1,970 research outputs found

    A compact high-flux source of cold sodium atoms

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    We present a compact source of cold sodium atoms suitable for the production of quantum degenerate gases and versatile for a multi-species experiment. The magnetic field produced by permanent magnets allows to simultaneously realize a Zeeman slower and a two-dimensional MOT within an order of magnitude smaller length than standard sodium sources. We achieve an atomic flux exceeding 4x10^9 atoms/s loaded in a MOT, with a most probable longitudinal velocity of 20 m/s, and a brightness larger than 2.5x10^(12) atoms/s/sr. This atomic source allowed us to produce a pure BEC with more than 10^7 atoms and a background pressure limited lifetime of 5 minutes.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Prediction of activities of oxygen in dilute quaternary solutions using binary data

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    Equations are developed for predicting the activity coefficients of oxygen dissolved in ternary liquid alloys. These are extensions of earlier treatments, and are based on a model in which each oxygen atom is assumed to make four bonds with neighboring metal atoms. It is also postulated that the strong oxygen-metal bonds distort the electronic configuration around the metal atoms bonded to oxygen, and that the quantitative reduction of the strength of bonds made by these atoms with all of the adjacent metal atoms is equivalent to a factor of approximately two. The predictions of the quasichemical equation which is derived agree satisfactorily with the partial molar free energies of oxygen in Ag-Cu-Sn solutions at 1200°C reported in literature. An extension of this treatment to multicomponent solutions is also indicated

    Solubility and activity of oxygen in liquid germanium and germanium-copper alloys

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    The solubility of oxygen in liquid germanium in the temperature range 1233 to 1397 K, and in liquid germanium-copper alloys at 1373 K, in equilibrium with GeO2 has been measured by the phase equilibration technique. The solubility of oxygen in pure germanium is given by the relation 6470 log(at, pct 0) =-6470/T + 4.24 (±0.07). The standard free energy of solution of oxygen in liquid germanium is calculated from the saturation solubility, and recently measured values for the free energy of formation of GeO2, assuming that oxygen obeys Sievert's law up to the saturation limit. For the reaction, ½O2(g)→OGe ΔG ° =-39,000 + 3.21 T ( ±500) ca1 = -163,200 + 13.43 T (±2100) J. where the standard state for dissolved oxygen is that which makes the value of activity equal to the concentration (in at. pct), in the limit, as concentration approaches zero. The effect of copper on the activity of oxygen dissolved in liquid germanium is found to be in good agreement with that predicted by a quasichemical model in which each oxygen was assumed to be bonded to four metal atoms and the nearest neighbor metal atoms to an oxygen atom are assumed to lose approximately half of their metallic bonds

    Activities in the spinel solid solution, phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of ternary phases in the system Cu-Fe-0

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    A review of the structural and thermodynamic information and phase equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O system suggested that a consistent, quantitative description of the system is hampered by lack of data on activities in the spinel solid solution CuFe2O4-Fe3O4. Therefore the activity of Fe3O4 in this solid solution is derived from measurements of the oxygen potentials established at 1000°C by mixtures containing Fe2O3 and spinel solid solutions of known composition. The oxygen pressures were measured manometrically for solid solutions rich in CuFe2O4, while for Fe3O4-rich compositions the oxygen potentials were obtained by an emf technique. The activities show significant negative deviations from Raoult's law. The compositions of the spinel solid solutions in equilibrium with CuO + CuFeO2 and Cu + CuFeO2 were obtained from chemical analysis of the solid solution after magnetic separation. The oxygen potential of the three-phase mixture Cu + CuFeO2 + Fe3O4(spinel s.s.) was determined by a solid oxide galvanic cell. From these measurements a complete phase diagram and consistent thermodynamic data on the ternary condensed phases, CuFeO2 and CuFeO2O4, were obtained. An analysis of the free energy of mixing of the spinel solid solution furnished information on the distribution of cations and their valencies between the tetrahedral and octahedral sites of the spinel lattice, which is consistent with X-ray diffraction, magnetic and Seebeck coefficient measurements

    Microlensing as a probe of the Galactic structure; 20 years of microlensing optical depth studies

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    Microlensing is now a very popular observational astronomical technique. The investigations accessible through this effect range from the dark matter problem to the search for extra-solar planets. In this review, the techniques to search for microlensing effects and to determine optical depths through the monitoring of large samples of stars will be described. The consequences of the published results on the knowledge of the Milky-Way structure and its dark matter component will be discussed. The difficulties and limitations of the ongoing programs and the perspectives of the microlensing optical depth technique as a probe of the Galaxy structure will also be detailed.Comment: Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitation. General Relativity and Gravitation in press (2010) 0

    An upper limit on the X-ray luminosity of the black hole - microlens OGLE-1999-BUL-32

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    We present an upper limit on the 3--20 keV X-ray flux from the black hole - microlens OGLE-1999-BUL-32, based on RXTE/PCA scans over the Galactic Center region in 1999-2000. It is shown that the X-ray luminosity of the black hole did not exceed L(3-20 keV)<3e33(d/1kpc)^2 ergs/s (where d is the distance to the black hole). Near the maximum of the background star amplification by the microlens (July 6, 1999), the upper limit on the X-ray flux corresponds to an X-ray luminosity L(3-20 keV)<7e33(d/1kpc)^2 ergs/s.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy Letter