30,340 research outputs found

    Towards Economic Models for MOOC Pricing Strategy Design

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    MOOCs have brought unprecedented opportunities of making high-quality courses accessible to everybody. However, from the business point of view, MOOCs are often challenged for lacking of sustainable business models, and academic research for marketing strategies of MOOCs is also a blind spot currently. In this work, we try to formulate the business models and pricing strategies in a structured and scientific way. Based on both theoretical research and real marketing data analysis from a MOOC platform, we present the insights of the pricing strategies for existing MOOC markets. We focus on the pricing strategies for verified certificates in the B2C markets, and also give ideas of modeling the course sub-licensing services in B2B markets

    Phase Space Evolution and Discontinuous Schr\"odinger Waves

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    The problem of Schr\"odinger propagation of a discontinuous wavefunction -diffraction in time- is studied under a new light. It is shown that the evolution map in phase space induces a set of affine transformations on discontinuous wavepackets, generating expansions similar to those of wavelet analysis. Such transformations are identified as the cause for the infinitesimal details in diffraction patterns. A simple case of an evolution map, such as SL(2) in a two-dimensional phase space, is shown to produce an infinite set of space-time trajectories of constant probability. The trajectories emerge from a breaking point of the initial wave.Comment: Presented at the conference QTS7, Prague 2011. 12 pages, 7 figure

    Direct spatial-temporal discrimination of modes in a photonic lightwave circuit using photon scanning tunnelling microscopy

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    Multi-mode photonic lightwave circuits (PLCs) provide new avenues for extending the performance of single mode systems. As an example, they can potentially provide increased bandwidth by multiplexing information into different waveguide modes[1]. For practical applications of multi-mode PLCs to be developed, a measurement technique is required to investigate detailed mode profiles and propagation constants in complex circuits. Photon scanning tunnelling microscopy (PSTM) provides a means of experimentally tracking the femtosecond inter-modal delays observed in PLCs with the ability to discriminate modes by their spatial profiles inside the waveguide

    Point perturbations of circle billiards

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    The spectral statistics of the circular billiard with a point-scatterer is investigated. In the semiclassical limit, the spectrum is demonstrated to be composed of two uncorrelated level sequences. The first corresponds to states for which the scatterer is located in the classically forbidden region and its energy levels are not affected by the scatterer in the semiclassical limit while the second sequence contains the levels which are affected by the point-scatterer. The nearest neighbor spacing distribution which results from the superposition of these sequences is calculated analytically within some approximation and good agreement with the distribution that was computed numerically is found.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    A polyphonic acoustic vortex and its complementary chords

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    Using an annular phased array of eight loudspeakers, we generate sound beams that simultaneously contain phase singularities at a number of different frequencies. These frequencies correspond to different musical notes and the singularities can be set to overlap along the beam axis, creating a polyphonic acoustic vortex. Perturbing the drive amplitudes of the speakers means that the singularities no longer overlap, each note being nulled at a slightly different lateral position, where the volume of the other notes is now nonzero. The remaining notes form a tri-note chord. We contrast this acoustic phenomenon to the optical case where the perturbation of a white light vortex leads to a spectral spatial distribution

    Decimation and Harmonic Inversion of Periodic Orbit Signals

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    We present and compare three generically applicable signal processing methods for periodic orbit quantization via harmonic inversion of semiclassical recurrence functions. In a first step of each method, a band-limited decimated periodic orbit signal is obtained by analytical frequency windowing of the periodic orbit sum. In a second step, the frequencies and amplitudes of the decimated signal are determined by either Decimated Linear Predictor, Decimated Pade Approximant, or Decimated Signal Diagonalization. These techniques, which would have been numerically unstable without the windowing, provide numerically more accurate semiclassical spectra than does the filter-diagonalization method.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Geometric phases and anholonomy for a class of chaotic classical systems

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    Berry's phase may be viewed as arising from the parallel transport of a quantal state around a loop in parameter space. In this Letter, the classical limit of this transport is obtained for a particular class of chaotic systems. It is shown that this ``classical parallel transport'' is anholonomic --- transport around a closed curve in parameter space does not bring a point in phase space back to itself --- and is intimately related to the Robbins-Berry classical two-form.Comment: Revtex, 11 pages, no figures

    High-Order Adiabatic Approximation for Non-Hermitian Quantum System and Complexization of Berry's Phase

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    In this paper the evolution of a quantum system drived by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian depending on slowly-changing parameters is studied by building an universal high-order adiabatic approximation(HOAA) method with Berry's phase ,which is valid for either the Hermitian or the non-Hermitian cases. This method can be regarded as a non-trivial generalization of the HOAA method for closed quantum system presented by this author before. In a general situation, the probabilities of adiabatic decay and non-adiabatic transitions are explicitly obtained for the evolution of the non-Hermitian quantum system. It is also shown that the non-Hermitian analog of the Berry's phase factor for the non-Hermitian case just enjoys the holonomy structure of the dual linear bundle over the parameter manifold. The non-Hermitian evolution of the generalized forced harmonic oscillator is discussed as an illustrative examples.Comment: ITP.SB-93-22,17 page
