14,981 research outputs found

    Anomalous physical properties of underdoped weak-ferromagnetic superconductor RuSr2_2EuCu2_{2}O8_{8}

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    Similar to the optimal-doped, weak-ferromagnetic (WFM induced by canted antiferromagnetism, TCurie_{Curie} = 131 K) and superconducting (Tc_{c} = 56 K) RuSr2_{2}GdCu2_{2}O8_{8}, the underdoped RuSr2_{2}EuCu2_{2}O8_{8} (TCurie_{Curie} = 133 K, Tc_{c} = 36 K) also exhibited a spontaneous vortex state (SVS) between 16 K and 36 K. The low field (±\pm20 G) superconducting hysteresis loop indicates a weak and narrow Meissner state region of average lower critical field Bc1ave_{c1}^{ave}(T) = Bc1ave_{c1}^{ave}(0)[1 - (T/TSVS_{SVS})2^{2}], with Bc1ave_{c1}^{ave}(0) = 7 G and TSVS_{SVS} = 16 K. The vortex melting transition (Tmelting_{melting} = 21 K) below Tc_{c} obtained from the broad resistivity drop and the onset of diamagnetic signal indicates a vortex liquid region due to the coexistence and interplay between superconductivity and WFM order. No visible jump in specific heat was observed near Tc_{c} for Eu- and Gd-compound. This is not surprising, since the electronic specific heat is easily overshadowed by the large phonon and weak-ferromagnetic contributions. Furthermore, a broad resistivity transition due to low vortex melting temperature would also lead to a correspondingly reduced height of any specific heat jump. Finally, with the baseline from the nonmagnetic Eu-compound, specific heat data analysis confirms the magnetic entropy associated with antiferromagnetic ordering of Gd3+^{3+} (J = S = 7/2) at 2.5 K to be close to NAk\it{N_{A}k} ln8 as expected.Comment: 7 figure

    Measurement back-action on the quantum spin-mixing dynamics of a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We consider a small F=1 spinor condensate inside an optical cavity driven by an optical probe field, and subject the output of the probe to a homodyne detection, with the goal of investigating the effect of measurement back-action on the spin dynamics of the condensate. Using the stochastic master equation approach, we show that the effect of back-action is sensitive to not only the measurement strength but also the quantum fluctuation of the spinor condensate. The same method is also used to estimate the atom numbers below which the effect of back-action becomes so prominent that extracting spin dynamics from this cavity-based detection scheme is no longer practical

    Mode Repulsion and Mode Coupling in Random Lasers

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    We studied experimentally and theoretically the interaction of lasing modes in random media. In a homogeneously broadened gain medium, cross gain saturation leads to spatial repulsion of lasing modes. In an inhomogeneously broadened gain medium, mode repulsion occurs in the spectral domain. Some lasing modes are coupled through photon hopping or electron absorption and reemission. Under pulsed pumping, weak coupling of two modes leads to synchronization of their lasing action. Strong coupling of two lasing modes results in anti-phased oscillations of their intensities.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Quasinormal modes prefer supersymmetry ?

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    One ambiguity in loop quantum gravity is the appearance of a free parameter which is called Immirzi parameter. Recently Dreyer has argued that this parameter may be fixed by considering the quasinormal mode spectrum of black holes, while at the price of changing the gauge group to SO(3) rather than the original one SU(2). Physically such a replacement is not quite natural or desirable. In this paper we study the relationship between the black hole entropy and the quasi normal mode spectrum in the loop quantization of N=1 supergravity. We find that a single value of the Immirzi parameter agrees with the semiclassical expectations as well. But in this case the lowest supersymmetric representation dominates, fitting well with the result based on statistical consideration. This suggests that, so long as fermions are included in the theory, supersymemtry may be favored for the consistency of the low energy limit of loop quantum gravity.Comment: 3 page

    TimeMachine: Timeline Generation for Knowledge-Base Entities

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    We present a method called TIMEMACHINE to generate a timeline of events and relations for entities in a knowledge base. For example for an actor, such a timeline should show the most important professional and personal milestones and relationships such as works, awards, collaborations, and family relationships. We develop three orthogonal timeline quality criteria that an ideal timeline should satisfy: (1) it shows events that are relevant to the entity; (2) it shows events that are temporally diverse, so they distribute along the time axis, avoiding visual crowding and allowing for easy user interaction, such as zooming in and out; and (3) it shows events that are content diverse, so they contain many different types of events (e.g., for an actor, it should show movies and marriages and awards, not just movies). We present an algorithm to generate such timelines for a given time period and screen size, based on submodular optimization and web-co-occurrence statistics with provable performance guarantees. A series of user studies using Mechanical Turk shows that all three quality criteria are crucial to produce quality timelines and that our algorithm significantly outperforms various baseline and state-of-the-art methods.Comment: To appear at ACM SIGKDD KDD'15. 12pp, 7 fig. With appendix. Demo and other info available at http://cs.stanford.edu/~althoff/timemachine