1,596 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of microcrack nucleation mechanics

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    A foundation for ultrasonic evaluation of microcrack nucleation mechanics is identified in order to establish a basis for correlations between plane strain fracture toughness and ultrasonic factors through the interaction of elastic waves with material microstructures. Since microcracking is the origin of (brittle) fracture, it is appropriate to consider the role of stress waves in the dynamics of microcracking. Therefore, the following topics are discussed: (1) microstress distributions with typical microstructural defects located in the stress field; (2) elastic wave scattering from various idealized defects; and (3) dynamic effective-properties of media with randomly distributed inhomogeneities

    Sodium vacancy ordering and the co-existence of localized spins and itinerant charges in NaxCoO2

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    The sodium cobaltate family (NaxCoO2) is unique among transition metal oxides because the Co sits on a triangular lattice and its valence can be tuned over a wide range by varying the Na concentration x. Up to now detailed modeling of the rich phenomenology (which ranges from unconventional superconductivity to enhanced thermopower) has been hampered by the difficulty of controlling pure phases. We discovered that certain Na concentrations are specially stable and are associated with superlattice ordering of the Na clusters. This leads naturally to a picture of co-existence of localized spins and itinerant charge carriers. For x = 0.84 we found a remarkably small Fermi energy of 87 K. Our picture brings coherence to a variety of measurements ranging from NMR to optical to thermal transport. Our results also allow us to take the first step towards modeling the mysterious ``Curie-Weiss'' metal state at x = 0.71. We suggest the local moments may form a quantum spin liquid state and we propose experimental test of our hypothesis.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    The first products made in space: Monodisperse latex particles

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    The preparation of large particle size 3 to 30 micrometer monodisperse latexes in space confirmed that original rationale unequivocally. The flight polymerizations formed negligible amounts of coagulum as compared to increasing amounts for the ground-based polymerizations. The number of offsize large particles in the flight latexes was smaller than in the ground-based latexes. The particle size distribution broadened and more larger offsize particles were formed when the polymerizations of the partially converted STS-4 latexes were completed on Earth. Polymerization in space also showed other unanticipated advantages. The flight latexes had narrower particle size distributions than the ground-based latexes. The particles of the flight latexes were more perfect spheres than those of the ground-based latexes. The superior uniformity of the flight latexes was confirmed by the National Bureau of Standards acceptance of the 10 micrometer STS-6 latex and the 30 micrometer STS-11 latexes as Standard Reference Materials, the first products made in space for sale on Earth. The polymerization rates in space were the same as those on Earth within experimental error. Further development of the ground-based polymerization recipes gave monodisperse particles as large as 100 micrometer with tolerable levels of coagulum, but their uniformity was significantly poorer than the flight latexes. Careful control of the polymerization parameters gave uniform nonspherical particles: symmetrical and asymmetrical doublets, ellipsoids, egg-shaped, ice cream cone-shaped, and popcorn-shaped particles

    Searching for Stable Na-ordered Phases in Single Crystal Samples of gamma-NaxCoO2

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    We report on the preparation and characterization of single crystal gamma phase NaxCoO2 with 0.25 < x < 0.84 using a non-aqueous electrochemical chronoamperemetry technique. By carefully mapping the overpotential versus x (for x < 0.84), we find six distinct stable phases with Na levels corresponding to x ~ 0.75, 0.71, 0.50, 0.43, 0.33 and 0.25. The composition with x ~0.55 appears to have a critical Na concentration which separates samples with different magnetic behavior as well as different Na ion diffusion mechanisms. Chemical analysis of an aged crystal reveals different Na ion diffusion mechanisms above and below x_c ~ 0.53, where the diffusion process above x_c has a diffusion coefficient about five times larger than that below x_c. The series of crystals were studied with X-ray diffraction, susceptibility, and transport measurements. The crystal with x = 0.5 shows a weak ferromagnetic transition below T=27 K in addition to the usual transitions at T = 51 K and 88 K. The resistivity of the Curie-Weiss metallic Na0.71CoO2 composition has a very low residual resistivity, which attests to the high homogeneity of the crystals prepared by this improved electrochemical method. Our results on the various stable crystal compositions point to the importance of Na ion ordering across the phase diagram.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Magnetothermopower and Magnetoresistivity of RuSr2Gd1-xLaxCu2O8 (x=0, 0.1)

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    We report measurements of magnetothermopower and magnetoresistivity as a function of temperature on RuSr2Gd1-xLaxCu2O8 (x = 0, 0.1). The normal-state thermopower shows a dramatic decrease after applying a magnetic field of 5 T, whereas the resistivity shows only a small change after applying the same field. Our results suggest that RuO2 layers are conducting and the magnetic field induced decrease of the overall thermopower is caused by the decrease of partial thermopower decrease associated with the spin entropy decrease of the carriers in the RuO2 layers.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure


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    The 3D information of road infrastructures are gaining importance with the development of autonomous driving. The exact absolute position and height of lane markings, for example, support lane-accurate localization. Several approaches have been proposed for the 3D reconstruction of line features from multi-view airborne optical imagery. However, standard appearance-based matching approaches for 3D reconstruction are hardly applicable on lane markings due to the similar color profile of all lane markings and the lack of textures in their neighboring areas. We present a workflow for 3D lane markings reconstruction without explicit feature matching process using multi-view aerial imagery. The aim is to optimize the best 3D line location by minimizing the distance from its back projection to the detected 2D line in all the covering images. Firstly, the lane markings are automatically extracted from aerial images using standard line detection algorithms. By projecting these extracted lines onto the Semi-Global Matching (SGM) generated Digital Surface Model (DSM), the approximate 3D line segments are generated. Starting from these approximations, the 3D lines are iteratively refined based on the detected 2D lines in the original images and the viewing geometry. The proposed approach relies on precise detection of 2D lines in image space, a pre-knowledge of the approximate 3D line segments, and it heavily relies on image orientations. Nevertheless, it avoids the problem of non-textured neighborhood and is not limited to lines of finite length. The theoretical precision of 3D reconstruction with the proposed framework is evaluated

    Magnetoresistance Anomalies in (Ga,Mn)As Epilayers with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy

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    We report the observation of anomalies in the longitudinal magnetoresistance of tensile-strained (Ga,Mn)As epilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Magnetoresistance measurements carried out in the planar geometry (magnetic field parallel to the current density) reveal "spikes" that are antisymmetric with respect to the direction of the magnetic field. These anomalies always occur during magnetization reversal, as indicated by a simultaneous change in sign of the anomalous Hall effect. The data suggest that the antisymmetric anomalies originate in anomalous Hall effect contributions to the longitudinal resistance when domain walls are located between the voltage probes. This interpretation is reinforced by carrying out angular sweeps of H⃗\vec{H}, revealing an antisymmetric dependence on the helicity of the field sweep.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An Empirical Charge Transfer Potential with Correct Dissociation Limits

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    The empirical valence bond (EVB) method [J. Chem. Phys. 52, 1262 (1970)] has always embodied charge transfer processes. The mechanism of that behavior is examined here and recast for use as a new empirical potential energy surface for large-scale simulations. A two-state model is explored. The main features of the model are: (1) Explicit decomposition of the total system electron density is invoked; (2) The charge is defined through the density decomposition into constituent contributions; (3) The charge transfer behavior is controlled through the resonance energy matrix elements which cannot be ignored; and (4) A reference-state approach, similar in spirit to the EVB method, is used to define the resonance state energy contributions in terms of "knowable" quantities. With equal validity, the new potential energy can be expressed as a nonthermal ensemble average with a nonlinear but analytical charge dependence in the occupation number. Dissociation to neutral species for a gas-phase process is preserved. A variant of constrained search density functional theory is advocated as the preferred way to define an energy for a given charge.Comment: Submitted to J. Chem. Phys. 11/12/03. 14 pages, 8 figure

    Sodium ion ordering of Na0.77CoO2 under competing multi-vacancy cluster, superlattice and domain formation

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    Hexagonal superlattice formed by sodium multi-vacancy cluster ordering in Na0.77_{0.77}CoO2_2 has been proposed based on synchrotron X-ray Laue diffraction study on electrochemically fine-tuned single crystals. The title compound sits closely to the proposed lower end of the miscibility gap of x ~ 0.77-0.82 phase separated range. The average sodium vacancy cluster size is estimated to be 4.5 Na vacancies per layer within a large superlattice size of sqrt{19}a*sqrt{19}a*3c. The exceptionally large Na vacancy cluster size favors large twinned simple hexagonal superlattice of sqrt{19}a, in competition with the smaller di-, tri- and quadri-vacancy clusters formed superlattices of sqrt{12}a and sqrt{13}a. Competing electronic correlations are revealed by the observed spin glass-like magnetic hysteresis below ~ 3K and the twin, triple and mono domain transformations during thermal cycling between 273-373K.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure
