18,518 research outputs found

    Understanding the measurement of hunger and food insecurity in the elderly

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    The elderly are one of the population subgroups at greatest risk for hunger and food insecurity. To date, no accurate measures of this problem have been developed. What is needed are a thorough understanding of the phenomenon, and an assessment of how the elderly perceive and answer items commonly used to measure hunger and food insecurity in other subgroups. In-depth, open-ended interviews were conducted with forty-one low-income urban black and rural white residents of upstate New York. Results suggest a conceptual framework of food insecurity in the elderly with two significant differences from frameworks proposed for younger families: the major role of health problems and physical disabilities, and the impact of personal history on perceptions of food insecurity. In a telephone follow-up (approximately six months after the initial interviews) twenty-four respondents were asked commonly used food insecurity questionnaire items from six different sources. Results suggest that hunger and food insecurity among the elderly can be measured directly. The commonly used measures tested here will help categorize the stages of food insecurity. However, these direct measures might underestimate the prevalence of food insecurity because of a perceived reluctance to report problems with food.

    The SDSS Damped Lya Survey: Data Release 1

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    We present the results from an automated search for damped Lya (DLA) systems in the quasar spectra of Data Release 1 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR1). At z~2.5, this homogeneous dataset has greater statistical significance than the previous two decades of research. We derive a statistical sample of 71 damped Lya systems (>50 previously unpublished) at z>2.1 and measure HI column densities directly from the SDSS spectra. The number of DLA systems per unit redshift is consistent with previous measurements and we expect our survey has >95% completeness. We examine the cosmological baryonic mass density of neutral gas Omega_g inferred from the damped Lya systems from the SDSS-DR1 survey and a combined sample drawn from the literature. Contrary to previous results, the Omega_g values do not require a significant correction from Lyman limit systems at any redshift. We also find that the Omega_g values for the SDSS-DR1 sample do not decline at high redshift and the combined sample shows a (statistically insignificant) decrease only at z>4. Future data releases from SDSS will provide the definitive survey of DLA systems at z~2.5 and will significantly reduce the uncertainty in Omega_g at higher redshift.Comment: 12 pages, includes color figures. Accepted to PASP, April 20 200

    Measurement of the Spatial Cross-Correlation Function of Damped Lyman Alpha Systems and Lyman Break Galaxies

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    We present the first spectroscopic measurement of the spatial cross-correlation function between damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs) and Lyman break galaxies (LBGs). We obtained deep u'BVRI images of nine QSO fields with 11 known z ~ 3 DLAs and spectroscopically confirmed 211 R < 25.5 photometrically selected z > 2 LBGs. We find strong evidence for an overdensity of LBGs near DLAs versus random, the results of which are similar to that of LBGs near other LBGs. A maximum likelihood cross-correlation analysis found the best fit correlation length value of r_0 = 2.9^(+1.4)_(-1.5) h^(-1)Mpc using a fixed value of gamma = 1.6. The implications of the DLA-LBG clustering amplitude on the average dark matter halo mass of DLAs are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Collisional Transfer of Population and Orientation in NaK

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    We report current work to study transfer of population and orientation in collisions of NaK molecules with argon and potassium atoms using polarization labeling (PL) and laser- induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy. In the PL experiment, a circularly polarized pump laser excites a specific NaK A1ÎŁ +(v 0=16, J 0 ) ← X1ÎŁ +(v 00=0, J 0 ± 1) transition, creating an orientation (non-uniform MJ0 level distribution) in both levels. The linearly polarized probe laser is scanned over various 31Π(v, J 0±1) ← A1ÎŁ +(v 0=16, J 0 ) transitions. The probe laser passes through a crossed linear polarizer before detection, and signal is recorded if the probe laser polarization has been modified by the vapor (which occurs when it comes into resonance with an oriented level). Using both spectroscopic methods, analysis of weak collisional satellite lines adjacent to these directly populated lines, as a function of argon buffer gas pressure and cell temperature, allows us to discern separately the effects collisions with argon atoms and potassium atoms have on the population and orientation of the molecule. In addition, code has been written which provides a theoretical analysis of the process, through a solution of the density matrix equations of motion for the system

    Polarization Spectroscopy and Collisions in NaK

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    We report current work to study transfer of population and orientation in collisions of NaK molecules with argon and potassium atoms using polarization labeling (PL) and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy. In the PL experiment, a circularly polarized pump laser excites a specific NaK A1ÎŁ +(v=16, J) ← X1ÎŁ +(v=0, J ± 1) transition, creating an orientation (non-uniform MJ level distribution) in both levels. The linear polarized probe laser is scanned over various 3 1Π(v=8, J 0 ± 1) ← A1ÎŁ +(v=16, J 0 ) transitions. The probe laser passes through a crossed linear polarizer before detection, and signal is recorded if the probe laser polarization has been modified by the vapor (which occurs when it comes into resonance with an oriented level). In addition to strong direct transitions (J 0 = J), we also observe weak collisional satellite lines (J 0 = J ±n with n = 1, 2, 3, ...) indicating that orientation is transferred to adjacent rotational levels during a collision. An LIF experiment (with linear polarized pump and probe beams) gives information on the collisional transfer of population. From these data, cross sections for both processes can be determined. We experimentally distinguish collisions of NaK with argon atoms from collisions with alkali atoms

    Multi-Robot Planning on Dynamic Topological Graphs using Mixed-Integer Programming

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    Planning for multi-robot teams in complex environments is a challenging problem, especially when these teams must coordinate to accomplish a common objective. In general, optimal solutions to these planning problems are computationally intractable, since the decision space grows exponentially with the number of robots. In this paper, we present a novel approach for multi-robot planning on topological graphs using mixed-integer programming. Central to our approach is the notion of a dynamic topological graph, where edge weights vary dynamically based on the locations of the robots in the graph. We construct this graph using the critical features of the planning problem and the relationships between robots; we then leverage mixed-integer programming to minimize a shared cost that depends on the paths of all robots through the graph. To improve computational tractability, we formulated our optimization problem with a fully convex relaxation and designed our decision space around eliminating the exponential dependence on the number of robots. We test our approach on a multi-robot reconnaissance scenario, where robots must coordinate to minimize detectability and maximize safety while gathering information. We demonstrate that our approach is able to scale to a series of representative scenarios and is capable of computing optimal coordinated strategic behaviors for autonomous multi-robot teams in seconds.Comment: \copyright 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Phase separation and rotor self-assembly in active particle suspensions

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    Adding a non-adsorbing polymer to passive colloids induces an attraction between the particles via the `depletion' mechanism. High enough polymer concentrations lead to phase separation. We combine experiments, theory and simulations to demonstrate that using active colloids (such as motile bacteria) dramatically changes the physics of such mixtures. First, significantly stronger inter-particle attraction is needed to cause phase separation. Secondly, the finite size aggregates formed at lower inter-particle attraction show unidirectional rotation. These micro-rotors demonstrate the self assembly of functional structures using active particles. The angular speed of the rotating clusters scales approximately as the inverse of their size, which may be understood theoretically by assuming that the torques exerted by the outermost bacteria in a cluster add up randomly. Our simulations suggest that both the suppression of phase separation and the self assembly of rotors are generic features of aggregating swimmers, and should therefore occur in a variety of biological and synthetic active particle systems.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary information: 5 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary movies available from httP://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1116334109/-/DCSupplementa
