5 research outputs found

    Djelovanje isteka roka pendimetalina (Stomp) na klijanje i razvoj mlade biljke manga (Mangifera indica)

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    Effect of expired herbicide on seed germination and seedling development of Mango (Mangifera indica) was investigated using Pendimethalin herbicides that have expired for 7, 5 and 1 years respectively. Two concentrations 100 and 150ml/l of each of the expired herbicides were used as the treatment concentrations for the investigation. Mango germination was delayed in all the herbicide treatments but not in the control treatment. Germination rate was consistently higher in the control treatment than in all the herbicide treatments except the herbicide that expired in 2011.There were no herbicide injuries nor growth retardation on Mango seedlings except slight stem distortion and reduced leaf size at the early emergence stage.Djelovanje isteklog roka herbicida na klijanje sjemena i razvoj biljke manga (Mangifera indica) istraživano je primjenom herbicida pendimetalin čiji je rok istekao 7, 5 i 1 godinu. Dvije koncentracije od 100 i 150 ml/l svakoga od spomenutih herbicida primijenjene su kao koncentracije tretmana u istraživanju. Klijanje manga zakasnilo je u svim tretmanima herbicida osim u kontrolnom tretmanu. Stopa klijanja bila je stalno viša u kontrolnom tretmanu nego u tretmanima s herbicidom osim u tretmanu s herbicidom kojemu je rok istekao 2011. Nije bilo oštećenja zbog herbicida niti zaostatka u rastu biljaka manga osim neznatnog nakrivljenja stabljika i smanjenja veličine listova na ranom stadiju klijanja

    Protective capacity of carotenoid trans-astaxanthin in rotenone-induced toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Trans-astaxanthin (TA), a keto-carotenoid found in aquatic invertebrates, possesses anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. Rotenone is used to induce oxidative stress-mediated Parkinson's disease (PD) in animals. We probed if TA would protect against rotenone-induced toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster. Trans-astaxanthin (0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 10, and 20 mg/10 g diet) and rotenone (0, 250 and 500 μM) were separately orally exposed to flies in the diet to evaluate longevity and survival rates, respectively. Consequently, we evaluated the ameliorative actions of TA (1.0 mg/10 g diet) on rotenone (500 μM)-induced toxicity in Drosophila after 7 days' exposure. Additionally, we performed molecular docking of TA against selected pro-inflammatory protein targets. We observed that TA (0.5 and 1.0 mg/10 g diet) increased the lifespan of D. melanogaster by 36.36%. Moreover, TA (1.0 mg/10 g diet) ameliorated rotenone-mediated inhibition of Catalase, Glutathione-S-transferase and Acetylcholinesterase activities, and depletion of Total Thiols and Non-Protein Thiols contents. Trans-astaxanthin prevented behavioural dysfunction and accumulation of Hydrogen Peroxide, Malondialdehyde, Protein Carbonyls and Nitric Oxide in D. melanogaster (p < 0.05). Trans-astaxanthin showed higher docking scores against the pro-inflammatory protein targets evaluated than the standard inhibitors. Conclusively, the structural features of TA might have contributed to its protective actions against rotenone-induced toxicity

    Težina sjemenki i morfo-fiziološki parametri klijanaca manga (Mangifera indica)

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    Seeds from a local variety of Mango (Mangifera indica) were collected shortly after the seasonal fruiting period between March and May, 2009. The seeds were sorted into four groups tagged, very heavy, heavy, medium and light (25-32, 20-24,16-19 and10- 15g) respectively. The study investigated the effect of seed weight on the number of seedlings per seed, stem height, number of leaves, and seedling dry weight. The results showed that the seed weight influenced the various morpho-physiological parameters studied though, not statistically significant. However, the results of this study showed that a group (HYS) among the heavy seeds category produced more than one seedling per seed, while another group (VHS) of heavy seeds produced only one seedling per seed like other groups of seeds. Greater stem heights were obtained from the seedlings of heavy and medium weights seed groups, while the shortest stem height was obtained in medium and light seeds. Seedling dry weights were much higher in heavy and medium weights seeds than light seeds.Sjeme lokalnog kultivara manga (Mangifera indica) sakupljeno je odmah nakon sezonskog razdoblja zriobe, između ožujka i svibnja 2009. godine. Sjeme je sortirano u četiri skupine i označeno: vrlo teško, teško, srednje i lagano (25-32, 20-24, 16-19 i 10-15 g). U radu je istraživano djelovanje težine sjemena na broj klijanaca po sjemenki, visinu peteljke, broj listova te suhu težinu klijanaca. Rezultati su pokazali da je težina sjemenki utjecala na razne istraživane morfo-fiziološke parametre, iako statistički ne značajno. Međutim, rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da je skupina (HYS) među sjemenkama teške kategorije dala više od jednog klijanca po sjemenki, dok je druga skupina (VHS) teških sjemenki dala samo jednog klijanca po sjemenki, kao ostale skupine sjemenki. Veće visine stabljike dali su klijanci skupina teške ili srednje težine sjemenki, dok je kraća visina peteljki dobivena od srednjih i laganih sjemenki. Suhe težine klijanaca bile su više u sjemenkama teže ili srednje težine nego u laganih sjemenki