25 research outputs found

    A priori bounds for GIETs, affine shadows and rigidity of foliations in genus two

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    We prove a rigidity result for foliations on surfaces of genus two, which can be seen as a generalization to higher genus of Herman’s theorem on circle diffeomorphisms and, correspondingly, flows on the torus. We prove in particular that, if a smooth, orientable foliation with non-degenerate (Morse) singularities on a closed surface of genus two is minimal, then, under a full measure condition for the rotation number, it is differentiably conjugate to a linear foliation. The corresponding result at the level of Poincaré sections is that, for a full measure set of (standard) interval exchange transformations (IETs for short) with d= 4 or d= 5 continuity intervals and irreducible combinatorics, any generalized interval exchange transformation (GIET for short) which is topologically conjugate to a standard IET from this set and satisfies an obstruction expressed in terms of boundary operator (which is automatically satisfied when the GIET arises as a Poincaré map of a smooth foliation) is C1 -conjugate to it. This in particular settles a conjecture by Marmi, Moussa and Yoccoz in genus two. Our results also show that this conjecture on the rigidity of GIETs can be reduced to the study of affine IETs, or more precisely of Birkhoff sums of piecewise constant observables over standard IETs, in genus g≥ 3 . Our approach is via renormalization, namely we exploit a suitable acceleration of the Rauzy-Veech induction (an acceleration which makes Oseledets generic effective) on the space of GIETs. For in ly renormalizable, irrational GIETs of any number of intervals d≥ 2 we prove a dynamical dichotomy on the behaviour of the orbits under renormalization, by proving that either an orbit is recurrent to certain bounded sets in the space of GIETs, or it diverges and it is approximated (up to lower order terms) by the orbit of an affine IET (a case that we refer to as affine shadowing). This result can in particular be used, in conjunction with previous work by Marmi-Moussa and Yoccoz on the existence of wandering intervals for affine IETs, to prove, a priori bounds in genus two and is therefore at the base of the rigidity result

    Ergodic directions for billiards in a strip with periodically located obstacles

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    We study the size of the set of ergodic directions for the directional billiard flows on the infinite band R×[0,h]\R\times [0,h] with periodically placed linear barriers of length 0<λ<h0<\lambda<h. We prove that the set of ergodic directions is always uncountable. Moreover, if λ/h∈(0,1)\lambda/h\in(0,1) is rational the Hausdorff dimension of the set of ergodic directions is greater than 1/2. In both cases (rational and irrational) we construct explicitly some sets of ergodic directions.Comment: The article is complementary to arXiv:1109.458

    Weak mixing for logarithmic flows over interval exchange transformations

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    Ergodic properties of some area-preserving flows

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    Absence of mixing in area-preserving flows on surfaces

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    We prove that minimal area-preserving flows locally given by a smooth Hamiltonian on a closed surface of genus g ≥ 2 are typically (in the measure-theoretical sense) not mixing. The result is obtained by considering special flows over interval exchange transformations under roof functions with symmetric logarithmic singularities and proving absence of mixing for a full measure set of interval exchange transformations

    A limit theorem for Birkhoff sums of non-intetrable functions over rotations

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    Renewal-type Limit Theorem for the Gauss map and continued fractions

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    Estimates from above of certain double trigonometric sums

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