8 research outputs found

    Stimulation of functional neuronal regeneration from MĂŒller glia in adult mice

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    Many retinal diseases lead to the loss of retinal neurons and cause visual impairment. The adult mammalian retina has little capacity for regeneration. By contrast, teleost fish functionally regenerate their retina following injury, and MĂŒller glia (MG) are the source of regenerated neurons1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The proneural transcription factor Ascl1 is upregulated in MG after retinal damage1, 7 in zebrafish and is necessary for regeneration8. Although Ascl1 is not expressed in mammalian MG after injury9, forced expression of Ascl1 in mouse MG induces a neurogenic state in vitro10 and in vivo after NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) damage in young mice11. However, by postnatal day 16, mouse MG lose neurogenic capacity, despite Ascl1 overexpression11. Loss of neurogenic capacity in mature MG is accompanied by reduced chromatin accessibility, suggesting that epigenetic factors limit regeneration. Here we show that MG-specific overexpression of Ascl1, together with a histone deacetylase inhibitor, enables adult mice to generate neurons from MG after retinal injury. The MG-derived neurons express markers of inner retinal neurons, synapse with host retinal neurons, and respond to light. Using an assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with high-throughput sequencing (ATAC–seq), we show that the histone deacetylase inhibitor promotes accessibility at key gene loci in the MG, and allows more effective reprogramming. Our results thus provide a new approach for the treatment of blinding retinal diseases

    The metabolome regulates the epigenetic landscape during naive-to-primed human embryonic stem cell transition

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    For nearly a century developmental biologists have recognized that cells from embryos can differ in their potential to differentiate into distinct cell types. Recently, it has been recognized that embryonic stem cells derived from both mice and humans exhibit two stable yet epigenetically distinct states of pluripotency: naive and primed. We now show that nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT) and the metabolic state regulate pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs).  Specifically, in naive hESCs, NNMT and its enzymatic product 1-methylnicotinamide are highly upregulated, and NNMT is required for low S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) levels and the H3K27me3 repressive state. NNMT consumes SAM in naive cells, making it unavailable for histone methylation that represses Wnt and activates the HIF pathway in primed hESCs. These data support the hypothesis that the metabolome regulates the epigenetic landscape of the earliest steps in human development