322 research outputs found

    Scaling and infrared divergences in the replica field theory of the Ising spin glass

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    Replica field theory for the Ising spin glass in zero magnetic field is studied around the upper critical dimension d=6. A scaling theory of the spin glass phase, based on Parisi's ultrametrically organised order parameter, is proposed. We argue that this infinite step replica symmetry broken (RSB) phase is nonperturbative in the sense that amplitudes of scaling forms cannot be expanded in term of the coupling constant w^2. Infrared divergent integrals inevitably appear when we try to compute amplitudes perturbatively, nevertheless the \epsilon-expansion of critical exponents seems to be well-behaved. The origin of these problems can be traced back to the unusual behaviour of the free propagator having two mass scales, the smaller one being proportional to the perturbation parameter w^2 and providing a natural infrared cutoff. Keeping the free propagator unexpanded makes it possible to avoid producing infrared divergent integrals. The role of Ward-identities and the problem of the lower critical dimension are also discussed.Comment: 14 page

    On Ward-Takahashi identities for the Parisi spin glass

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    The introduction of ``small permutations'' allows us to derive Ward-Takahashi identities for the spin-glass, in the Parisi limit of an infinite number of steps of replica symmetry breaking. The first identities express the emergence of a band of Goldstone modes. The next identities relate components of (the Replica Fourier Transformed) 3-point function to overlap derivatives of the 2-point function (inverse propagator). A jump in this last function is exhibited, when its two overlaps are crossing each other, in the special simpler case where one of the cross-overlaps is maximal.Comment: this new version includes acknowledgements to funding agencie

    Reparametrization invariance: a gauge-like symmetry of ultrametrically organised states

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    The reparametrization transformation between ultrametrically organised states of replicated disordered systems is explicitly defined. The invariance of the longitudinal free energy under this transformation, i.e. reparametrization invariance, is shown to be a direct consequence of the higher level symmetry of replica equivalence. The double limit of infinite step replica symmetry breaking and n=0 is needed to derive this continuous gauge-like symmetry from the discrete permutation invariance of the n replicas. Goldstone's theorem and Ward identities can be deduced from the disappearence of the second (and higher order) variation of the longitudinal free energy. We recall also how these and other exact statements follow from permutation symmetry after introducing the concept of "infinitesimal" permutations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    On infrared divergences in spin glasses

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    By studying the structure of infrared divergences in a toy propagator in the replica approach to the Ising spin glass below TcT_c, we suggest a possible cancellation mechanism which could decrease the degree of singularity in the loop expansion.Comment: 13 pages, Latex , revised versio

    Beyond the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model

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    The state of art in spin glass field theory is reviewed.Comment: contribution to the volume "Spin Glasses and Random Fields", ed. P. Young, World Scientific. Latex file and lprocl.sty (style-file). 41 pages, no figure

    Low temperature spin glass fluctuations: expanding around a spherical approximation

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    The spin glass behavior near zero temperature is a complicated matter. To get an easier access to the spin glass order parameter Q(x)Q(x) and, at the same time, keep track of QabQ_{ab}, its matrix aspect, and hence of the Hessian controlling stability, we investigate an expansion of the replicated free energy functional around its ``spherical'' approximation. This expansion is obtained by introducing a constraint-field and a (double) Legendre Transform expressed in terms of spin correlators and constraint-field correlators. The spherical approximation has the spin fluctuations treated with a global constraint and the expansion of the Legendre Transformed functional brings them closer and closer to the Ising local constraint. In this paper we examine the first contribution of the systematic corrections to the spherical starting point.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Random field Ising model: dimensional reduction or spin-glass phase?

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    The stability of the random field Ising model (RFIM) against spin glass (SG) fluctuations, as investigated by M\'ezard and Young, is naturally expressed via Legendre transforms, stability being then associated with the non-negativeness of eigenvalues of the inverse of a generalized SG susceptibility matrix. It is found that the signal for the occurrence of the SG transition will manifest itself in free-energy {\sl fluctuations\/} only, and not in the free energy itself. Eigenvalues of the inverse SG susceptibility matrix is then approached by the Rayleigh Ritz method which provides an upper bound. Coming from the paramagnetic phase {\sl on the Curie line,\/} one is able to use a virial-like relationship generated by scaling the {\sl single\/} unit length (D<6; (D<6; in higher dimension a new length sets in, the inverse momentum cut off). Instability towards a SG phase being probed on pairs of {\sl distinct\/} replicas, it follows that, despite the repulsive coupling of the RFIM the effective pair coupling is {\sl attractive\/} (at least for small values of the parameter gΔˉ, g\bar \Delta , g g the coupling and Δˉ \bar \Delta the effective random field fluctuation). As a result, \lq\lq bound states\rq\rq\ associated with replica pairs (negative eigenvalues) provide the instability signature. {\sl Away from the Curie line\/}, the attraction is damped out till the SG transition line is reached and paramagnetism restored. In D<6, D<6, the SG transition always precedes the ferromagnetic one, thus the domain in dimension where standard dimensional reduction would apply (on the Curie line) shrinks to zero.Comment: te

    Stability of the Mezard-Parisi solution for random manifolds

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    The eigenvalues of the Hessian associated with random manifolds are constructed for the general case of RR steps of replica symmetry breaking. For the Parisi limit R→∞R\to\infty (continuum replica symmetry breaking) which is relevant for the manifold dimension D<2D<2, they are shown to be non negative.Comment: LaTeX, 15 page

    Replica Fourier Transforms on Ultrametric Trees, and Block-Diagonalizing Multi-Replica Matrices

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    The analysis of objects living on ultrametric trees, in particular the block-diagonalization of 4-replica matrices Mαβ;γδM^{\alpha \beta ; \gamma \delta}, is shown to be dramatically simplified through the introduction of properly chosen operations on those objects. These are the Replica Fourier Transforms on ultrametric trees. Those transformations are defined and used in the present work.Comment: Latex file, 14 page
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