104 research outputs found

    Basin-wide warming of the Indian Ocean during El Nino and Indian Ocean dipole years

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    Basin-wide wintertime surface warming is observed in the Indian Ocean during El Niño years. The basin-wide warming is found to be stronger when El Niño and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) co-occur. The mechanisms responsible for the basin-wide warming are different for the years with El Niño only (El Niño without IOD) and for the co-occurrence (both El Niño and IOD) years. Strong westward propagation of downwelling Rossby waves is observed in the southern Indian Ocean during the IOD years. Such strong propagation is not seen in the case of the El Niño-only years. This indicates that the ocean dynamics play an important role in winter warming of the western Indian Ocean during the IOD years. The weak easterly wind anomalies in the El Niño-only years show no measurable impact on the Wyrtki Jets, but weakening or reversal of these jets is seen in the IOD years. This strongly suggests that the variability related to surface circulation is due to the local IOD forcing rather than El Niño induced wind anomaly. For the El Niño-only composites, surface heat fluxes (mainly latent heat flux and short wave radiation) play an important role in maintaining the basin-wide surface warming in the Indian Ocean. In the IOD-only composites (when there is no El Niño in the Pacific), such basin-wide warming is not seen because of the absence of ENSO (El Niño and Southern Oscillation) induced subsidence over the eastern Indian Ocean. For the years in which both El Niño in the Pacific and dipole in the Indian Ocean co-occur, warming in the western Indian Ocean is due to the ocean dynamics and that in the eastern Indian Ocean is due to the anomalous latent heat flux and solar radiation

    Observed twin gyres and their interannual variability in the equatorial Indian Ocean using Topex/Poseidon altimetry

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    Recent numerical models have simulated the equatorial Indian Ocean twin gyres. However, there is no strong observational evidence for the existence of these gyres. Satellite technology and filter techniques are explored in this study to provide observational evidence for the existence of these gyres. The westward-propagating Rossby waves in the equatorial Indian Ocean, filtered from the Topex/Poseidon sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) showed the twin gyre structure which coincides with the model-simulated gyres. The present study further addresses the interannual variability of these gyres, especially during the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) years. The anomalous wind stress curl is found to drag the annual Rossby waves during the IOD years in the region 78° E-88° E. The downwelling favourable wind stress curl deepens the thermocline and increases SSHA and sea surface temperature

    North Indian Ocean warming and sea level rise in an OGCM

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    The variability in the long-term temperature and sea level over the north Indian Ocean during the period 1958–2000 has been investigated using an Ocean General Circulation Model, Modular Ocean Model version 4. The model simulated fields are compared with the sea level observations from tide-gauges, Topex/Poseidon (T/P) satellite, in situ temperature profile observations from WHOI moored buoy and sea surface temperature (SST) observations from DS1, DS3 and DS4 moored buoys. It is seen that the long (6–8 years) warming episodes in the SST over the north Indian Ocean are followed by short episodes (2–3 years) of cooling. The model temperature and sea level anomaly over the north Indian Ocean show an increasing trend in the study period. The model thermocline heat content per unit area shows a linear increasing trend (from 1958–2000) at the rate of 0.0018 × 1011 J/m2 per year for north Indian Ocean. North Indian Ocean sea level anomaly (thermosteric component) also shows a linear increasing trend of 0.31 mm/year during 1958–2000

    Prediction of the diurnal change using a multimodel superensemble. Part I: Precipitation

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    Modeling the geographical distribution of the phase and amplitude of the diurnal change is a challenging problem. This paper addresses the issues of modeling the diurnal mode of precipitation over the Tropics. Largely an early morning precipitation maximum over the oceans and an afternoon rainfall maximum over land areas describe the first-order diurnal variability. However, large variability in phase and amplitude prevails even within the land and oceanic areas. This paper addresses the importance of a multimodel superensemble for much improved prediction of the diurnal mode as compared to what is possible from individual models. To begin this exercise, the skills of the member models, the ensemble mean of the member models, a unified cloud model, and the superensemble for the prediction of total rain as well as its day versus night distribution were examined. Here it is shown that the distributions of total rain over the earth (tropical belt) and over certain geographical regions are predicted reasonably well (RMSE less than 18) from the construction of a multimodel superensemble. This dataset is well suited for addressing the diurnal change. The large errors in phase of the diurnal modes in individual models usually stem from numerous physical processes such as the cloud radiation, shallow and deep cumulus convection, and the physics of the planetary boundary layer. The multimodel superensemble is designed to reduce such systematic errors and provide meaningful forecasts. That application for the diurnal mode appears very promising. This paper examines some of the regions such as the Tibetan Plateau, the eastern foothills of the Himalayas, and the Amazon region of South America that are traditionally difficult for modeling the diurnal change. In nearly all of these regions, errors in phase and amplitude of the diurnal mode of precipitation increase with the increased length of forecasts. Model forecast errors on the order of 6-12 h for phase and 50 for the amplitude are often seen from the member models. The multimodel superensemble reduces these errors and provides a close match (RMSE < 6 h) to the observed phase. The percent of daily rain and their phases obtained from the multimodel superensemble at 3-hourly intervals for different regions of the Tropics showed a closer match (pattern correlation about 0.4) with the satellite estimates. This is another area where the individual member models conveyed a much lower skill

    Prediction of the diurnal cycle using a multimodel superensemble. Part II: Clouds

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    This study addresses the issue of cloud parameterization in general circulation models utilizing a twofold approach. Four versions of the Florida State University (FSU) global spectral model (GSM) were used, including four different cloud parameterization schemes in order to construct ensemble forecasts of cloud covers. Next, a superensemble approach was used to combine these model forecasts based on their past performance. It was shown that it is possible to substantially reduce the 1-5-day forecast errors of phase and amplitude of the diurnal cycle of clouds from the use of a multimodel superensemble. Further, the statistical information generated in the construction of a superensemble was used to develop a unified cloud parameterization scheme for a single model. This new cloud scheme, when implemented in the FSU GSM, carried a higher forecast accuracy compared to those of the individual cloud schemes and their ensemble mean for the diurnal cycle of cloud cover up to day 5 of the forecasts. This results in a 5-10 W m-2 improvement in the root-mean-square error to the upward longwave and shortwave flux at the top of the atmosphere, especially over deep convective regions. It is shown that while the multimodel superensemble is still the best product in forecasting the diurnal cycle of clouds, a unified cloud parameterization scheme, implemented in a single model, also provides higher forecast accuracy compared to the individual cloud models. Moreover, since this unified scheme is an integral part of the model, the forecast accuracy of the single model improves in terms of radiative fluxes and thus has greater impacts on weather and climate time scales. This new cloud scheme will be tested in real-time simulations

    Variability in the Indian Ocean circulation and salinity and its impact on SST anomalies during dipole events

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    The GFDL Modular Ocean Model (MOM4) has been used to understand the variability of the Indian Ocean circulation and salinity during Indian Ocean Dipole events. The model simulations are compared with HadISST, SODA and ECCO data sets. During the positive dipole years, the climatological cyclonic circulation in the Bay of Bengal weakens or is replaced by an anticyclonic circulation. The interannual variability in the Wyrtki Jet and Bay of Bengal circulation has significant influence on fresh water transport between the equatorial Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. The salinity anomalies in the equatorial Indian Ocean are significant during the positive dipole years. The salinity anomalies are positive in the southeastern equatorial Indian Ocean and negative in the central equatorial Indian Ocean. The advection of low salinity water from the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal is attributed to the salinity anomalies in the central equatorial Indian Ocean. The salinity variability in the equatorial Indian Ocean influences the surface and subsurface temperatures by forming or eroding the barrier layer

    A study of rainfall along the west coast of India in relation to low level jet and air-sea interactions over the Arabian Sea

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    Indian summer monsoon has a large inter-annual as well as intra-seasonal variability over temporal and spatial scales. Onset dates, monsoon activity within a monsoon season and quantity of monsoon rainfall are also found to vary from year to year. One important synoptic feature associated with the onset of monsoon is the existence of a strong cross equatorial low level jet (LLJ), with its core around 850 hPa over the Indian Ocean and South Asia. This LLJ generally supports the large-scale moisture and momentum transport from ocean to atmosphere and the consequent rainfall over the Indian mainland. In the present study, buoy data at a stationary position in the Arabian Sea (15.5°N, 61.5°E) have been used to understand the air-sea interface processes before, during and after the onset of monsoon 1995

    Indian Ocean dipole mode events in a simple mixed layer ocean model

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    A precise knowledge of sea surface temperature (SST) is very essential for climate and oceanographic studies. In this paper a simple two dimensional mixed layer ocean model and its numerical code have been developed and used to simulate the SST fields over the north Indian Ocean (20°S-25°N and 35°E-115°Î) for a period of 10 years (1992-2001). The model simulated the SST variability reasonably well. The simple model could simulate the observed dipole of 1997 and 1994 very well, especially the eastern cooling. The model study showed that the interannual SST variability in the western equatorial Indian Ocean is not only due to the variability in the surface heat fluxes, but also due to the variability in wind and sea surface height (SSH). The OLR anomaly also shows positive (negative) anomaly over the negative (positive) anomalous SST region. The variability in the latent heat flux is found to be greatly influencing the SST variability in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean

    Evaluation of several different planetary boundary layer schemes within a single model, a unified model and a multimodel superensemble

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    This paper addresses the forecasts of latent heat fluxes from five different formulations of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Different formulations are deployed within the Florida State University global spectral model. Hundreds of short range forecast experiments are carried out using daily data sets for summer 2002 with each model. The primary goal of this study is to compare the performance of the diverse family of PBL algorithms for the latent heat fluxes within the PBL. Benchmark fluxes are calculated from the vertical integrals of Yanai's formulation of the apparent moisture sink and a precipitation using Physical Initialization. This provides indirectly observed estimates of the vertical fluxes of latent heat in the PBL. This comparison reveals that no single scheme shows a global spread of improvement over other models for forecasts of latent heat fluxes in the PBL. Among these diverse models the turbulent kinetic energy based closure provides somewhat better results. The construction of a multimodel superensemble provides a synthesis of these different PBL formulations and shows improved forecasts of the surface fluxes. A single unified model utilizing weighted PBL algorithms where all the five schemes are retained within a single model shows some promise for improving a single model
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