9 research outputs found

    Trinkerszenen im öffentlichen Raum: ein Städtevergleich.

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    Ein ethnographischer Vergleich von Trinkerszenen in fünf Schweizer Städten zeigt eine zunehmende Reglementierung und konsumorientierte Ökonomisierung des öffentlichen Raums und entsprechende Ausgrenzungsmechanismen gegenüber den sich dort aufhaltenden Gruppen. Die Politik der Städte weist jedoch auch erhebliche Unterschiede auf

    Die Befragung von Menschen am Rande der Gesellschaft: Bericht über eine Feldstudie bei Alkohol- und Drogenkranken im öffentlichen Raum

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    Im Jahr 2008 befragte eine Forschergruppe randständige Menschen, die sich im öffentlichen Raum treffen, und ihr Umfeld in fünf kleineren und grösseren Schweizer Städten. Die Forschenden wollten sich dabei nicht nur der Suchtproblematik widmen, sondern auch Angaben zum sozialen Netzwerk, der psychischen und physischen Gesundheit und der Motivation der Randständigen für ihren Aufenthalt in der Öffentlichkeit erhalten. Die Resultate der Studie wurden bereits früher publiziert. In diesem Artikel geht es um die Rahmenbedingungen, welche die Befragungen der Menschen am Rande der Gesellschaft möglich machten. Er zeigt, dass es zentral ist, eine vertrauensvolle Beziehung zwischen Befragenden und Randständigen aufzubauen, wenn Angaben in guter Qualität gewonnen werden sollen. Der Bericht zeigt, dass mit einer offenen und zuhörenden Haltung der Befragenden die Randständigen keineswegs abgeneigt sind, diesen Auskunft auch über persönliche Themen zu geben. Für sie war es eine Gelegenheit, ihre Anliegen über die Grenzen ihrer Szene hinaus zu kommunizieren

    Exchange Rates, Expectations, and Monetary Policy: a NOEM Perspective

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    Glucocorticoids (GC) have important anti-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic activities. Initially thought to be exclusively produced by the adrenal glands, there is now increasing evidence for extra-adrenal sources of GCs. We have previously shown that the intestinal epithelium produces immunoregulatory GCs and that intestinal steroidogenesis is regulated by the nuclear receptor liver receptor homolog-1 (LRH-1). As LRH-1 has been implicated in the development of colon cancer, we here investigated whether LRH-1 regulates GC synthesis in colorectal tumors and whether tumor-produced GCs suppress T-cell activation. Colorectal cancer cell lines and primary tumors were found to express steroidogenic enzymes and regulatory factors required for the de novo synthesis of cortisol. Both cell lines and primary tumors constitutively produced readily detectable levels of cortisol, as measured by radioimmunoassay, thin-layer chromatography and bioassay. Whereas overexpression of LRH-1 significantly increased the expression of steroidogenic enzymes and the synthesis of cortisol, downregulation or inhibition of LRH-1 effectively suppressed these processes, indicating an important role of LRH-1 in colorectal tumor GC synthesis. An immunoregulatory role of tumor-derived GCs could be further confirmed by demonstrating a suppression of T-cell activation. This study describes for the first time cortisol synthesis in a non-endocrine tumor in humans, and suggests that the synthesis of bioactive GCs in colon cancer cells may account as a novel mechanism of tumor immune escape

    Current IgG Products and Future Perspectives

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    This practical manual, written by well-known experts, reviews current indications for the use of IgG concentrates and some other modern immunomodulators and provides fundamental information on present-day immunomodulation in patients (and mice). The book opens by tracing the transition from IgG substitution to IgG immunomodulation and providing expert updates on immunomodulatory indications in autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, including hematologic, neurologic, dermatologic, and other diseases. Basic aspects of IgG concentrates, including methods of production, safety, currently available products, and mechanisms of action, are then discussed. An entire chapter is devoted to the different aspects of immunomodulatory IgG treatment in the bleeding disorder immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Finally, the transition from polyclonal to monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment is addressed in detail, covering mAb development, methods, mechanisms of action, adverse effects, and more. Particular attention is paid to the example of anti-CD20 (B-cell) antibody

    Effects of concurrent physical and cognitive demands on muscle activity and heart rate variability in a repetitive upper-extremity precision task

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    © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Purpose: Most previous studies of concurrent physical and cognitive demands have addressed tasks of limited relevance to occupational work, and with dissociated physical and cognitive task components. This study investigated effects on muscle activity and heart rate variability of executing a repetitive occupational task with an added cognitive demand integral to correct task performance. Methods: Thirty-five healthy females performed 7.5 min of standardized repetitive pipetting work in a baseline condition and a concurrent cognitive condition involving a complex instruction for correct performance. Average levels and variabilities of electromyographic activities in the upper trapezius and extensor carpi radialis (ECR) muscles were compared between these two conditions. Heart rate and heart rate variability were also assessed to measure autonomic nervous system activation. Subjects also rated perceived fatigue in the neck–shoulder region, as well as exertion. Results: Concurrent cognitive demands increased trapezius muscle activity from 8.2 % of maximum voluntary exertion (MVE) in baseline to 9.0 % MVE (p = 0.0005), but did not significantly affect ECR muscle activity, heart rate, heart rate variability, perceived fatigue or exertion. Conclusion: Trapezius muscle activity increased by about 10 %, without any accompanying cardiovascular response to indicate increased sympathetic activation. We suggest this slight increase in trapezius muscle activity to be due to changed muscle activation patterns within or among shoulder muscles. The results suggest that it may be possible to introduce modest cognitive demands necessary for correct performance in repetitive precision work without any major physiological effects, at least in the short term