18 research outputs found

    Anatomical Reduction in Some Alpine Plants

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    A Report on Some Allocthonous Peat Deposits of Florida Part I: Topographical

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    Volume: 62Start Page: 32End Page: 5

    Pollen Sterility in Relation to the Geographical Distribution of some Onagraceae

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    Volume: 62Start Page: 466End Page: 48

    A Report on some Allocthonous Peat Deposits of Florida Part II: Morphological

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    Volume: 63Start Page: 190End Page: 20

    Achieving Equity and Excellence in Kentucky Education

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    In this Article, Trimble and Forsaith discuss the landmark Kentucky school finance case, Rose v. Council for Better Education, 790 S.W.2d 186 (Ky. 1989), and the school reform efforts it spawned. In Council for Better Education, the Kentucky Supreme Court held that the state had failed its duty under the state constitution to provide all students with an adequate education, which it defined in terms of seven categories of knowledge and skills students should acquire. The State General Assembly responded with the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA), which significantly boosted state funding as well as established an ambitious accountability system based on high academic standards for all students. Trimble and Forsaith explore the extent to which Council for Better Education and KERA mark a major departure from previously modest reform efforts in Kentucky and attempt to answer what brought them about. In addition, the authors discuss the substantial challenges involved in implementing the Council for Better Education mandate by examining the central component of KERA, the new statewide assessment system

    Female Crayfish Mate Preference Concerning Male Dominance

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    Male crayfish Orconectes quinebaugensis compete for dominance, therefore, we hypothesized that male dominance correlates with female mate choice, resulting in dominant males being chosen for more reproductive encounters. It was found that the dominance score earned by each male was significantly correlated to its claw size and that there was no significant correlation between the time females spent in the male-containing arm of a Y-maze and their time spent in a control arm. Analysis of our data indicates no relationship between a male's dominance and a female's mate preference