158 research outputs found

    Susy QCD and High Energy Cosmic Rays 1. Fragmentation functions of Susy QCD

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    The supersymmetric evolution of the fragmentation functions (or timelike evolution) within N=1 QCDQCD is discussed and predictions for the fragmentation functions of the theory (into final protons) are given. We use a backward running of the supersymmetric DGLAP equations, using a method developed in previous works. We start from the usual QCD parameterizations at low energy and run the DGLAP back, up to an intermediate scale -assumed to be supersymmetric- where we switch-on supersymmetry. From there on we assume the applicability of an N=1 supersymmetric evolution (ESAP). We elaborate on possible application of these results to High Energy Cosmic Rays near the GZK cutoff.Comment: 36 pages, 12 fig

    Large Scale Air Shower Simulations and the Search for New Physics at AUGER

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    Large scale airshower simulations around the GZK cutoff are performed. An extensive analysis of the behaviour of the various subcomponents of the cascade is presented. We focus our investigation both on the study of total and partial multiplicities along the entire atmosphere and on the geometrical structure of the various cascades, in particular on the lateral distributions. The possibility of detecting new physics in Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) at AUGER is also investigated. We try to disentangle effects due to standard statistical fluctuations in the first proton impact in the shower formation from the underlying interaction and comment on these points. We argue that theoretical models predicting large missing energy may have a chance to be identified, once the calibration errors in the energy measurements are resolved by the experimental collaborations, in measurements of inclusive multiplicities.Comment: 35 pages. Standard LaTeX. 36 figure

    Comments on Anomaly Cancellations by Pole Subtractions and Ghost Instabilities with Gravity

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    We investigate some aspects of anomaly cancellation realized by the subtraction of an anomaly pole, stressing on some of its properties in superspace. In a local formulation these subtractions can be described in terms of a physical scalar, an axion and related ghosts. They appear to be necessary for the unitarization of the theory in the ultraviolet, but they may generate an infrared instability of the corresponding effective action, signalled by ghost condensation. In particular the subtraction of the superanomaly multiplet by a pole in superspace is of dubious significance, due to the different nature of the chiral and conformal anomalies. In turn, this may set more stringent constraints on the coupling of supersymmetric theories to gravity.Comment: 18 pages. Revised version. To appear in "Classical and Quantum Gravity

    The Three-Loop Free Energy for High-Temperature QED and QCD with Fermions

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    We compute the free energy density for gauge theories, with fermions, at high temperature and zero chemical potential. Specifically, we analytically compute the free energy through O(g4)O(g^4), which requires the evaluation of three-loop diagrams. This computation extends our previous result for pure gauge QCD.Comment: 26 pages, 9 postscript figures, UW/PT-94-1

    Unitarity Bounds for Gauged Axionic Interactions and the Green-Schwarz Mechanism

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    We analyze the effective actions of anomalous models in which a four-dimensional version of the Green-Schwarz mechanism is invoked for the cancellation of the anomalies, and we compare it with those models in which gauge invariance is restored by the presence of a Wess-Zumino term. Some issues concerning an apparent violation of unitarity of the mechanism, which requires Dolgov-Zakharov poles, are carefully examined, using a class of amplitudes studied in the past by Bouchiat-Iliopoulos-Meyer (BIM), and elaborating on previous studies. In the Wess-Zumino case we determine explicitly the unitarity bound using a realistic model of intersecting branes (the Madrid model) by studying the corresponding BIM amplitudes. This is shown to depend significantly on the St\"uckelberg mass and on the coupling of the extra anomalous gauge bosons and allows one to identify Standard-Model-like regions (which are anomaly-free) from regions where the growth of certain amplitudes is dominated by the anomaly, separated by an inflection point which could be studied at the LHC. The bound can even be around 5-10 TeV's for a ZZ' mass around 1 TeV and varies sensitively with the anomalous coupling. The results for the WZ case are quite general and apply to all the models in which an axion-like interaction is introduced as a generalization of the Peccei-Quinn mechanism, with a gauged axion.Comment: 50 pages, 28 figure

    Stuckelberg Axions and the Effective Action of Anomalous Abelian Models 1. A unitarity analysis of the Higgs-axion mixing

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    We analyze the quantum consistency of anomalous abelian models and of their effective field theories, rendered anomaly-free by a Wess-Zumino term, in the case of multiple abelian symmetries. These models involve the combined Higgs-Stuckelberg mechanism and predict a pseudoscalar axion-like field that mixes with the goldstones of the ordinary Higgs sector. We focus our study on the issue of unitarity of these models both before and after spontaneous symmetry breaking and detail the set of Ward identities and the organization of the loop expansion in the effective theory. The analysis is performed on simple models where we show, in general, the emergence of new effective vertices determined by certain anomalous interactions.Comment: 67 pages, 26 figures, replaced with revised final version, to appear on JHE

    Searching for an axion-like particle at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Axion-like particles are an important part of the spectrum of anomalous gauge theories involving modified mechanisms of cancellation of the gauge anomalies. Among these are intersecting brane models, which are characterized by the presence of one physical axion. We overview a recent study of their supersymmetric construction and some LHC studies of the productions rates for a gauged axion

    New dark matter candidates motivated from superstring derived unification

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    Perturbative gauge coupling unification in realistic superstring models suggests the existence of additional heavy down--type quarks, beyond the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The mass scale of the heavy down--type quarks is constrained by requiring agreement between the measured low energy gauge parameters and the string-scale gauge coupling unification. These additional quarks arise and may be stable due to the gauge symmetry breaking by ``Wilson lines'' in the superstring models. We argue that there is a window in the parameter space within which this down--type quark is a good candidate for the dark matter

    Dilaton Interactions and the Anomalous Breaking of Scale Invariance of the Standard Model

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    We discuss the main features of dilaton interactions for fundamental and effective dilaton fields. In particular, we elaborate on the various ways in which dilatons can couple to the Standard Model and on the role played by the conformal anomaly as a way to characterize their interactions. In the case of a dilaton derived from a metric compactification (graviscalar), we present the structure of the radiative corrections to its decay into two photons, a photon and a ZZ, two ZZ gauge bosons and two gluons, together with their renormalization properties. We prove that, in the electroweak sector, the renormalization of the theory is guaranteed only if the Higgs is conformally coupled. For such a dilaton, its coupling to the trace anomaly is quite general, and determines, for instance, an enhancement of its decay rates into two photons and two gluons. We then turn our attention to theories containing a non-gravitational (effective) dilaton, which, in our perturbative analysis, manifests as a pseudo-Nambu Goldstone mode of the dilatation current (JDJ_D). The infrared coupling of such a state to the two-photons and to the two-gluons sector, and the corresponding anomaly enhancements of its decay rates in these channels, is critically analyzed.Comment: Revised version, 42 pages, 5 figure