600 research outputs found

    Mom-and-Pop Meet Big-Box: Complements or Substitutes?

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    In part due to the popular perception that Big-Boxes displace smaller, often family owned (a.k.a. Mom-and-Pop) retail establishments, several empirical studies have examined the evidence on how Big-Boxes’ impact local retail employment but no clear consensus has emerged. To help shed light on this debate, we exploit establishment-level data with detailed location information from a single metropolitan area to quantify the impact of Big-Box store entry and growth on nearby single unit and local chain stores. We incorporate a rich set of controls for local retail market conditions as well as whether or not the Big-Boxes are in the same sector as the smaller stores. We find a substantial negative impact of Big-Box entry and growth on the employment growth at both single unit and especially smaller chain stores – but only when the Big-Box activity is both in the immediate area and in the same detailed industry.

    Measuring the Dynamics of Young and Small Businesses: Integrating the Employer and Nonemployer Universes

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    We develop a preliminary version of an Integrated Longitudinal Business Database (ILBD) that combines administrative records and survey data for all employer and nonemployer business units in the United States. Unlike other large-scale business databases, the ILBD tracks business transitions from nonemployer to employer status. This feature of the ILBD opens a new frontier for the study of business formation, early lifecycle dynamics and the precursors to job creation in the U.S. economy. There are 5.4 million nonfarm business firms with employees as of 2000 and another 15.5 million with no employees. Our analysis focuses on 40 industries that account for nearly half of nonemployers and 36 percent of nonemployer revenues. Within these industries, nonemployers account for 14 percent of business revenues. About 220,000 of the seven million nonemployers in our selected industries hire workers and migrate to the employer universe over a three-year horizon. These Migrants account for 20 percent of revenue among young employers (three years or less since first hire). Compared to other nonemployers, the revenue of Migrants grows very rapidly in the year prior to and the year of transition to employer status.

    A hierarchy of bound states in the 1D ferromagnetic Ising chain CoNb2_2O6_6 investigated by high resolution time-domain terahertz spectroscopy

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    Kink bound states in the one dimensional ferromagnetic Ising chain compound CoNb2_2O6_6 have been studied using high resolution time-domain terahertz spectroscopy in zero applied magnetic field. When magnetic order develops at low temperature, nine bound states of kinks become visible. Their energies can be modeled exceedingly well by the Airy function solutions to a 1D Schr\"odinger equation with a linear confining potential. This sequence of bound states terminates at a threshold energy near two times the energy of the lowest bound state. Above this energy scale we observe a broad feature consistent with the onset of the two particle continuum. At energies just below this threshold we observe a prominent excitation that we interpret as a novel bound state of bound states -- two pairs of kinks on neighboring chains

    Lifshitz transition and van Hove singularity in a Topological Dirac Semimetal

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    A topological Dirac semimetal is a novel state of quantum matter which has recently attracted much attention as an apparent 3D version of graphene. In this paper, we report critically important results on the electronic structure of the 3D Dirac semimetal Na3Bi at a surface that reveals its nontrivial groundstate. Our studies, for the first time, reveal that the two 3D Dirac cones go through a topological change in the constant energy contour as a function of the binding energy, featuring a Lifshitz point, which is missing in a strict 3D analog of graphene (in other words Na3Bi is not a true 3D analog of graphene). Our results identify the first example of a band saddle point singularity in 3D Dirac materials. This is in contrast to its 2D analogs such as graphene and the helical Dirac surface states of a topological insulator. The observation of multiple Dirac nodes in Na3Bi connecting via a Lifshitz point along its crystalline rotational axis away from the Kramers point serves as a decisive signature for the symmetry-protected nature of the Dirac semimetal's topological groundstate.Comment: 5 pages, 4 Figures, Related papers on topological Fermi arcs and Weyl Semimetals (WSMs) are at http://physics.princeton.edu/zahidhasangroup/index.htm

    Using Early Data to Illuminate the Pioneer Anomaly

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    Analysis of the radio tracking data from the Pioneer 10/11 spacecraft at distances between about 20 - 70 AU from the Sun has consistently indicated the presence of an unmodeled, small, constant, Doppler blue shift drift of order 6 \times 10^{-9} Hz/s. After accounting for systematics, this drift can be interpreted as a constant acceleration of a_P= (8.74 \pm 1.33) \times 10^{-8} cm/s^2 directed towards the Sun, or perhaps as a time acceleration of a_t = (2.92 \pm 0.44)\times 10^{-18} s/s^2. Although it is suspected that there is a systematic origin to this anomaly, none has been unambiguously demonstrated. We review the current status of the anomaly, and then point out how the analysis of early data, which was never analyzed in detail, could allow a more clear understanding of the origin of the anomaly, be it a systematic or a manifestation of unsuspected physics.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, additional materia

    Mars Tumbleweed: FY2003 Conceptual Design Assessment

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    NASA LaRC is studying concepts for a new type of Mars exploration vehicle that would be propelled by the wind. Known as the Mars Tumbleweed, it would derive mobility through use of the Martian surface winds. Tumbleweeds could conceivably travel greater distances, cover larger areas of the surface, and provide access to areas inaccessible by conventional vehicles. They would be lightweight and relatively inexpensive, allowing a multiple vehicle network to be deployed on a single mission. Tumbleweeds would be equipped with sensors for conducting science and serve as scouts searching broad areas to identify specific locations for follow-on investigation by other explorers. An extensive assessment of LaRC Tumbleweed concepts was conducted in FY03, including refinement of science mission scenarios, definition of supporting subsystems (structures, power, communications), testing in wind tunnels, and development of a dynamic simulation capability