54 research outputs found

    Large-N limit of a magnetic impurity in unconventional density waves

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    We investigate the effect of unconventional density wave (UDW) condensate on an Anderson impurity using large-N technique at T=0. In accordance with previous treatments of a Kondo impurity in pseudogap phases, we find that Kondo effect occurs only in a certain range of parameters. The f-electron density of states reflects the influence of UDW at low energies and around the maximum of the density wave gap. The static spin susceptibility diverges at the critical coupling, indicating the transition from strong to weak coupling. In the dynamic spin susceptibility an additional peak appears showing the presence the UDW gap. Predictions concerning non-linear density of states are made. Our results apply to other unconventional condensates such as d-wave superconductors and d-density waves as well.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Ground State Properties of Anderson Impurity in a Gapless Host

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    Using the Bethe ansatz method, we study the ground state properties of a U→∞U\to\infty Anderson impurity in a ``gapless'' host, where a density of band states vanishes at the Fermi level ϵF\epsilon_F as ∣ϵ−ϵF∣|\epsilon-\epsilon_F|. As in metals, the impurity spin is proven to be screened at arbitrary parameters of the system. However, the impurity occupancy as a function of the bare impurity energy is shown to acquire novel qualitative features which demonstrate a nonuniversal behavior of the system. The latter explains why the Kondo screening is absent (or exists only at quite a large electron-impurity coupling) in earlier studies based on scaling arguments.Comment: 5 pages, no figure, RevTe

    Critical local-moment fluctuations, anomalous exponents, and omega/T scaling in the Kondo problem with a pseudogap

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    Experiments in heavy-fermion metals and related theoretical work suggest that critical local-moment fluctuations can play an important role near a zero-temperature phase transition. We study such fluctuations at the quantum critical point of a Kondo impurity model in which the density of band states vanishes as |E|^r at the Fermi energy (E = 0). The local spin response is described by a set of critical exponents that vary continuously with r. For 0 < r < 1, the dynamical susceptibility exhibits omega/T scaling with a fractional exponent, implying that the critical point is interacting.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; enhanced figures, expanded discussion of small-r expansio

    Multichannel pseudogap Kondo model: Large-N solution and quantum-critical dynamics

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    We discuss a multichannel SU(N) Kondo model which displays non-trivial zero-temperature phase transitions due to a conduction electron density of states vanishing with a power law at the Fermi level. In a particular large-N limit, the system is described by coupled integral equations corresponding to a dynamic saddle point. We exactly determine the universal low-energy behavior of spectral densities at the scale-invariant fixed points, obtain anomalous exponents, and compute scaling functions describing the crossover near the quantum-critical points. We argue that our findings are relevant to recent experiments on impurity-doped d-wave superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs; extended discussion of large-N spin representations, added references; accepted for publication in PR

    Kondo screening in d-wave superconductors in a Zeeman field and implications for STM spectra of Zn-doped cuprates

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    We consider the screening of an impurity moment in a d-wave superconductor under the influence of a Zeeman magnetic field. Using the Numerical Renormalization Group technique, we investigate the resulting pseudogap Kondo problem, in particular the field-induced crossover behavior in the vicinity of the zero-field boundary quantum phase transition. The impurity spectral function and the resulting changes in the local host density of states are calculated, giving specific predictions for high-field STM measurements on impurity-doped cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figs, (v2) remark on c-axis field added, discussion extended, (v3) final version as publishe

    Kondo effect in a quantum critical ferromagnet

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    We study the Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain coupled with a boundary impurity. Via Bethe ansatz solution, it is found that (i) for J>0, the impurity spin behaves as a diamagnetic center and is completely screened by 2S bulk spins in the ground state, no matter how large the impurity spin is; (ii) The specific heat of the local composite (impurity plus 2S bulk spins which form bound state with it) shows a simple power law Cloc∼T3/2C_{loc}\sim T^{3/2}. (iii)For J<0, the impurity is locked into the critical behavior of the bulk. Possible phenomena in higher dimensions are discussed.Comment: 6page Revtex, no figure, final version in PRB, Jun 1 issue, 199

    Impurity in a d-wave superconductor: Kondo effect and STM spectra

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    We present a theory for recent STM studies of Zn impurities in the superconductor BSCCO, using insights from NMR experiments which show that there is a net S=1/2 moment on the Cu ions near the Zn. We argue that the Kondo spin dynamics of this moment is the origin of the low bias peak in the differential conductance, rather than a resonance in a purely potential scattering model. The spatial and energy dependence of the STM spectra of our model can also fit the experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 color figures. Found improved saddle-point with d-wave correlations near the impurity; onset of Kondo screening now occurs at a significantly smaller coupling, but there is little qualitative change in other features. Noted connection to STM of Kondo impurities in normal metals. Final version as publishe

    Absence of overscreened Kondo effect in ferromagnetic host

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    We study the low temperature behavior of a boundary magnetic impurity S'=1/2 in an open ferromagnetic Takhatajian-Babujian spin-S chain. For antiferromagnetic Kondo coupling, it is show via Bethe ansatz solution that the impurity spin is always locked into the critical behavior the bulk. At low temperature, a local composite of spin S-1/2 forms near the impurity site and its contribution to specific heat is of simple power law T^{1/2}. The absence of overscreened Kondo effect is due to the large correlation length of host spins which is divergent near the quantum critical point.Comment: 4 pages. to appear in Phys. Rev. B1(R4A)(2000

    Localization of quasiparticles in a disordered vortex

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    We study the diffusive motion of low-energy normal quasiparticles along the core of a single vortex in a dirty, type-II, s-wave superconductor. The physics of this system is argued to be described by a one-dimensional supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model, which differs from the sigma models known for disordered metallic wires. For an isolated vortex and quasiparticle energies less than the Thouless energy, we recover the spectral correlations that are predicted by random matrix theory for the universality class C. We then consider the transport problem of transmission of quasiparticles through a vortex connected to particle reservoirs at both ends. The transmittance at zero energy exhibits a weak localization correction reminiscent of quasi-one-dimensional metallic systems with symmetry index beta = 1. Weak localization disappears with increasing energy over a scale set by the Thouless energy. This crossover should be observable in measurements of the longitudinal heat conductivity of an ensemble of vortices under mesoscopic conditions. In the regime of strong localization, the localization length is shown to decrease by a factor of 8 as the quasiparticle energy goes to zero.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX2e + epsf, 4 eps figures, one reference adde

    Weak localization of disordered quasiparticles in the mixed superconducting state

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    Starting from a random matrix model, we construct the low-energy effective field theory for the noninteracting gas of quasiparticles of a disordered superconductor in the mixed state. The theory is a nonlinear sigma model, with the order parameter field being a supermatrix whose form is determined solely on symmetry grounds. The weak localization correction to the field-axis thermal conductivity is computed for a dilute array of s-wave vortices near the lower critical field H_c1. We propose that weak localization effects, cut off at low temperatures by the Zeeman splitting, are responsible for the field dependence of the thermal conductivity seen in recent high-T_c experiments by Aubin et al.Comment: RevTex, 8 pages, 1 eps figure, typos correcte
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