41 research outputs found

    Electrify Italy

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    This study explores a possible pathway to implement a new energy paradigm in Italy based on electrification. The objectives are: ‱ To build a forward-looking vision of possible scenarios at 2022, 2030 and 2050 by integrating a multi-focus perspective on the penetration of renewables and the electrification potential of the residential, industrial and transport sectors. ‱ To estimate the potential benefits of further electrification through the calculation of Key Performance Indicators in four different areas: energy, economy, environment and society. The study shows how the electricity triangle, a paradigm based on clean generation by renewable sources, electrification of final uses, and electricity exchange through efficient smart grids, closes the loop of clean energy and efficient consumption. This leads to improvements in energy, environment, economy and social performances, and boosts the share of renewables in final consumption

    Atti del 13° Convegno nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Reologia SIR

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    La gestione di processo degli impianti di depurazione a fanghi attivi si avvale del monitoraggio di parametri fisici, chimici, biologici, operativi. Essi consentono la verifica del rispetto dei limiti di legge e della potenzialitĂ  residua, il calcolo di bilanci di massa degli inquinanti, la valutazione dello stato di salute della biomassa. Alcune importanti disfunzioni derivano dalla struttura e composizione chimica del fango, e, soprattutto, dalla composizione della biomassa microbica. Accanto al tradizionale approccio microbiologico, interesse crescente riguarda l’applicazione delle analisi reologiche al fine di migliorare la gestione degli impianti. Il fango si comporta come un fluido non-Newtoniano. I modelli matematici piĂč utilizzati sono Bingham e Ostwald. Il presente lavoro effettua una rassegna dello stato dell’arte sulla letteratura scientifica e tecnica e illustra i principali risultati di una sperimentazione sul confronto tra le informazioni derivanti dalle analisi tradizionali e reologiche

    The upgrading of conventional activated sludge processes with thermophilic aerobic membrane reactor: Alternative solutions for sludge reduction

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    Sludge recovery/disposal represents one of the most crucial aspects related to the management of wastewater treatment plants. The most widely diffused technology for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewaters is the conventional activated sludge (CAS) process, which is characterized by a relatively high excess sludge production. Different technical solutions are proposed in the literature for sludge minimization and they can be applied either on wastewater line (WL) or sludge line (SL). This work is focused on different approaches based on the use of Thermophilic Aerobic Membrane Reactor (TAMR): this can be added to a CAS plant, and integrated to WL or SL, yielding a significant sludge reduction. The process performance was analysed in terms of volatile solids (VS) reduction and specific sludge production. The TAMR was tested both at full-scale and pilot-scale with different feeding substrates: industrial wastewater for the full-scale plant; industrial wastewater, sludge and a mix of these for the pilot-scale plants. The results obtained are: (i) good solids removal (38–90% and 40–50% in terms of VS for sludge and mix of industrial wastewater and sludge, respectively), (ii) low specific sludge production (0.01–0.09 kgVSS produced kgCOD removed−1 for industrial wastewater and 0.014–0.069 kgVSS produced kgCOD removed−1 for mix of industrial wastewater and sludge) and (iii) a significant reduction of sludge when CAS is improved with the TAMR technology

    Sicurezza dell’acqua per uso umano

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    Il numero si chiude con la Sezione In breve, che ospita una presentazione curata da Drusiani della prossima edizione del Festival dell’Acqua, che si terrà in ottobre a Bari; la Sezione prosegue con un contributo di Abbà, Biasibetti, Collivignarelli e Sorlini sul tema della sicurezza dell’acqua per uso umano, che descrive l’approccio al problema introdotto nel 2004 dall’Organizzazione Mondiale di Sanità; quest’ultimo prevede l’istituzione del Water Safety Plan o Piano di Sicurezza dell’Acqua (PSA), che si basa sulla valutazione e gestione del rischio di contaminazione dell’acqua in tutte le fasi della filiera idrica, dalla captazione al punto di consumo

    Theoretical and actual energy behavior of a cost-optimal based Nearly-Zero Energy Building

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    Nowadays, Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs) seem to be the best solution to achieve the ambitious decarbonisation targets defined by the European Union for the building sector, thanks to the combination of performing envelope and efficient technological systems. In this framework, energy simulation proves to be an effective tool for the preliminary design phase, to evaluate different retrofit scenarios. Despite the high-quality performance of the simulations, theoretical consumptions result different from actual ones. The main reason for this discrepancy lies in the presence of the occupants and in their interaction with the energy systems, a factor that the energy simulation cannot fully capture. This paper aims to verify the gap between theoretical and actual values in a real NZEB located in the North of Italy. Ideal consumptions of this all-electric single-family house, resulting from energy certification and dynamic simulations, were compared with the real ones, coming from the electricity bill