modeling confirmed enhanced motor output as a result of a significantly increased connectivity between primary motor cortex and dorsal premotor cortex. This pilot study suggests the promise of stimulation by a specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor in regard to recovery and preservation of motor control after stroke

    MRI of the Fetal Brain.

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    The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the possibilities for fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of the fetal brain. For brain pathologies, fetal MRI is usually performed when an abnormality is detected by previous prenatal ultrasound, and is, therefore, an important adjunct to ultrasound. The most commonly suspected brain pathologies referred to fetal MRI for further evaluation are ventriculomegaly, missing corpus callosum, and abnormalities of the posterior fossa. We will briefly discuss the most common indications for fetal brain MRI, as well as recent advances

    Constant severe imbalance following traumatic otoconial loss: a new explanation of residual dizziness

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    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common type of vertigo, caused by otoconia falling from the utricle into a semicircular canal (SCC). After successful repositioning maneuvers residual dizziness (RD) has been described and several reasons are used to explain RD. It can last for only a few days or weeks, but also much longer. We present a patient with a severe traumatic loss of otoconia from both maculae utriculi and a persistent imbalance more than 9 years. We think that the loss of otoconia from the utricular and probably also saccular macula induced a sudden reduction of her ability to sense gravity thus logically explaining her symptoms. We show the vestibular test results also supporting our hypothesis and we extrapolate this support to other forms of so far unexplained dizziness especially increasing imbalance with aging. We also discuss the normal c- and oVEMP indicating intact haircell function and supporting our hypothesis of isolated otoconial loss as the major cause for imbalance

    Fetal MRI at 3T- Ready for Routine Use?

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    Fetal MR now plays an important role in the clinical work-up of pregnant women. It is performed mainly at 1.5T. However, the desire to obtain a more precise foetal depiction or the fact that some institutions have access only to a 3T scanner, has resulted in a growing interest in performing foetal MR at 3T. The aim of this article is to provide a reference for the use of 3T MRI as a prenatal diagnostic method