2 research outputs found

    Quantifying garnet-melt trace element partitioning using lattice-strain theory: New crystal-chemical and thermodynamic constraints

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    Many geochemical models of major igneous differentiation events on the Earth, the Moon, and Mars invoke the presence of garnet or its high-pressure majoritic equivalent as a residual phase, based on its ability to fractionate critical trace element pairs (Lu/Hf, U/Th, heavy REE/light REE). As a result, quantitative descriptions of mid-ocean ridge and hot spot magmatism, and lunar, martian, and terrestrial magma oceans require knowledge of garnet-melt partition coefficients over a wide range of conditions. In this contribution, we present new crystal-chemical and thermodynamic constraints on the partitioning of rare earth elements (REE), Y and Sc between garnet and anhydrous silicate melt as a function of pressure (P), temperature (T), and composition (X). Our approach is based on the interpretation of experimentally determined values of partition coefficients D using lattice-strain theory. In this and a companion paper (Draper and van Westrenen this issue) we derive new predictive equations for the ideal ionic radius of the dodecahedral garnet X-site,