17,916 research outputs found

    Robust variable selection in partially varying coefficient single-index model

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    By combining basis function approximations and smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty, this paper proposes a robust variable selection procedure for a partially varying coefficient single-index model based on modal regression. The proposed procedure simultaneously selects significant variables in the parametric components and the nonparametric components. With appropriate selection of the tuning parameters, we establish the theoretical properties of our procedure, including consistency in variable selection and the oracle property in estimation. Furthermore, we also discuss the bandwidth selection and propose a modified expectation-maximization (EM)-type algorithm for the proposed estimation procedure. The finite sample properties of the proposed estimators are illustrated by some simulation examples.The research of Zhu is partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) under Grants 71171075, 71221001 and 71031004. The research of Yu is supported by NNSFC under Grant 11261048

    Can Empathy Promote Cooperation When Status and Money Matter?

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    In the present study we ask, Does empathy also support cooperative behaviors when the status (high, low) of an individual differs relative to other group members and is determined by either chance or effort? In response to this unexplored question, the present study involved a series of 4 experiments using a linear public goods game (Experiment 1–3, 4-player; Experiment 4, 2-player). Regardless of the way in which status was achieved (chance, effort), those with low status cooperated more compared with their high-status counterparts. Empathy in and of itself revealed very small overall increases in cooperative behavior. Overall, status and monetary incentives appear to be more salient than empathy in guiding behaviors in a social dilemma task.</p

    A new 111 type iron pnictide superconductor LiFeP

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    A new iron pnictide LiFeP superconductor was found. The compound crystallizes into a Cu2Sb structure containing an FeP layer showing superconductivity with maximum Tc of 6K. This is the first 111 type iron pnictide superconductor containing no arsenic. The new superconductor is featured with itinerant behavior at normal state that could helpful to understand the novel superconducting mechanism of iron pnictide compounds.Comment: 3 figures + 1 tabl

    Preparation and thermal properties of mesoporous silica/phenolic resin nanocomposites via in situ polymerization

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    In order to enhance the adhesion between inorganic particles and polymer matrix, in this paper, the mesoporous silica SBA-15 material was synthesized by the sol-gel method. The surface of SBA-15 was modified using &#947;-glycidyloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GOTMS) as a coupling agent, and then mesoporous silica/phenolic resin (SBA-15/PF) nanocomposites were prepared via in situ polymerization. The structural parameters and physical properties of SBA-15, SBA-15-GOTMS (SBA-15 surface treated using GOTMS as coupling agents) and E-SBA-15/PF (SBA-15/PF nanocomposites extracted using ethanol as solvent) were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption-desorption, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The thermal properties of the nanocomposites were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The results demonstrated that the GOTMS were successfully grafted onto the surface of SBA-15, and chemical bonds between PF and SBA-15-GOTMS were formed after in situ polymerization. In addition, it is found that the in situ polymerization method has great effects on the textural parameters of SBA-15. The results also showed that the glass transition temperatures and thermal stability of the PF nanocomposites were obviously enhanced as compared with the pure PF at silica contents between 1&#8211;3 wt%, due to the uniform dispersion of the modified SBA-15 in the matrix

    Pore Structure Characterization and Transport Performance Simulation of Cement Hydration Based on Irregular Particles

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    Based on the CEMHYD3D hydration model, the irregular cement particles were introduced into the model, and three 3D micro structures under different water cement ratio (0.23, 0.35, 0.53) were obtained. Numerous physical models for calculating the characteristic parameters of pore structure are established and the characteristic parameters of pore structure obtained from the physical models. The characteristic parameters of pore structure include the total porosity (referred to as porosity), the porosity of continuous pore, isolated pore and dead-end pore, connectivity, pore size distribution and tortuosity. Finally, the transmission coefficient of each micro structure is calculated by the electric simulation method
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