4,450 research outputs found

    Banco de sementes em sistemas de produção de agricultura com queima e sem queima no município de Marapanim, Pará.

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    Na agricultura de corte e queima, a capoeira tem como papel principal a fertilização da terra após a queima de sua biomassa vegetal. Geralmente as repetidas queimadas acabam destruindo todas as formas de regeneração, incluindo o banco de sementes. Pensando nessa problemática, o Projeto Studies of Human Impact on Forests and Floodplains in the Tropics (SHIFT), no qual esta pesquisa se insere, após uma série de estudos básicos sobre as capoeiras da região Bragantina, vem desenvolvendo uma alternativa de produção agrícola em que a capoeira é usada como fonte de nutrientes e matéria orgânica para o solo em sistemas de produção de ?agricultura sem queima?. O trabalho desenvolvido no município de Marapanim foi um experimento participativo, uma nova abordagem do projeto, onde as áreas foram definidas pelos agricultores. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o potencial do banco de sementes de áreas submetidas a diferentes práticas agrícolas, caracterizando qualitativa e quantitativamente sua composição florística. Foram testadas as hipóteses de que o fogo diminui o potencial do banco de sementes e cria condições favoráveis à regeneração de espécies invasoras herbáceas. A cobertura triturada minimiza os impactos provocados pela queima sobre a diversidade vegetal e aumenta a regeneração de espécies acumuladoras de biomassa. O potencial de germinação do banco de sementes nos tratamentos foi monitorado durante 270 dias. Nos tratamentos queima e cobertura triturada, foram avaliadas a densidade, riqueza de espécies, famílias e formas de vida predominantes. No banco de sementes antes do manejo do solo, a densidade média na queima foi de 284 indivíduos/m2 e na cobertura triturada 328 indivíduos/m2. Depois do manejo do solo na queima, foram encontrados em média 23 indivíduos/m2 e na cobertura triturada 139 indivíduos/m2. As espécies mais freqüentes nos dois momentos e nos dois tratamentos foram Borreria latifolia, Fimbristylis meliacea e Cyperus diffusus. As famílias Cyperaceae, Rubiaceae e Poaceae apareceram em alta frequência em todas as áreas e nos dois tratamentos. Além dessas, destacaram-se as famílias Euphorbiaceae, Melastomataceae, Malvaceae, Lamiaceae, Scrophulariaceae e Asteraceae. As formas de vida mais comuns encontradas nos tratamentos foram as ervas. Os diferentes tratamentos afetaram a abundância e riqueza florística, diminuindo o número de sementes de espécies arbóreas e arbustivas, acumuladoras de biomassa

    Modelling of epitaxial film growth with a Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier dependent on the step height

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    The formation of mounded surfaces in epitaxial growth is attributed to the presence of barriers against interlayer diffusion in the terrace edges, known as Ehrlich-Schwoebel (ES) barriers. We investigate a model for epitaxial growth using a ES barrier explicitly dependent on the step height. Our model has an intrinsic topological step barrier even in the absence of an explicit ES barrier. We show that mounded morphologies can be obtained even for a small barrier while a self-affine growth, consistent with the Villain-Lai-Das Sarma equation, is observed in absence of an explicit step barrier. The mounded surfaces are described by a super-roughness dynamical scaling characterized by locally smooth (faceted) surfaces and a global roughness exponent α>1\alpha>1. The thin film limit is featured by surfaces with self-assembled three-dimensional structures having an aspect ratio (height/width) that may increase or decrease with temperature depending on the strength of step barrier.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. Cond. Matter; 3 movies as supplementary materia

    Avaliação de cultivares de milho no Território Federal de Rondônia.

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    Procurou-se identificar melhores cultivares de milho para uso imediato dos agricultores. Os experimentos foram instalados em Ouro Preto, RO, no periodo de 1977/78, com dois ensaios, sendo um de milho normal e outro braquitico. O solo foi do tipo Podzolico Vermelho Amarelo distrofico. Foi feita adubacao mineral de NPK, 60-60-60. Resultados demonstram que as melhores cultivares de milho normal foram: Composto Dentado, Centralmex, Poza Rica e Yousafwala 7428 e Composto A; Milho braquitico: Composto Dentado Brachitico, Piranao e Composto Dentado Braquitico x Composto Flint Braquitico.bitstream/item/46846/1/COT-8-19790001.pd

    Development of duplex real-time PCR for the detection of WSSV and PstDV1 in cultivated shrimp

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    BACKGROUND: The White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and Penaeus stylirostris penstyldensovirus 1 (previously named Infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus-IHHNV) are two of the most important viral pathogens of penaeid shrimp. Different methods have been applied for diagnosis of these viruses, including Real-time PCR (qPCR) assays. A duplex qPCR method allows the simultaneous detection of two viruses in the same sample, which is more cost-effective than assaying for each virus separately. Currently, an assay for the simultaneous detection of the WSSV and the PstDV1 in shrimp is unavailable. The aim of this study was to develop and standardize a duplex qPCR assay for the simultaneous detection of the WSSV and the PstDV1 in clinical samples of diseased L. vannamei. In addition, to evaluate the performance of two qPCR master mixes with regard to the clinical sensitivity of the qPCR assay, as well as, different methods for qPCR results evaluation. RESULTS: The duplex qPCR assay for detecting WSSV and PstDV1 in clinical samples was successfully standardized. No difference in the amplification of the standard curves was observed between the duplex and singleplex assays. Specificities and sensitivities similar to those of the singleplex assays were obtained using the optimized duplex qPCR. The analytical sensitivities of duplex qPCR were two copies of WSSV control plasmid and 20 copies of PstDV1 control plasmid. The standardized duplex qPCR confirmed the presence of viral DNA in 28 from 43 samples tested. There was no difference for WSSV detection using the two kits and the distinct methods for qPCR results evaluation. High clinical sensitivity for PstDV1 was obtained with TaqMan Universal Master Mix associated with relative threshold evaluation. Three cases of simultaneous infection by the WSSV and the PstDV1 were identified with duplex qPCR. CONCLUSION: The standardized duplex qPCR was shown to be a robust, highly sensitive, and feasible diagnostic tool for the simultaneous detection of the WSSV and the PstDV1 in whiteleg shrimp. The use of the TaqMan Universal Master Mix and the relative threshold method of data analysis in our duplex qPCR method provided optimal levels of sensitivity and specificity

    Slip behavior in liquid films on surfaces of patterned wettability: Comparison between continuum and molecular dynamics simulations

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    We investigate the behavior of the slip length in Newtonian liquids subject to planar shear bounded by substrates with mixed boundary conditions. The upper wall, consisting of a homogenous surface of finite or vanishing slip, moves at a constant speed parallel to a lower stationary wall, whose surface is patterned with an array of stripes representing alternating regions of no-shear and finite or no-slip. Velocity fields and effective slip lengths are computed both from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and solution of the Stokes equation for flow configurations either parallel or perpendicular to the stripes. Excellent agreement between the hydrodynamic and MD results is obtained when the normalized width of the slip regions, a/σO(10)a/\sigma \gtrsim {\cal O}(10), where σ\sigma is the (fluid) molecular diameter characterizing the Lennard-Jones interaction. In this regime, the effective slip length increases monotonically with a/σa/\sigma to a saturation value. For a/σO(10)a/\sigma \lesssim {\cal O}(10) and transverse flow configurations, the non-uniform interaction potential at the lower wall constitutes a rough surface whose molecular scale corrugations strongly reduce the effective slip length below the hydrodynamic results. The translational symmetry for longitudinal flow eliminates the influence of molecular scale roughness; however, the reduced molecular ordering above the wetting regions of finite slip for small values of a/σa/\sigma increases the value of the effective slip length far above the hydrodynamic predictions. The strong inverse correlation between the effective slip length and the liquid structure factor representative of the first fluid layer near the patterned wall illustrates the influence of molecular ordering effects on slip in non-inertial flows.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures Web reference added for animations: http://www.egr.msu.edu/~priezjev/bubble/bubble.htm

    Jerimu 8, batata doce rica em carotenos: estabilidade no cozimento doméstico e no processamento de farinhas.

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    Avaliação de cultivares de arroz de sequeiro em diferentes épocas de plantio no Território Federal de Rondônia.

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    Procurou-se identificar cultivares mais produtivas em epocas de plantio mais favoraveis. Os experimentos foram conduzidos nos campos experimentais da EMBRAPA-UEPAT, em Porto Velho e Ouro Preto no periodo de 1976/77, em uma area total de 1.209,60m2. Usou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com tres repeticoes.Nao se conhecia espacamento ideal para o arroz,optando-se por 30 x 30cm. A densidade de plantio foi 5 a 6 sementes por cova, considerando-se a percentagem de germinacao de sementes na ordem de 82% a 95%. Os resultados demonstram que para Porto Velho, as cultivares IAC-1246, A-19, IAC-1131 e Pratao precoce (periodo ideal em fins de out., ate primeira quinzena de nov.), IAC-1246, A-19, IAC-1246 e IAC-1131 (apos segunda quinzena de nov. a inicio de dez.) mostraram-se mais satisfatoria, e com melhores condicoes em produtividade e outras caracteristicas para o agricultor e consumidor. Em Ouro Preto, se destacaram as cultivares IAC-1246(segunda quinzena de out.) e IAC-1131 (no final de nove., com colheita para fisnm de mar.). Sugere-se a continuidade de pesquisa a fim de substituir e introduzir cultivares mais produtivas e melhor adaptaveis.bitstream/item/49913/1/CT-id-11250001.pd

    Levantamento de plantas daninhas na cultura do cajueiro nos baixoes agricolas piauienses.

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    Levantamento de plantas daninhas na cultura do cajueiro nos baixoes agricolas piauienses.bitstream/CNPAT/7855/1/ct_89.pd

    An Investigation of the KFK_{F}-type Lorentz-Symmetry Breaking Gauge Models in N=1N=1-Supersymmetric Scenario

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    In this work, we present two possible venues to accomodate the KFK_{F}-type Lorentz-symmetry violating Electrodynamics in an N=1N=1-supersymmetric framework. A chiral and a vector superfield are chosen to describe the background that signals Lorentz-symmetry breaking. In each case, the  Kμνκλ\ K_{\mu \nu \kappa \lambda }-tensor is expressed in terms of the components of the background superfield that we choose to describe the breaking. We also present in detail the actions with all fermionic partners of the background that determine  Kμνκλ\ K_{\mu \nu \kappa \lambda }.Comment: 10 page