658 research outputs found

    VLBA Imaging of NGC 4261: Symmetric Parsec-scale Jets and the Inner Accretion Region

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    We observed the nuclear region of NGC 4261 (3C270) with the VLBA at two frequencies (1.6 and 8.4 GHz) simultaneously. We find that the position angle of the parsec-scale radio axis agrees, within the errors, with the position angle of the VLA-scale jet. Our observations also reveal basically symmetric radio structures at both 1.6 and 8.4 GHz. Analysis of these images shows that most of the central 10 pc of this source is not significantly affected by free-free absorption, even though HST images show that the nucleus contains a nearly edge-on disk of gas and dust on larger scales. Our highest angular resolution image shows a very narrow gap in emission, which we interpret as an absorption feature, just east of the radio core. This suggests that there may be a small, dense inner accretion disk whose width is less than 0.1 pc. If the inclination of this inner disk is close to that of the larger-scale HST disk it becomes optically thin to 8.4 GHz radiation at a deprojected radius of about 0.8 pc. The brightness of the pc-scale jets falls off very rapidly on both sides of the core, suggesting that the jets are rapidly expanding during the the first several pc of their travel. It appears that there is a small dense inner disk centered on the radio core (the base of the jets; less than 1 pc), a low density bubble filling most of the the inner several pc of the nucleus (within which the radio jets expand rapidly; ~10 pc), and a surrounding cool, higher density region (of which the HST absorption disk is part; tens to hundreds of pc) within which the transverse expansion of the radio jets, as implied by the rate of decrease in jet brightness, is nearly halted.Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Space VLBI Observations of 3C 279 at 1.6 and 5 GHz

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    We present the first VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP) observations of the gamma-ray blazar 3C 279 at 1.6 and 5 GHz. The combination of the VSOP and VLBA-only images at these two frequencies maps the jet structure on scales from 1 to 100 mas. On small angular scales the structure is dominated by the quasar core and the bright secondary component `C4' located 3 milliarcseconds from the core (at this epoch). On larger angular scales the structure is dominated by a jet extending to the southwest, which at the largest scale seen in these images connects with the smallest scale structure seen in VLA images. We have exploited two of the main strengths of VSOP: the ability to obtain matched-resolution images to ground-based images at higher frequencies and the ability to measure high brightness temperatures. A spectral index map was made by combining the VSOP 1.6 GHz image with a matched-resolution VLBA-only image at 5 GHz from our VSOP observation on the following day. The spectral index map shows the core to have a highly inverted spectrum, with some areas having a spectral index approaching the limiting value for synchrotron self-absorbed radiation of 2.5. Gaussian model fits to the VSOP visibilities revealed high brightness temperatures (>10^{12} K) that are difficult to measure with ground-only arrays. An extensive error analysis was performed on the brightness temperature measurements. Most components did not have measurable brightness temperature upper limits, but lower limits were measured as high as 5x10^{12} K. This lower limit is significantly above both the nominal inverse Compton and equipartition brightness temperature limits. The derived Doppler factor, Lorentz factor, and angle to the line-of-sight in the case of the equipartition limit are at the upper end of the range of expected values for EGRET blazars.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, emulateapj.sty, To be published in The Astrophysical Journal, v537, Jul 1, 200

    Variability in the X-ray Flux of Quasar 3C345: Inverse-Compton Emission from the Parsec-Scale Jet?

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    We present the results of the first systematic study of variability in the X-ray emission from the 'superluminal' quasar 3C 345. Its power-law 1-keV X-ray emission varies by a factor of two on a timescale of years, but with no change in spectral index, closely following the high-frequency radio flux. Using VLBI images, we show that one of the superluminal 'knots' in the jet (at a distance of ≈ 15 pc from the nucleus), rather than the nucleus, produces most of the observed X-rays, via the synchrotron self-Compton process. We show that this knot accelerates as it moves away from the nucleus, along along a path at ≈ 10° from the line of sight

    The Speed and Orientation of the Parsec-Scale Jet in 3C 279

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    We have calculated inverse-Compton Doppler factors for 3C 279 using the collection of VLBI data recently published by us, and the collection of multiwavelength spectra recently published by Hartman et al. From the Doppler factor and superluminal apparent speed, we then calculate the Lorentz factor and angle to the line-of-sight of the parsec-scale relativistic jet. We model the jet components as homogeneous spheres and the VLBI core as an unresolved inhomogeneous conical jet. The conical-jet model can be made to match both the observed X-ray emission and the VLBI properties of the core with a suitable choice of Doppler factor, implying the core makes a significant contribution to the X-ray emission. The parameters of the conical models indicate the jet is particle dominated at the radii that produce significant emission, and is not in equipartition. At the inner radius of the conical jet the magnetic field is of order 0.1 G and the relativistic-particle number density is of order 10 cm^{-3}. When all components are included in the calculation, then on average the core produces about half of the X-rays, with the other half being split between the long-lived component C4 and the brightest inner-jet component. We calculate an average speed and angle to the line-of-sight for the region of the jet interior to 1 mas of v=0.992c (gamma=8) and 4 degrees, and an average speed and angle to the line-of-sight for C4 (at a distance from the core of 3 mas) of v=0.997c (gamma=13) and 2 degrees. These values imply average Doppler factors of delta=12 for the inner jet, and delta=21 for C4

    In the Shadow of the Accretion Disk: Higher Resolution Imaging of the Central Parsec in NGC 4261

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    The physical conditions in the inner parsec of accretion disks believed to orbit the central black holes in active galactic nuclei can be probed by imaging the absorption (by ionized gas in the disk) of background emission from a radio counterjet. We report high angular resolution VLBI observations of the nearby (about 40 Mpc) radio galaxy NGC 4261 that confirm free-free absorption of radio emission from a counterjet by a geometrically thin, nearly edge-on disk at 1.6, 4.8, and 8.4 GHz. The angular width and depth of the absorption appears to increase with decreasing frequency, as expected. We derive an average electron density of ~10E4 per cc at a disk radius of about 0.2 pc, assuming that the inner disk inclination and opening angles are the same as at larger radii. Pressure balance between the thermal gas and the magnetic field in the disk implies an average field strength of 0.1 milligauss at a radius of 0.2 pc. These are the closest-in free-free absorption measurements to date of the conditions in an extragalactic accretion disk orbiting a black hole with a well-determined mass. If a standard advection-dominated accretion flow exists in the disk center, then the transition between thin and thick disk regions must occur at a radius less than 0.2 pc (4000 Schwarzschild radii).Comment: 20 pages including 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    State-of-the-art VLBI imaging: 3C345

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    Most VLBI images have low dynamic range because they are limited by instrumental effects such as calibration errors and poor u, v-coverage. We outline the method used to make a new image of the bright quasar 3C345 which has very high dynamic range (peak-to-noise of 5000:1) and which is limited by the thermal noise, not instrumental errors. Both the Caltech VLBI package and the NRAO AIPS package were required to manipulate the data

    Quasar Astrophysics with the Space Interferometry Mission

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    recision optical astrometry of quasars and active galaxies can provide important insight into the spatial distribution and variability of emission in compact nuclei. SIM - the Space Interferometry Mission - will be the first optical interferometer capable of precision astrometry on quasars. Although it is not expected to resolve the emission, it will be very sensitive to astrometric shifts, for objects as faint as R magnitude 20. In its wide-angle mode, SIM will yield 4 microarcsecond absolute positions, and proper motions to about 2 microarcsecond/yr. A variety of AGN phenomena are expected to be visible to SIM on these scales, including time and spectral dependence in position offsets between accretion disk and jet emission. SIM should be able to answer the following questions. Does the most compact optical emission from an AGN come from an accretion disk or from a relativistic jet? Do the relative positions of the radio core and optical photocentre of quasars used for the reference frame tie change on the timescales of their photometric variability? Do the cores of galaxies harbour binary supermassive black holes remaining from galaxy mergers? In this paper we briefly describe the operation of SIM and the quasar measurements it will make. We estimate the size of the astrometric signatures which may be expected, and we discuss prospects for using astrometry as a fundamental tool for understanding quasar nuclei