2 research outputs found

    Causas de no inicios al tratamiento de la hepatitis C en el medio penitenciario: suban谩lisis del estudio EPIBAND Reasons for not initating HCV treatment in prison: a subanalysis of the EPIBAND study

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    Objetivo: Dentro del marco del estudio EPIBAND este suban谩lisis ha sido dise帽ado para determinar las causas de no inicio del tratamiento para la hepatitis C cr贸nica (HCC) en poblaci贸n penitenciaria. M茅todo: Estudio epidemiol贸gico, prospectivo y multic茅ntrico realizado en 26 centros. Se presentan los resultados del an谩lisis correspondiente al grupo de pacientes incluidos en el estudio EPIBAND que por diferentes motivos no iniciaron el tratamiento antiviral. Resultados: Se analizaron un total de 195 pacientes (edad media de 39卤6,6 a帽os, 86,7% varones, y 96,9% de nacionalidad espa帽ola). Las principales razones de no inicio fueron aquellas secundarias al paciente en un 41% de los casos, razones m茅dicas en un 30,8% y razones secundarias al medio en un 3,6%. El 47,5% de los pacientes refiri贸 falta de motivaci贸n y concienciaci贸n, y en el 18,8% influy贸 el temor a sufrir efectos secundarios. Entre las razones m茅dicas, la inmunodepresi贸n constituy贸 la principal causa de contraindicaci贸n en un 35% de los casos seguida de las alteraciones psiqui谩tricas y neurol贸gicas en un 28,3%. La pr贸xima excarcelaci贸n o traslado a otro centro resultaron las principales variables asociadas al 谩mbito penitenciario en un 64,6% de los pacientes. Conclusiones: La falta de motivaci贸n y concienciaci贸n del paciente, y el temor a sufrir efectos secundarios constituyen las principales causas de la negativa al tratamiento. Aspectos subjetivos y modificables que van a depender de la educaci贸n y formaci贸n del paciente as铆 como de la atenci贸n prestada por los profesionales sanitarios en el curso del tratamiento.Objective: This sub-analysis was designed within the framework of the EPIBAND study to establish the reasons why prison patients do not initiate HCV treatment. Methods: Epidemiological, prospective, multicentre study conducted in 26 centres. We present the results from those patients included in the EPIBAND study who did not initiate HCV treatment for different reasons. Results: A total of 195 patients were evaluated (average age 39卤6.6 years, 86.7% male and 96.9% Spanish nationality). The reasons why this population did not initiate HCV treatment were secondary ones relating to the patient (41%), medical reasons (30.8%), and the prison environment (3.6%). 47.5% of patients reported lack of awareness and motivation, and 18.8% did not initiate treatment as a result of adverse events. Immunological status (35%). as well as psychiatric and neurological disorders (28.3%) were the main medical reasons for contraindication. Aspects associated to prison environment such as impending release or change of prison (64.4%) were among the various reasons that influenced treatment initiation. Conclusions: Lack of motivation and awareness in patients as well as adverse events were the main reasons for not initiating therapy. These factors are subjective, modifiable aspects that depend on patient education and adequate medical care