249 research outputs found

    A gravitational wave window on extra dimensions

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    We report on the possibility of detecting a submillimetre-sized extra dimension by observing gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by pointlike objects orbiting a braneworld black hole. Matter in the `visible' universe can generate a discrete spectrum of high frequency GWs with amplitudes moderately weaker than the predictions of general relativity (GR), while GW signals generated by matter on a `shadow' brane hidden in the bulk are potentially strong enough to be detected using current technology. We know of no other astrophysical phenomena that produces GWs with a similar spectrum, which stresses the need to develop detectors capable of measuring this high-frequency signature of large extra dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Cosmological models with flat spatial geometry

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    The imposition of symmetries or special geometric properties on submanifolds is less restrictive than to impose them in the full space-time. Starting from this idea, in this paper we study irrotational dust cosmological models in which the geometry of the hypersurfaces generated by the fluid velocity is flat, which supposes a relaxation of the restrictions imposed by the Cosmological Principle. The method of study combines covariant and tetrad methods that exploits the geometrical and physical properties of these models. This procedure will allow us to determine all the space-times within this class as well as to study their properties. Some important consequences and applications of this study are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, IOP style. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Simulations of Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals Using Pseudospectral Methods

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    Extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs), stellar-mass compact objects (SCOs) inspiralling into a massive black hole, are one of the main sources of gravitational waves expected for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). To extract the EMRI signals from the expected LISA data stream, which will also contain the instrumental noise as well as other signals, we need very accurate theoretical templates of the gravitational waves that they produce. In order to construct those templates we need to account for the gravitational backreaction, that is, how the gravitational field of the SCO affects its own trajectory. In general relativity, the backreaction can be described in terms of a local self-force, and the foundations to compute it have been laid recently. Due to its complexity, some parts of the calculation of the self-force have to be performed numerically. Here, we report on an ongoing effort towards the computation of the self-force based on time-domain multi-grid pseudospectral methods.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, JPCS latex style. Submitted to JPCS (special issue for the proceedings of the 7th International LISA Symposium

    Gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals in Dynamical Chern-Simons gravity

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    Dynamical Chern-Simons gravity is an interesting extension of General Relativity, which finds its way in many different contexts, including string theory, cosmological settings and loop quantum gravity. In this theory, the gravitational field is coupled to a scalar field by a parity-violating term, which gives rise to characteristic signatures. Here we investigate how Chern-Simons gravity would affect the quasi-circular inspiralling of a small, stellar-mass object into a large non-rotating supermassive black hole, and the accompanying emission of gravitational and scalar waves. We find the relevant equations describing the perturbation induced by the small object, and we solve them through the use of Green's function techniques. Our results show that for a wide range of coupling parameters, the Chern-Simons coupling gives rise to an increase in total energy flux, which translates into a fewer number of gravitational-wave cycles over a certain bandwidth. For space-based gravitational-wave detectors such as LISA, this effect can be used to constrain the coupling parameter effectively.Comment: RevTex4, 18 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Bumpy Black Holes in Alternate Theories of Gravity

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    We generalize the bumpy black hole framework to allow for alternative theory deformations. We construct two model-independent parametric deviations from the Kerr metric: one built from a generalization of the quasi-Kerr and bumpy metrics and one built directly from perturbations of the Kerr spacetime in Lewis-Papapetrou form. We find the conditions that these "bumps" must satisfy for there to exist an approximate second-order Killing tensor so that the perturbed spacetime still possesses three constants of the motion (a deformed energy, angular momentum and Carter constant) and the geodesic equations can be written in first-order form. We map these parameterized metrics to each other via a diffeomorphism and to known analytical black hole solutions in alternative theories of gravity. The parameterized metrics presented here serve as frameworks for the systematic calculation of extreme-mass ratio inspiral waveforms in parameterized non-GR theories and the investigation of the accuracy to which space-borne gravitational wave detectors can constrain such deviations.Comment: 17 pages, replaced with version published in Phys. Rev.

    An Efficient Pseudospectral Method for the Computation of the Self-force on a Charged Particle: Circular Geodesics around a Schwarzschild Black Hole

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    The description of the inspiral of a stellar-mass compact object into a massive black hole sitting at a galactic centre is a problem of major relevance for the future space-based gravitational-wave observatory LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), as the signals from these systems will be buried in the data stream and accurate gravitational-wave templates will be needed to extract them. The main difficulty in describing these systems lies in the estimation of the gravitational effects of the stellar-mass compact object on his own trajectory around the massive black hole, which can be modeled as the action of a local force, the self-force. In this paper, we present a new time-domain numerical method for the computation of the self-force in a simplified model consisting of a charged scalar particle orbiting a nonrotating black hole. We use a multi-domain framework in such a way that the particle is located at the interface between two domains so that the presence of the particle and its physical effects appear only through appropriate boundary conditions. In this way we eliminate completely the presence of a small length scale associated with the need of resolving the particle. This technique also avoids the problems associated with the impact of a low differentiability of the solution in the accuracy of the numerical computations. The spatial discretization of the field equations is done by using the pseudospectral collocation method and the time evolution, based on the method of lines, uses a Runge-Kutta solver. We show how this special framework can provide very efficient and accurate computations in the time domain, which makes the technique amenable for the intensive computations required in the astrophysically-relevant scenarios for LISA.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, Revtex 4. Minor changes to match published versio
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