34,672 research outputs found

    Estimation of the basic reproduction number of measles during an outbreak in a partially vaccinated population

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    From March to July 1996 a measles outbreak occurred in northern Luxembourg with 110 reported cases centered around two primary schools (85 cases) and the surrounding community (25 cases). Eighty four suspected cases were confirmed serologically. Vaccine coverage was estimated from questionnaire-based surveys at the two primary schools to be 70 and 76%, respectively. Vaccine efficacy during the outbreak was estimated to be 94.6% [95% confidence interval (CI) 90·4–97·0]. Using the information from the school surveys, we obtained estimates of the basic reproduction number of measles of 7·7 (95% CI 4·4–11·0) and 6·2 (95% CI 3·5–8·9), respectively. Assuming a 95% vaccine efficacy, these estimates correspond to minimal vaccine coverages of 91·6% (95% CI 81·4–95·7) and 88·3% (95% CI 75·5–93·4) which would have been necessary to minimize the chances of a major outbreak occurring. We can confirm that major outbreaks in similar school settings can only be prevented if vaccination coverage exceeds 90%

    Sequential Sparsening by Successive Adaptation in Neural Populations

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    In the principal cells of the insect mushroom body, the Kenyon cells (KC), olfactory information is represented by a spatially and temporally sparse code. Each odor stimulus will activate only a small portion of neurons and each stimulus leads to only a short phasic response following stimulus onset irrespective of the actual duration of a constant stimulus. The mechanisms responsible for the sparse code in the KCs are yet unresolved. Here, we explore the role of the neuron-intrinsic mechanism of spike-frequency adaptation (SFA) in producing temporally sparse responses to sensory stimulation in higher processing stages. Our single neuron model is defined through a conductance-based integrate-and-fire neuron with spike-frequency adaptation [1]. We study a fully connected feed-forward network architecture in coarse analogy to the insect olfactory pathway. A first layer of ten neurons represents the projection neurons (PNs) of the antenna lobe. All PNs receive a step-like input from the olfactory receptor neurons, which was realized by independent Poisson processes. The second layer represents 100 KCs which converge onto ten neurons in the output layer which represents the population of mushroom body extrinsic neurons (ENs). Our simulation result matches with the experimental observations. In particular, intracellular recordings of PNs show a clear phasic-tonic response that outlasts the stimulus [2] while extracellular recordings from KCs in the locust express sharp transient responses [3]. We conclude that the neuron-intrinsic mechanism is can explain a progressive temporal response sparsening in the insect olfactory system. Further experimental work is needed to test this hypothesis empirically. [1] Muller et. al., Neural Comput, 19(11):2958-3010, 2007. [2] Assisi et. al., Nat Neurosci, 10(9):1176-1184, 2007. [3] Krofczik et. al. Front. Comput. Neurosci., 2(9), 2009.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, This manuscript was submitted for review to the Eighteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2009 in Berlin and accepted for oral presentation at the meetin

    Assessment of MISR and MODIS cloud top heights through inter-comparison with a back-scattering lidar at SIRTA

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    One year of back-scattering lidar cloud boundaries and optical depth were analysed for coincident inter-comparison with the latest processed versions of the NASA-TERRA MISR stereo and MODIS CO2-slicing operational cloud top heights. Optically thin clouds were found to be accurately characterised by the MISR cloud top height product as long as no other cloud was present at lower altitude. MODIS cloud top heights were generally found within the cloud extent retrieved by lidar; agreement improved as cloud optical depth increased and when CO2-slicing was the only technique used for the retrieval. The difference between Lidar and MISR cloud top heights was found to lie between −0.1 and 0.4 km for low clouds and between 0.1 and 3.1 km for high clouds. The difference between Lidar and MODIS cloud top heights was found to lie between −1.2 and 1.5 km for low clouds and between −1.4 and 2.7 km for high clouds

    Determination of anisotropic dipole moments in self-assembled quantum dots using Rabi oscillations

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    By investigating the polarization-dependent Rabi oscillations using photoluminescence spectroscopy, we determined the respective transition dipole moments of the two excited excitonic states |Ex> and |Ey> of a single self-assembled quantum dot that are nondegenerate due to shape anisotropy. We find that the ratio of the two dipole moments is close to the physical elongation ratio of the quantum dot.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, MS Word generated PDF fil

    MISR stereoscopic image matchers: techniques and results

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    The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument, launched in December 1999 on the NASA EOS Terra satellite, produces images in the red band at 275-m resolution, over a swath width of 360 km, for the nine camera angles 70.5/spl deg/, 60/spl deg/, 45.6/spl deg/, and 26.1/spl deg/ forward, nadir, and 26.1/spl deg/, 45.6/spl deg/, 60/spl deg/, and 70.5/spl deg/ aft. A set of accurate and fast algorithms was developed for automated stereo matching of cloud features to obtain cloud-top height and motion over the nominal six-year lifetime of the mission. Accuracy and speed requirements necessitated the use of a combination of area-based and feature-based stereo-matchers with only pixel-level acuity. Feature-based techniques are used for cloud motion retrieval with the off-nadir MISR camera views, and the motion is then used to provide a correction to the disparities used to measure cloud-top heights which are derived from the innermost three cameras. Intercomparison with a previously developed "superstereo" matcher shows that the results are very comparable in accuracy with much greater coverage and at ten times the speed. Intercomparison of feature-based and area-based techniques shows that the feature-based techniques are comparable in accuracy at a factor of eight times the speed. An assessment of the accuracy of the area-based matcher for cloud-free scenes demonstrates the accuracy and completeness of the stereo-matcher. This trade-off has resulted in the loss of a reliable quality metric to predict accuracy and a slightly high blunder rate. Examples are shown of the application of the MISR stereo-matchers on several difficult scenes which demonstrate the efficacy of the matching approach

    Exact Results for Evaporating Black Holes in Curvature-Squared Lovelock Gravity: Gauss-Bonnet Greybody Factors

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    Lovelock gravity is an important extension of General Relativity that provides a promising framework to study curvature corrections to the Einstein action, while avoiding ghosts and keeping second order field equations. This paper derives the greybody factors for D-dimensional black holes arising in a theory with a Gauss-Bonnet curvature-squared term. These factors describe the non-trivial coupling between black holes and quantum fields during the evaporation process: they can be used both from a theoretical viewpoint to investigate the intricate spacetime structure around such a black hole, and for phenomenological purposes in the framework of braneworld models with a low Planck scale. We derive exact spectra for the emission of scalar, fermion and gauge fields emitted on the brane, and for scalar fields emitted in the bulk, and demonstrate how the Gauss-Bonnet term can change the bulk-to-brane emission rates ratio in favour of the bulk channel in particular frequency regimes.Comment: 29 pages, Latex file, 11 figures, Data files (greybody factors) available at http://lpsc.in2p3.fr/ams/greybody/, typos corrected, references added, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Contemporaneous Monitoring of the Whole Dynamic Earth System from Space, Part I: System Simulation Study Using GEO and Molniya Orbits

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    Despite the wealth of data produced by previous and current Earth Observation platforms feeding climate models, weather forecasts, disaster monitoring services and countless other applications, the public still lacks the ability to access a live, true colour, global view of our planet, and nudge them towards a realisation of its fragility. The ideas behind commercialization of Earth photography from space has long been dominated by the analytical value of the imagery. What specific knowledge and actionable intelligence can be garnered from these evermore frequent revisits of the planet’s surface? How can I find a market for this analysis? However, what is rarely considered is what is the educational value of the imagery? As students and children become more aware of our several decades of advance in viewing our current planetary state, we should find mechanisms which serve their curiosity, helping to satisfy our children’s simple quest to explore and learn more about what they are seeing. The following study describes the reasons why current GEO and LEO observation platforms are inadequate to provide truly global RGB coverage on an update time-scale of 5-min and proposes an alternative, low-cost, GEO + Molniya 3U CubeSat constellation to perform such an application

    Emission of Massive Scalar Fields by a Higher-Dimensional Rotating Black-Hole

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    We perform a comprehensive study of the emission of massive scalar fields by a higher-dimensional, simply rotating black hole both in the bulk and on the brane. We derive approximate, analytic results as well as exact numerical ones for the absorption probability, and demonstrate that the two sets agree very well in the low and intermediate-energy regime for scalar fields with mass m_\Phi < 1 TeV in the bulk and m_\Phi < 0.5 TeV on the brane. The numerical values of the absorption probability are then used to derive the Hawking radiation power emission spectra in terms of the number of extra dimensions, angular-momentum of the black hole and mass of the emitted field. We compute the total emissivities in the bulk and on the brane, and demonstrate that, although the brane channel remains the dominant one, the bulk-over-brane energy ratio is considerably increased (up to 33%) when the mass of the emitted field is taken into account.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    A 'p-n' diode with hole and electron-doped lanthanum manganite

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    The hole-doped manganite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and the electron-doped manganite La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 undergo an insulator to metal transition at around 250 K, above which both behave as a polaronic semiconductor. We have successfully fabricated an epitaxial trilayer (La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/La0.7Ce0.3MnO3), where SrTiO3 is an insulator. At room temperature, i.e. in the semiconducting regime, it exhibits asymmetric current-voltage (I-V) characteristics akin to a p-n diode. The observed asymmetry in the I-V characteristics disappears at low temperatures where both the manganite layers are metallic. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of such a p-n diode, using the polaronic semiconducting regime of doped manganites.Comment: PostScript text and 2 figures, to be published in Appl. Phys. Lett