736 research outputs found

    A Lifecourse Approach to Long-Term Sickness Absence-A Cohort Study

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Health Effects of Noise Exposure in Children.

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.10.1007/s40572-015-0044-1.Environmental noise exposure, such as road traffic noise and aircraft noise, is associated with a range of health outcomes in children. Children demonstrate annoyance responses to noise, and noise is also related to lower well-being and stress responses, such as increased levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Noise does not cause more serious mental health problems, but there is growing evidence for an association with increased hyperactivity symptoms. Studies also suggest that noise might cause changes in cardiovascular functioning, and there is some limited evidence for an effect on low birth weight. There is robust evidence for an effect of school noise exposure on children's cognitive skills such as reading and memory, as well as on standardised academic test scores. Environmental noise does not usually reach levels that are likely to affect children's hearing; however, increasing use of personal electronic devices may leave some children exposed to harmful levels of noise

    Psychological distress and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the Renfrew and Paisley (MIDSPAN) study

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    Background: This study examined whether psychological distress might be a predictor of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Method: The relation between psychological distress at baseline, measured by the general health questionnaire (GHQ), and chronic bronchitis three years later, as measured by the Medical Research Council (MRC) bronchitis questionnaire and forced expiratory flow in one second (FEV1), was examined in 1682 men and 2203 women from the Renfrew and Paisley (MIDSPAN) study. The analyses were run on men and women separately and adjustments were made for age, socioeconomic position, and lung function at baseline (FEV1). People with chronic diseases at baseline were then excluded to give a "healthy" baseline cohort. The effect of psychological distress on individual components of the MRC bronchitis questionnaire and FEV1 was also assessed. Results: In multivariate analyses of the whole cohort baseline psychological distress in women was associated with reduced FEV1 at follow up (OR 1.31 95% CI 1.0 to 1.73) after adjustment. In women, in the healthy cohort, psychological distress was associated with chronic bronchitis (OR 2.00, 95% CI 1.16 to 3.46), symptoms of bronchial infection (OR 2.14, 95% CI 1.44 to 3.19), symptoms of breathlessness (OR 3.02, 95% CI 1.99 to 4.59), and reduced FEV1 (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.13 to 2.32). In men psychological distress predicted symptoms of bronchial infection (OR 2.09, 95% CI 1.28 to 3.42). Conclusion: This study supports research suggesting that psychological distress is associated with COPD and shows that psychological distress predicts COPD in women. The robustness of the association and the exact mechanism requires further investigation

    Work-family conflict as a predictor of common mental disorders in the 1958 British birth cohort

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    © 2015 Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. All rights reserved. The impact of work-family conflict on common mental disorders (CMD) has been examined in cross-sectional studies. The current paper examines work-family conflict and its effect on CMD in a large nationally representative longitudinal sample. This study uses data from the 1958 British birth cohort study, a longitudinal, prospective cohort study of men and women born in a single week in 1958. At 45 years 9,297 individuals were followed up and 9,008 individuals were working. In this sample work-family conflict, sociodemographic factors and the number of hours worked were assessed at age 42 years. The Revised Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS-R) was used to assess CMD, as classified by the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10), in cohort members at age 45 years. Work-family conflict was prospectively associated with an increased risk of common mental disorders (OR=1.76 95% CI 1.36-2.20) adjusting for gender, marital status, social class and educational qualifications. However there was no significant prospective association between the number of hours worked and the prevalence of CMD in this cohort. These results suggest that work-family conflict is a risk factor for future common mental disorder and that in order to prevent common mental disorder this should be considered in job planning. There is a need for more prospective studies with more detailed measures of work-family conflict to confirm these results

    Common Mental Disorders

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    Common mental disorders (CMDs) comprise different types of depression and anxiety. They cause marked emotional distress and interfere with daily function,but do not usually affect insight or cognition. Although usually less disabling than major psychiatric disorders, their higher prevalence means the cumulative cost of CMDs to society is great. The revised Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS-R) has been used on each Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS) in the series to assess six types of CMD: depression, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and CMD not otherwise specified (CMD-NOS). Many people meet the criteria for more than one CMD. The CIS-R is also used to produce a score that reflects overall severity of CMD symptoms. • Since 2000, there has been a slight but steady increase in the proportion of women with CMD symptoms (as indicated by a CIS-R score of 12 or more), but overall stability at this level among men. The increase in prevalence was evident mostly at the more severe end of the scale (CIS-R score 18 or more). • Since the last survey (2007), increases in CMD have also been evident among late midlife men and women (aged 55 to 64), and approached significance in young women (aged 16 to 24). • The gap in rates of CMD symptoms between young men and women appears to have grown. In 1993, 16 to 24 year old women (19.2%) were twice as likely as 16 to 24 year old men (8.4%) to have symptoms of CMD (CIS-R score 12 or more). In 2014, CMD symptoms were about three times more common in women of that age (26.0%) than men (9.1%). • CMDs were more prevalent in certain groups of the population. These included Black women, adults under the age of 60 who lived alone, women who lived in large households, adults not in employment, those in receipt of benefits and those who smoked cigarettes. These associations are in keeping with increased social disadvantage and poverty being associated with higher risk of CMD. Most people identified by the CIS-R with a CMD also perceived themselves to have a CMD. This was not the case for most of the other disorders assessed in the APMS. • While most of these people had been diagnosed with a mental disorder by a professional, the disorders they reported having been diagnosed with tended to be ‘depression’ or ‘panic attacks’. However, the disorder most commonly identified by the CIS-R was GAD. This difference may reflect the language and terminology used by people when discussing their mental health with a professional

    Environmental noise exposure, early biological risk and mental health in nine to ten year old children: a cross-sectional field study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous research suggests that children born prematurely or with a low birth weight are more vulnerable to the mental health effects of ambient neighbourhood noise; predominantly road and rail noise, at home. This study used data from the Road Traffic and Aircraft Noise Exposure and Children's Cognition and Health (RANCH) study to see if this finding extends to aircraft and road traffic noise at school.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Children and their parents from schools around three European airports were selected to represent a range of aircraft and road traffic noise exposure levels. Birth weight and gestation period were merged to create a dichotomous variable assessing 'early biological risk'. Mental health was assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Complete data were available for 1900 primary school children.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Children who were 'at risk' (i.e. low birth weight or premature birth) were rated as having more conduct problems and emotional symptoms and poorer overall mental health than children not at risk. However, there was no interaction between aircraft or road traffic noise exposure at school and early biological risk.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Data from the RANCH study suggests that children with early biological risk are not more vulnerable to the effects of aircraft or road traffic noise at school on mental health than children without this risk; however they are more likely to have mental ill-health.</p

    Pharmacological strategies to reduce anthracycline-associated cardiotoxicity in cancer patients.

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    INTRODUCTION: Anthracycline chemotherapeutic agents are widely used in the treatment of hematological and solid tumors, working principally through DNA intercalation and topoisomerase II inhibition. However, they are also well known to have cardiotoxic sequelae, commonly denoted as a reduction in ejection fraction. Drug-associated cardiotoxicity remains a significant limiting factor in the use of anthracyclines. AREAS COVERED: In this review, we explore the potential mechanisms of anthracycline-associated cardiotoxicity, identifying high-risk cohorts and approaches to cardiovascular monitoring. The mechanisms through which cardiotoxicity occurs are complex and diverse, ultimately leading to increased oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and subsequent cellular apoptosis. Many of the cardiotoxic effects of anthracyclines exhibit a dose-dependent cumulative relationship and are more apparent in patients with previously existing cardiovascular risk factors. Long-term cardiovascular monitoring and optimization of risk factors, prior to commencing treatment as well as beyond the time of treatment, is therefore essential. EXPERT OPINION: We discuss some of the pharmacological strategies proposed to mitigate anthracycline-associated cardiotoxicity as well as prevention strategies to reduce the burden of coexisting cardiovascular risk factors. We highlight methods of early detection of patient cohorts who are at increased risk of developing anthracycline-associated cardiotoxicity and identify potential avenues for further research

    Structures of monomeric and oligomeric forms of the Toxoplasma gondiiperforin-like protein 1

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    Toxoplasma and Plasmodium are the parasitic agents of toxoplasmosis and malaria, respectively, and use perforin-like proteins (PLPs) to invade host organisms and complete their life cycles. The Toxoplasma gondii PLP1 (TgPLP1) is required for efficient exit from parasitophorous vacuoles in which proliferation occurs. We report structures of the membrane attack complex/perforin (MACPF) and Apicomplexan PLP C-terminal β-pleated sheet (APCβ) domains of TgPLP1. The MACPF domain forms hexameric assemblies, with ring and helix geometries, and the APCβ domain has a novel β-prism fold joined to the MACPF domain by a short linker. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the helical MACPF oligomer preserves a biologically important interface, whereas the APCβ domain binds preferentially through a hydrophobic loop to membrane phosphatidylethanolamine, enhanced by the additional presence of inositol phosphate lipids. This mode of membrane binding is supported by site-directed mutagenesis data from a liposome-based assay. Together, these structural and biophysical findings provide insights into the molecular mechanism of membrane targeting by TgPLP1

    The unconventional cytoplasmic sensing mechanism for ethanol chemotaxis in Bacillus subtilis

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    Motile bacteria sense chemical gradients using chemoreceptors, which consist of distinct sensing and signaling domains. The general model is that the sensing domain binds the chemical and the signaling domain induces the tactic response. Here, we investigated the unconventional sensing mechanism for ethanol taxis in Bacillus subtilis. Ethanol and other short-chain alcohols are attractants for B. subtilis. Two chemoreceptors, McpB and HemAT, sense these alcohols. In the case of McpB, the signaling domain directly binds ethanol. We were further able to identify a single amino-acid residue Ala431 on the cytoplasmic signaling domain of McpB, that when mutated to a serine, reduces taxis to ethanol. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest ethanol binds McpB near residue Ala431 and mutation of this residue to serine increases coiled-coil packing within the signaling domain, thereby reducing the ability of ethanol to bind between the helices of the signaling domain. In the case of HemAT, the myoglobin-like sensing domain binds ethanol, likely between the helices encapsulating the heme group. Aside from being sensed by an unconventional mechanism, ethanol also differs from many other chemoattractants because it is not metabolized by B. subtilis and is toxic. We propose that B. subtilis uses ethanol and other short-chain alcohols to locate prey, namely alcohol-producing microorganisms