3 research outputs found

    Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravity and Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics on the Event Horizon

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    In blackhole physics, the second law of thermodynamics is generally valid whether the blackhole is a static or a non-static one. Considering the universe as a thermodynamical system the second law of blackhole dynamics extends to the non-negativity of the sum of the entropy of the matter and the horizon, known as generalized second law of thermodynamics(GSLT). Here, we have assumed the universe to be bounded by the event-horizon or filled with perfect fluid and holographic dark energy in two cases. Thus considering entropy to be an arbitrary function of the area of the event-horizon, we have tried to find the conditions and the restrictions over the scalar field and equation of state for the validity of the GSLT and both in quintessence-era and in phantom-era in scalar tensor theory.Comment: 8 page

    Cosmological Evolution Across Phantom Crossing and the Nature of the Horizon

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    In standard cosmology, with the evolution of the universe, the matter density and thermodynamic pressure gradually decreases. Also in course of evolution, the matter in the universe obeys (or violates) some restrictions or energy conditions. If the matter distribution obeys strong energy condition (SEC), the universe is in a decelerating phase while violation of SEC indicates an accelerated expansion of the universe. In the period of accelerated expansion the matter may be either of quintessence nature or of phantom nature depending on the fulfilment of the weak energy condition (WEC) or violation of it. As recent observational evidences demand that the universe is going through an accelerated expansion so mater should be either quintessence or phantom in nature. In the present work we study the evolution of the universe through the phantom barrier (i.e. the dividing line between the quintessence and phantom era) and examine how apparent and event horizon change across the barrier. Finally, we investigate the possibility of occurrence of any singularity in phantom era.Comment: 7 pages and 4 figure